Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 198 Let's Participate

Chapter 198 Let's Participate

"You golden fighting soul, who knows how much water is in it." Mu Chen laughed.

Ning Rongrong also pouted to herself, and then muttered: "What, I'm a soul master of the auxiliary system, why do I want to fight?

Besides, now father does not allow the sect's disciples to reveal the existence of the soul guide. "This sentence made the three people present smile.

But then Mu Chen noticed that Ari's eyes seemed a little strange, and then he looked at Ari and asked, "Ari, do you have something to say?"

"Master Chen, well, I also want to participate in the soul master competition, but I'm afraid that I will drag you down." Ari said.

Zhu Zhuqing also looked at Mu Chen. As Ari's best friend, Zhu Zhuqing naturally knew about Ari's thoughts, but she didn't dare to bring it up herself.

After all, even he was relying on Mu Chen, so how could he ask so much.

"Then join it, it's just for fun." Mu Chen said with a smile, for this soul master competition, he didn't have much sense of crisis or any suspense.

To put it bluntly, even if I don't use any soul skills, it is completely enough to defeat all the participating teams, that's how confident I am.

Of course, viewing may not be so direct.

"Master Chen, is what you said true?

Ali can also participate? "Ari looked at Mu Chen in surprise, and Mu Chen nodded again to show that he was right.

Ari was also excited and directly hugged his best friend Zhu Zhuqing, his eyes were full of surprise and gratitude.

He was auctioned off by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect in Tiandou City's auction site, not only did he not suffer any inhuman torture, but he learned how to be a real person here, with real friends and good sisters.

I was also able to become a real soul master because Gu Yuena could completely control the form of her cat girl. Even now, I can actually participate in the highest hall of the young generation of soul masters in the whole continent—the soul master competition!
All of this sounds so unbelievable, but this is what really happened to me.

Ari is more and more rejoicing that he met Mu Chen and others, which made his life turn upside down.

I will definitely repay Mr. Chen well in the future!
Ari secretly made up his mind, and his beautiful pale green eyes were full of firmness.

After a short period of happiness, Ari then asked with some concern: "Well, son, aren't you afraid that Ari will drag you down?
I'm just a little big soul master now, Zhuqing said that those who can participate in the soul master competition are at least high-level soul masters. "

"Don't worry about that, in Brother Chen's eyes, isn't this kind of soul master competition just like playing games?

There will be no problems. We still have to maintain great trust in Brother Chen's strength. "Ning Rongrong smiled.

"Well, Ah Li, don't worry, just take it as a fight for the soul." Mu Chen smiled.

"Okay, although with me here, the sect is sure to win, but such a stage is really rare, I still hope that you can show your strength and talent on such a stage, and Zhuqing is the best among them." important.

So in the following time, during the day, you should practice your soul power, and you should not participate in the soul fight at night.

Next, your opponent is me. I will give some guidance based on your performance, so that your strength can be improved as much as possible.

When it comes to the soul master competition, I may let you defeat some opponents by yourself, don't always think about relying on me. "

Mu Chen and the third daughter shared their schedule for the next two months. The third daughter nodded after hearing Mu Chen's words. They still need to participate, although Mu Chen's strength is undeniable. .

"Now I want to see the cooperation and strength between you, and I have a general understanding. Now I will give you some time to prepare. Don't worry, I will not hurt you." Mu Chen said.

After that, Ning Rongrong also came to Zhu Zhuqing and the two, and told the two girls what he learned about Mu Chen's strength.

Mu Chen was not prepared, he just looked at the scenery casually, and when the three girls were ready, Mu Chen also turned to look at the three girls.

Ning Rongrong is located at the end of the three girls, the four soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple and purple are already lit up, the Nine Treasures Glazed Pagoda exudes colorful light which is very dazzling, and also illuminates Ning Rongrong's pretty face even more cute.

The ones in the front are of course Ari and Zhu Zhuqing, but the two women are standing side by side, with two and four spirit rings rising up, and fluffy cat ears growing on Zhu Zhuqing's head and Ari's head, On the back swing, a cute cat tail appeared, ready for battle.

Mu Chen also smiled, he looked pretty good, and he didn't know how much fighting power he had.

Mu Chen was dressed in white, with fluttering long hair, but he looked extremely calm and relaxed, and then he smiled and said, "Let's get started!"

As soon as the words fell, Ning Rongrong's third thousand-year spirit ring and second century-old spirit ring flashed.

"The Nine Treasures turn out Liuli, and the third is the soul!

The second is speed! "Two colored rays of light fell into the bodies of the two, with a 50.00% increase in soul power and speed, which is absolutely terrifying.

Zhu Zhuqing, as the most important combat power, rushed to Mu Chen first, and released the fourth spirit ring on his body without hesitation.

"The fourth soul skill - Nether Shadow Clone!" Zhu Zhuqing's figure actually transformed into multiple selves, which made people dazzled for a while.

Even Mu Chen couldn't tell which one was the real Zhu Zhuqing for a while, after all, he suffered from lack of mental strength.

And Ari on the other side is not idle, after the 28% increase in soul power from Ning Rongrong at level 50.00, Ahri's soul power has surpassed that of the soul master at level [-], the second yellow The century-old soul ring flashed.

There was also a green light in Ari's light green eyes, Mu Chen only felt that his mental power had been somewhat affected, and then looked at Ari.

It seems that this is a soul skill of spiritual power, but the current Ahri's spiritual power is too weak to have any effect on Mu Chen, who is already the soul king.

If Mu Chen directly used his own mental power to resist, then Ari would be like Xiao Wu in the original book, and he would be injured if his mental power arrived early, so Mu Chen didn't do that.

Anyway, such a little spiritual power has almost negligible impact on me.

(End of this chapter)

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