Chapter 174 Succubus
Mu Chen took a look at the surrounding corpses and the mess all over the place, and he let out a sigh of relief. He still managed it. Although it was more difficult than the previous battle on the Douluo Continent, fortunately, he managed it.

Withdrew from all his states, Mu Chen's face was also pale, and the soul power in his body was almost less than [-]%. At this time, if a soul emperor and evil soul master came later, he might not even be able to beat him.

Fortunately, he has the secret word, otherwise, so many injuries on his body would be enough to give him a headache.

Mu Chen also looked at the force of his system. The soul guide just now used [-] of his force, and now he still has [-] of force. In such a place, there may not be any left. His first check-in location should also appear.

Mu Chen was looking forward to a sign-in reward that was comparable to the word secret level.

Thinking about it, there was also a unique fragrance coming from around Mu Chen, needless to say, it was Bibi Dong.

"Little guy, to be honest, your talent and strength really surprised me. I even regretted that I canceled the action against you back then." Bibi Dong looked at Mu Chen who was a little embarrassed and said with emotion.

Even if he was extremely talented back then, at the age of 14, he could only reach the level of the Soul Sect, and even if he possessed top-notch twin martial souls, compared to Mu Chen's heaven-defying level of combat power, he was still Far from it.

Could it be that the super powerful posture just now was the terrifying boost brought by the 10-year soul ring? Isn't the effect of this boost too terrifying?

A 10-year soul ring is something that I can't even get, but this Mu Chen actually got it when he was the fifth soul ring. It's really more popular than others.

"Then I have to thank His Majesty the Pope for letting me go for Xue'er's sake~" Mu Chen looked at Bibi Dong in front of him and smiled without much awe.

Bibi Dong couldn't deny Mu Chen's words, and then looked at these dead evil soul masters. The corpses had disappeared for some reason, leaving only the mess on the ground.

"It seems that these are not the true body of the evil soul master, but a kind of existence similar to the soul. After death, it will disappear completely, but the strength is exactly the same as that of ordinary evil soul masters. I don't know why there is such a thing. The place exists." Bibi Dong said after looking around.

Mu Chen also nodded, the hell world probably is where the souls of the evil soul masters who died in that shocking battle are located. Unexpectedly, the martial soul fusion skills of those two Super Douluo could actually send outsiders in.

Soul skills, really make people unable to figure out the effects inside.

"We have to hurry up and get out of here, these dead evil soul masters will soon reveal our position, are you okay? You have suffered so many injuries." Bibi Dong said.

Mu Chen who asked this sentence was also a little speechless, actually asking such a question to a man, a real man, sure!

It still has to be thanks to the Zhezi secret on his body, the injury has almost recovered, but the consumption of soul power still needs time to recover, the golden dragon wings behind Mu Chen stretched out, and nodded slightly to Bibi Dong, the figure of the two is Fly in the original intended direction.

And at the core of the hell world, in a palace made entirely of stone, more than a dozen people are located in it.

And the most lofty ones are the three sitting on the highest stone seat, with excitement and even madness on their handsome and somewhat pale faces.

This is the place where only the strongest evil soul masters in the hell world can come. The evil soul masters who can come here must have at least a super douluo or above in soul power.

And in this stone palace, the top of the upper part is covered with dense blood-colored bright spots, which vary in size, and the more powerful the evil soul master's undead have stronger blood-colored spots.

When Mu Chen and Bibi Dong were massacring, the light spots in it also began to disappear one after another, which meant that these evil soul masters were completely dead.

"It seems that the people you sent to search were wiped out, Xie Mei." A middle-aged man's voice broke the silence in the hall, and it was one of the three strongest men who spoke.

A handsome man next to him replied disapprovingly: "Death is death, so what, it seems that our first guest in the hell world is very unfriendly to us, and the strength is quite good.

In just ten minutes, the team led by Title Douluo was completely wiped out. "


No matter what kind of strength you have, you have to be obedient to me when you come to the hell realm. Is there any news about them? The number of opponents is not many, and I guess their strength is around the level of Super Douluo.

Anyone below you wants to capture or kill them. "A woman's voice full of charm sounded, the coquettish and fatal temptation contained in it made people feel as if their bones were going to soften, but it seemed a bit abrupt.

After all, she was the only woman among the dozen or so people, so her voice really stood out a bit.

But a woman dressed in red is located in the middle of the three. Obviously, her strength and status are the highest.

The evil soul masters below looked at each other in blank dismay, and then many people stood up and begged for their lives.

The leading female evil soul master also nodded in satisfaction, which made sense, then pointed to the people below and said.

"You form a group of two, support each other, and use the place where these people died before as the radius, conduct a carpet search in four directions, don't miss any corner." An order was issued, and the evil soul master below also Take orders.

There were only a dozen Super Douluo in total, but in order to catch Mu Chen and Bibi Dong, six Super Douluo were directly dispatched, which showed how much they valued outsiders.

"Yes! Your Majesty the Succubus~" The six Super Douluo took orders one after another, and then disappeared into the hall, rushing to the place where they fought before.

With so many people attacking, as long as the opponent's strength does not reach the same strength as these three Peerless Douluo, then the six people are still confident in taking down these intruders.

But if the opponent's strength really reaches the strength of these three, then it doesn't take so much time to eliminate that kind of team, and even any one of them can do this step. Come on, it's already a bit redundant.

"I said, Succubus, is it necessary to launch such a big battle?" The middle-aged man who had just opened his mouth questioned.

"It seems that you have not learned any lessons from the failure of the battle ten thousand years ago, and you are still so arrogant." The female soul master in the middle said coldly.

Hearing this, the other two looked very unhappy, but they didn't argue and left directly, leaving only this woman named Succubus here.

The woman pulled down the cloak, revealing her beautiful and alluring face, her lips as red as blood raised a slight arc.

"Hope, after ten thousand years, you are still the first to come here, so don't die so soon, that would be very boring."

(End of this chapter)

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