Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 169 Hell Realm Teleportation

Chapter 169 Hell Realm Teleportation

"Two or even three soul bones, even though it is only a soul king, its strength is comparable to that of a Contra, and it also has a domain?

The fifth soul ring in 10 years? "The blood emperor looked at Mu Chen's figure in greater surprise.

But at the same time, the terrifying killing intent also rises mechanically. Such a super soul master genius does not belong to the Holy Spirit Cult, so it can only be. . .destroy!
Otherwise, it will definitely be a huge threat when it grows up in the future.

This kind of talent is definitely the first time I have seen it so far!

"Send this woman and that kid in white!" Xue Di pointed at Mu Chen's figure.

Jian Douluo and the others also looked at Mu Chen, and Bibi Dong's pink eyes were also full of shock.

Although he already knew a lot of information and talent descriptions about Xiaoxue's sweetheart in Wuhun City, but today when he really met her, Bibi Dong realized how terrifying Mu Chen's talent really is.

Even if he is himself, he is far inferior to Mu Chen. Once such a character grows up in the future, as long as it is not good for Wuhundian, then. . .

But what did the blood emperor say just now?Where are you sending yourself and Muchen?
"Xiao Chen! Let's go!" Although Sword Douluo didn't know what this meant, could it be the effect of the two super Douluo's martial soul fusion skills?
The leader of the opponent directly chose Bibidong and Xiaochen as targets, one because of her strength, wisdom and status, and the other because of her terrifying potential!

"Hmm~" Although Mu Chen didn't know what happened there, he flapped his golden dragon wings and retreated directly outside.

"It's useless!

Once started, it is impossible to stop, and it is impossible to break free.

Ha ha ha ha!It's worth it this time! "The blood emperor laughed loudly.

Sword Douluo seemed incomparably anxious, the ninth soul skill combined all the power of the Seven Kills Conception and struck with all his strength, but it still couldn't cause substantial damage to the two people who performed the fusion skill.

Bibi Dong's sixth soul ability wanted to directly break through the red light on the two of them, but after being poisoned by the blood soul poison, she could no longer exert the original power of Eternal Wound, and unexpectedly couldn't penetrate this layer of defense.

"Martial Soul Fusion Skill—Hell Realm Teleportation!" The two super douluo yelled out their final blow. As soon as the words fell, the bodies of the two began to ignite bloody flames. A cave-sized black hole-like thing suddenly appeared in the space.

Bibi Dong instantly felt that she was locked by something, and her body was uncontrollably attracted by the terrifying gravitational force of this bloody hole!
"Your Majesty the Pope!"

Bone Douluo and Chrysanthemum Douluo also wanted to stop the use of their martial soul fusion skills when they saw this scene, but Bibi Dong did stop it.

"Yueguan, ghosts, don't worry about me, I can feel the strong gravity inside, and there is no way to break free.

Follow my order and kill all the evil soul masters here. As for the targeting of the Holy Spirit Cult, it is in my room, and you can let those old guys in the enshrinement hall do it. "As Bibi Dong spoke, her body was also drawn into the black hole.

"Your Majesty the Pope!" Chrysanthemum Ghost Douluo shouted, but he could only watch Bibi Dong's body being involved in it, and finally disappeared.

Seeing this, Jian Douluo also rushed towards Mu Chen. Mu Chen, who had already flown a few thousand meters away, still felt that he was completely locked, and he couldn't break free from this invisible but invincible force, so he could only watch helplessly. Watching myself being sucked to the previous position.

"Your sister, it would be better if I knew it earlier, why would I have such a soul skill!" Mu Chen was also speechless, and then used his soul power to call Gu Yuena to Ni Lin on his chest.

No matter what kind of soul skill the other party is using, with Na'er's strength, everything is just floating clouds, as long as Na'er comes. . . .




Mu Chen suddenly noticed something in his eyes, but Na'er didn't reply at all. . .

Could it be that you are absorbing the power of the dragon god's core, so you didn't receive my message! ! !
Direct pain mask!
Isn't this considered life-threatening, Ni Lin, are you really a bit rebellious!

Mu Chen closed his eyes, tears also flashed in his eyes, and 1 grass-mud horses ran past in his heart.

"System, can I get rid of this gravity?" Muchen put his last hope on the system, but got a reply from the system.

"Yes, but you need [-] frames."

Muchen: (;Д`)!

"Forget it, exchange this for me." Mu Chen was completely speechless about this system, it was really unreliable, it still had to be up to himself.

Afterwards, something like a piece of jade appeared in Mu Chen's hand. Mu Chen injected his own spiritual power, and the emerald green on it showed a blue energy-like thing.

Looking at Sword Douluo rushing towards him, Mu Chen also shouted: "Grandpa Jian, it's useless, this is not something that human strength can resist!
Holding this jade piece, as long as the blue energy on it is still there, I will not die! "Then when he was about to be sucked in, Mu Chen let go of his hand directly, and when the jade piece was about to fall to the ground, it was held in the palm of the hand by Sword Douluo.

"Xiao Chen!" Jian Douluo could only watch helplessly as Mu Chen was drawn into the black hole, and the black hole disappeared, and the bodies of the two evil soul masters' Super Douluo completely turned into nothingness, as if they had never appeared before. Same thing.

"Your Majesty the Pope!" Everyone in the Spirit Hall yelled, but it was obviously impossible for Bibi Dong to hear it.

Exercising in the static domain of the two poles instantly "fixed" all the evil soul masters present, making them unable to move. At the same time, the bodies of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were also unable to move.

This martial soul fusion technique will only be used on enemies whose strength is stronger than the combined strength of the two of them. Although it can trap the opponent, there is no way for him to move.

As for Super Douluo's martial soul fusion skills, even Limit Douluo cannot completely break away from its influence, just like the martial soul fusion skills used by the two Super Douluo just now at the cost of their own lives, human beings cannot break , unless it is divine power!
"I'm going to kill all your evil soul masters!" Jian Douluo's eyes turned red, and then he directly slaughtered these immobile evil soul masters mercilessly, without any reservation of the majestic soul power on his body, crazy poured out.

He is so regretful, why did he bring Xiaochen here? Now that he has reached the current situation, Xiaochen doesn't know where he has gone. Will he come back in the future?
Will he die directly in the so-called hell world!
Could it be that I personally brought my favorite disciple into a desperate situation!
(End of this chapter)

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