Chapter 171 Hell Realm

"Hey~ I'd better go back and tell Fengzhi and the others about this, after all, we can't hide it, Xiaochen, you must come back alive!"

After a long time, Sword Douluo would also look at the jade piece in his hand, which still glowed with blue light, as if it meant that Mu Chen's vitality was relatively normal.

Before Jian Douluo left, he accidentally saw the people from the Hall of Spirits burning the soul masters belonging to the Hall of Spirits who had died in battle, and asked with some doubts: "Why don't you take the souls of the Hall of Spirits who died?" Can the body of the teacher be transported back to be buried properly? Isn’t this even possible?”

"Dear Sword Douluo Mian, this has been our practice in the Hall of Spirits for nearly ten thousand years. We cremate the brothers who died in battle on the spot, and then bring their ashes back to the Hall of Valor and place them in the Hall of Valor. Carry out a unified memory, but this time the brothers who died this time are the most I have seen in the past few decades. The strength of these foreign evil soul masters is the strongest we have ever seen, even the Pope is now...

There are several highly poisonous soul skills among today's evil soul masters. If these corpses are transported back or buried without cremation, problems will easily occur, so this is the only way to do it. "A Contra replied respectfully.

This kind of respect is not only respect for Sword Douluo's terrifying strength, but also gratitude and respect for Sword Douluo's help today. In the matter of facing the evil soul master, he can put aside his personal grievances and ignore previous suspicions. His personality is also quite worthy of their respect and admiration.

"Cremation, Hall of Valor... Hall of Spirits..."

Sword Douluo looked at the cremated corpse, his eyes were full of complexities, and then he left alone, and the people who stayed in the Wuhun Temple continued their work, but this kind of work was too embarrassing It's depressing.

And on the other side.

This is the hell world, where the undead of the evil soul masters who led the crowd to sweep away before the god of angels became gods gathered. Almost all the undead souls of the evil soul masters gathered at that time were scattered scattered throughout this continent.

This place is similar to Douluo Continent, but it is full of weirdness and evil. Blood red has replaced blue to occupy the sky. The mountains, lakes and Douluo Continent below have not changed much, but it is almost invisible from here. What kind of animals or plants, like a dead desert, appear bare, incomparably desolate and terrifyingly silent.

But if you observe carefully, you will find that a few humans with abnormal complexions pass by from time to time, and they all carry an evil aura on their bodies, and these creatures are all evil soul masters!

A black hole appeared in the sky above the hell world, and then two figures fell down, Mu Chen in white, and Bibi Dong in the Pope's attire.

Although the two didn't react for a while, they quickly stabilized their bodies. The golden dragon wings behind Mu Chen flapped slowly, and then slowly landed on the ground, looking at everything around them in surprise.

The six-winged purple light wings on Bibi Dong's back fluttered and landed beside Mu Chen, but at this moment Bibi Dong felt that his physical condition was getting worse, and the soul power he could use had almost fallen to that of a Title Douluo.

It is extremely bad news for dealing with the unknown situation here.

After Mu Chen looked around, he also sighed, Oh my god, why did he and Bibi Dong get trapped in this place.

No. After 30 failed attempts to contact Gu Yuena, Mu Chen also turned to look at Bibi Dong.

Although the Bibi Dong in front of him was indeed very beautiful, it was obvious that Mu Chen's focus was not on this.

Looking at Bibi Dong, he said, "Your Majesty, what shall we do now?
I feel that we really can't get out for a while. "

"The Emperor has no choice for the time being, this place should be an independent space, and the connection with the outside world should be completely isolated.

And now that I have been poisoned by the blood emperor, the soul power I can mobilize is already lower than before. In such an unknown place, I am afraid it is. . . " Bibi Dong said weakly, and her jade hands tightly held the Pope's scepter.

"No way, what should I do? This place looks like a paradise for evil soul masters, or it is a place where some monsters live. I am just a little soul king now, what should I do?" Mu Chen looked nervous. Said.

The Nine Dragon Hairpin was also taken down by Mu Chen. Although it was good, it put a heavy load on his body when using it. Fortunately, his body was constantly strengthened, far surpassing the average soul king.

Even an ordinary Titled Douluo couldn't compare to the current Mu Chen in terms of physical fitness.

"Be serious, my lord, go find a safer place first, and then I'll try to see if I can control the blood soul poison in my body, and we'll talk about the rest later." Bibi Dong issued an order.

Even though he was poisoned, the pomp and majesty of the pope still existed.

Muchen also shrugged his shoulders and nodded. At this time, it's best to listen to Bibi Dong's words. God knows how many dangers there are in this world. They may be the only help for the other party.

The wings behind the two waved and flew into the distance, but they didn't say a word.While flying, the two looked around and found no animals or plants, giving people an endless sense of desolation and depression.

Mu Chenfei was behind Bibi Dong, and inadvertently saw Bibi Dong's proud backswing, but then shook his head to restore his mental power to reason.

What are you thinking, Bibi Dong is Xue'er's mother!
How could I do this, and then I focused my attention on my surroundings.

And Bibi Dong, who was in front, felt a familiar feeling of peeping from behind, and also showed displeasure.

For so many years, I have felt this feeling too much. After all, my beauty is indeed very outstanding, that is, after I became the Pope of Wuhun Temple, I gradually stopped feeling this kind of gaze.

Fortunately, this little guy was quite honest, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

Otherwise, even if Mu Chen is Xiaoxue's boyfriend, I will still teach this guy a good lesson, and the attack will be even harder!
Looking forward, it is still bare and lifeless, giving people a sense of despair, as if there is no end to the desolation.

After a while, Bibi Dong stopped her figure, Mu Chen also stopped, and then came to Bibi Dong's side and asked, "Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

"I sense something is coming, and more than one!
There is also a Titled Douluo among them! " Bibi Dong said solemnly on her beautiful face.

(End of this chapter)

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