Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 2 Extracting Martial Soul

Chapter 2 Extracting Martial Soul
After Mu Chen had been busy for a while, he had time to stop.

Then Mu Chen stared blankly at a certain place, as if lost in thought.

"System, open my personal data panel." Mu Chen called.

"Ding! The pretentious system is at your service. The current host's personal data panel is as follows:

Host: Mu Chen.

Age: 6 years old.

Martial Soul: Not awakened.

Soul Power Level: None.

Others: God-level cooking skills.

Compelling grid: 1000. "A mechanical voice replied to Mu Chen.

"System, I'm going to awaken my spirit tomorrow, so you don't plan to help me, what if I awaken the spirit of blue silver grass and sickle?

If I can't awaken a powerful martial soul, and don't have strong strength, how can I pretend to be strong in the future? "Muchen asked anxiously.

That's right, I am a time traveler, from Blue Star, and traveled to the Douluo Continent known as the "sewer" of Xuanxuan Realm.

He was adopted by Ning Fengzhi and others of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School since he was a child, and he has grown up in the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School until now. Just now, a few of them are also Doudizhu "created" by Mu Chen to amuse their boredom.

Counting the time, I have been in this world for six years, and it is time for the most important awakening of my martial soul.

Tomorrow, I will awaken the martial spirit with the disciples of the same age in the sect, including the girl Ning Rongrong.

But the problem is, I am not Tang San, I have not inherited top twin spirits like Clear Sky Hammer and Blue Silver Emperor, not to mention twin spirits plus innate full spirit power.

I don't know if I have soul power or not, and I don't have the cultivation method of Xuantian Gong, or the various secret books of Tangmen and the production and use techniques of hidden weapons.

They're all time-traveled, why did I get nothing out of this pretentious system?
The pretense system, as the name suggests, is for Mu Chen to pretend to be a force, and the acquisition of a force is obtained by acting in front of different characters in the book. It is based on the strength/potential of the target and the importance of the character as a reference. two indicators.

My current level of 1000 is mainly obtained by pretending to be aggressive in front of Ning Rongrong for so many years. There is no way, I don't have much ability now, and I can't pretend in front of people like the two super Douluo and Ning Fengzhi .


Detecting the host's strong desire and justification as well as the urgency of the moment, the system will provide you with martial soul extraction, and the innate soul power will be awarded according to the strength of the martial soul. "

(According to Douyi's setting, the amount of innate soul power is directly proportional to the strength of the martial soul, so don't give examples from other books.)
The sound of the system came, and then a huge turntable that only he could see appeared in front of Mu Chen's eyes.

The turntable is evenly divided into about 360 parts, and each part has its own logo, Mu Chen glanced at it.

There are high-level and even top-level spirits, such as the Clear Sky Hammer, Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, Seven Kill Sword and even the Golden Holy Dragon. advanced existence.

Mu Chen took a look, and there were only more than 20 of these powerful spirits.

Of course, there are more weak martial spirits, and low-level martial spirits such as blue silver grass, sickle, hoe, and hammer occupy almost all the remaining space, and the powerful and weak martial spirits are still mixed together, without any distribution. Irregular.

However, Long Yu still saw some gray parts without any signs on them.

"System, what does the gray dial above mean?
Thank you for your patronage? "Muchen asked.


The gray area represents random acquisition. It may be that there is no martial soul, or it may be a martial soul that has not been recorded on Douluo Dalu. Whether it is strong or weak is uncertain, and it all depends on the host's white face.

If the host draws a martial soul that he does not want and wants to replace it, he can also draw it again, but the originally drawn martial soul will also be invalidated and cannot be owned. "The system replied.


two options?

500 or 100 gold soul coins once?This is too dark! "Muchen said speechlessly.

After working hard for so many years, I only have 1000 worth, and 100 gold soul coins is not a small number.

You must know that on the Douluo Continent, a Golden Soul Coin can meet the basic living expenses of an ordinary family of three for three months. One can imagine how strong the purchasing power of the Golden Soul Coin is.

But now the system actually reaches out to ask for 100 gold soul coins once, and Mu Chen doesn't have many chances.

After all, I'm only this young, and I really don't have much money, unless it's by Rongrong or those two.


System warning!System warning!
100 gold soul coins to draw a martial soul is a benefit rather than a trap. Martial soul is extremely important to the cultivation of soul masters. If it is not for obtaining more powerful skills, the system will not open the krypton gold channel! "The mechanical sound of the system came.

"Okay! Don't be angry!

I really want to thank you. "Muchen said helplessly.

"system hint!
The time for drawing martial souls is two days from today to tomorrow, please complete it as soon as possible, the host! "The voice of the system came.

"Then come twice first, what if I become possessed by the Emperor Ou?"

Mu Chen exhaled twice, stretched out his hand and pressed on the 500 grid button, but in reality, Mu Chen looked like a blind man, very strange.

"Be stronger!"

Mu Chen's eyes watched the pointer rotate, and the speed of the pointer slowly slowed down and stopped on the blue silver grass.

That's right, it's an ordinary blue silver grass, and the corresponding innate soul power is level 1, which is still a good situation, not to mention that there is no innate soul power.

"Again, this is not the Blue Silver Emperor!"

Mu Chen pressed the 500-point button again, the pointer turned again, and then stopped on a rattan.

Mu Chen didn't know what kind of plant it was, but the level [-] innate soul power showed that this thing was about the same quality as the Blue Silver Grass just now.

It's over, just like this, the current martial spirit only has this rattan, the innate soul power is at the first level, but I am no longer qualified.

But let Mu Chen just accept such a martial soul and innate soul power, Mu Chen is really not reconciled.

Therefore, Mu Chen turned his gaze to the 100 gold soul coins.

His face is not white enough, obviously he can only rely on krypton gold, and he doesn't know how much he can withdraw, his personal small treasury can't support it a few times.

Mu Chen put away the system, and then sighed, no matter what, he must have a strong martial spirit, otherwise, there will be no way to do many things in the future.

Looking at the fried chickens that were almost ready in front of him, Mu Chen took them out, put them on a delicate silver plate, and then started to cook other dishes. His god-level cooking skills seemed to have improved a little bit now. Worked?

Although I don't have a lot of gold soul coins, the two big Optimus Prime of the Zongmen and the little princess Rong Rong are definitely rich!

 Please support the new book, O(∩_∩)O!

(End of this chapter)

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