Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 160 Star Dou Great Forest Core Area

Chapter 160 Star Dou Great Forest Core Area
"Na'er, it won't be dangerous to leave my teacher here alone?" Muchen asked worriedly, but he really didn't need Sword Douluo's help for the next thing, if Sword Douluo was present , but trouble.

Because my purpose is just to make the Titan Great Ape a sacrifice, and with Gu Yuena by my side, I don't have to worry about any accidents.

"You can rest assured about this, I completely shielded the breath here, and also set up an enchantment, humans cannot break in.

Unless Sword Douluo goes out by himself, human beings cannot enter here, don't worry. " Gu Yuena said.

"Well, since that's the case, let's go straight away." Mu Chen nodded, and he still fully trusted Gu Yuena's strength.

"Hmm~" Gu Yuena then waved her jade hand, and a door of space appeared, and the two walked in hand in hand.

The core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

This is the place with almost the best energy and environmental conditions in the Star Dou Great Forest. In a huge lake, a huge body with the head of a bull and the body of a snake looked at the shore, and there was actually human reluctance and sadness in its eyes.

And on the shore, a huge ape more than ten meters tall, exuding a faint luster on its huge body like a mountain, and on its high shoulders stood a girl in a pink dress, It seems so uncoordinated, but it is a scene that actually happened.

"Sister Wu, according to the Lord's order, I am going to sacrifice to that human, don't you feel sad?" Titan Giant Ape's deep voice sounded, as if there was such a trace of unwillingness and resentment.

"how come?
Er Ming, I just didn't expect Mu Chen to have such an identity. "Xiao Wu said with some dismay,
But the eyes did not look at the giant ape titan.

Looking at it, Tianqing Niuban naturally knew what Xiao Wu was thinking, and he also sighed.

Could it be that the ten-thousand-year relationship between my brothers and Xiao Wu can't compare to Xiao Wu's several years in the human world? Tianqing Niu Mang really feels that he can't figure out what the two brothers and that Tang San will do. Where is the difference?

After all, the guardianship for thousands of years is nothing compared to the heartbeat for a moment. After all, who can explain things like feelings clearly?
This world is not that you treat me well, I will like you.

But what made the two overlords most unwilling was that those two humans only wanted to obtain Xiao Wu's 10-year-old soul bone and soul ring, and everything they did was nothing more than a conspiracy, but no matter how they Persuading Xiao Wu, Xiao Wu still looks like this.

Maybe it's what adults say, you are very good to me, very good, very good, but I just don't like you, no matter how I will never like you!

Although he has another purpose for me, but I just like him!

As the two overlords of the Star Dou Great Forest, why do I and Er Ming do this?

But if you don't really like it, who would like to be a licking dog?

It's a pity that licking a dog can only be a licking dog.

Although the giant ape titan looks naive, in fact, after 10 years, its wisdom is already quite high.

Looking at his goddess like this, he didn't know how many times he had scolded that human being, but he had bewitched Xiao Wu so deeply!
Just when the three 10-year-old soul beasts were still silent, a space fluctuation attracted everyone's attention, but the faces of the three were not very good-looking.

The Lord is coming~
A door of space appeared, two figures walked out, and a pair of figures who looked like a couple of gods and couples between heaven and earth came in front of the three soul beasts.


The Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python lowered their proud heads, and Xiao Wu took the initiative to get off of the Titan Giant Ape, but she didn't dare to face Gu Yuena and whispered: "Master~"

"Na'er, it seems that they all know about your existence, so what about the beast?" Mu Chen looked at Gu Yuena and asked.

"They already knew about it. Last time when I wanted to bring this little rabbit back, I already told this little monkey, little rabbit and this bull-headed snake about our existence." Gu Yuena replied.

Mu Chen was also a little speechless when he heard Gu Yuena call these three soul beasts, but with Na'er's identity or strength, it was entirely possible to call them that.

Xiao Wu didn't dare to face Gu Yuena directly, after all, she was with Xiaosan, so it could be said that it was a disgrace to soul beasts among the races—beasts.

But I, Da Ming and Er Ming have lived in the Star Dou Great Forest for tens of thousands of years, and this is the first time I know that there is such a terrifying existence in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Even Da Ming and Er Ming with a cultivation base of 10 years have no sense of existence in front of these horrors, and Mu Chen's identity is even more shocking to Xiao Wu, who is actually with the current supreme leader of their soul beast clan .

That is to say, in fact, his identity has long been exposed in front of Muchen, so what happens next?
"Well, I didn't expect that it was the first time I was in such a scene with the famous Titan Giant Ape and Azure Bull Python in the human world. It's a boast. And Xiao Wu, long time no see." Mu Chen said with a smile .

"Well, Mu Chen, can I ask you something?" Xiao Wu mustered up the courage to look at Mu Chen and said.

"Come on, maybe I know what you're thinking, you want to ask about Tang San?" Muchen shrugged and said.

"Is it possible?" Xiao Wu asked tentatively, not so surprised that her petty thoughts were seen through.

When she was in Shrek Academy, Xiao Wu already knew that Mu Chen was about the same as Xiao San. Although he was not very old, his mind was far superior to that of his peers.

"You guessed right, there is hatred between me and Tang San, and there is hatred between me and Tang Hao, and it is an irresolvable hatred. There is no reason. The plan against Tang Hao and Tang San was laid out from the very beginning." Mu Mu Chen admitted generously.

Xiaosan and I have always been in Notting City, so it is impossible for us to become enemies with you! "Xiao Wu asked anxiously, but was directly shocked by Gu Yuena's icy eyes, Xiao Wu lowered her head again, the coercion of the Lord is really terrifying!

"Remember your identity, little rabbit, you are not qualified to ask about Xiaochen's affairs!

You are a soul beast, those two humans just want your soul ring and soul bone, they are not worth it.

If it wasn't for Xiaochen, I would have erased your memory long ago.

Stubborn and stupid. "

Gu Yuena said indifferently, but the coercion of being the master of soul beasts was mixed with the plain words, which directly made Xiao Wu and Da Ming Erming prostrate on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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