Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 22 Let's Start

Chapter 22 Let's Start
"What, you actually defeated Yu Hao, whose soul power was two levels higher than your own, without releasing your martial soul?"

Many people looked at Mu Chen in astonishment. Although the two people had similar levels of soul power, they seemed to exist at two levels of strength.

"Isn't he an attack-type soul master?

Why is it faster than the soul masters of the agility attack department, even so fast that the other party has not reacted yet? "Another young man participating in the one-on-one also looked at Mu Chen and Yu Hao in surprise.

Being on the scene, Yu Hao could best know how terrifying the opponent's strength is, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and Mu Chen then put away his fists.

"As a soul master of the agility attack system, you pay attention to speed and the ability to adapt to changes, but your reaction and adaptability are far from enough, not decisive enough, and your physical fitness is too poor, which makes your soul power run and The use is too jerky and the coordination of the body is not enough.

Even if you have made your own judgment, your body still has no time to react.

Therefore, I think the most important thing for you at the moment is to improve your physical fitness and responsiveness. "

Mu Chen said lightly, feeling that it seemed a little inappropriate for him to speak like this, and later changed his tone to ease himself.

Yu Hao was a very open-minded person, he clasped his fists together to express his gratitude, and then the two walked off the opposite platform.

Elder Lin on the side also nodded, and then said loudly: "Mu Chensheng!"

"Uncle Jian, Xiaochen's speed just now has already reached the level of an ordinary soul sect." Ning Fengzhi also looked at Jian Douluo and commented after watching the process.

"Well, this kid also used his own self-created soul skill, and his physical fitness is enough to support him to use it so easily.

Next, I will watch Xiaochen's performance carefully. I think Xiaochen can win the first place in one-on-one, two-on-two, and team battles. "

Jian Douluo smiled and said, after all, his disciple is now shining brightly, and he is also full of pride.


This is just insulting people!
It's obviously a one-on-one match, but it's as if it's a guide! "A voice of dissatisfaction sounded, which also caused many female disciples to stare angrily.

"It's just a good-hearted guide, and Yu Hao himself has accepted it, so why worry about it!" A female voice said directly.

"That's right, that's all you can say here, if you have the ability, fight Mu Chen and win!

You are so much older than Mu Chen, and you only have the cultivation base of a great soul master! "There are female disciples who continue to speak up for Mu Chen.

Such a handsome little milk dog is said so by this guy, of course my sisters must uphold justice.

Mu Chen also sighed when he saw this scene, he is still too handsome.

Then he waited on the sidelines. To be honest, the strength of these people seems to be much lower than his estimate, or is his requirement too high?

There was no suspense in the following battles. Mu Chen's opponent had almost no power to fight back in front of Mu Chen. Mu Chen's strength was almost crushing, and he got cheers from the audience again and again.

Ning Rongrong still summoned up all her energy to shout for Mu Chen, seeing Brother Chen easily defeating opponents one by one on the opposite platform, the little girl also blushed a little, and looked at Mu Chen's figure at this time. firmly engraved in my mind.

Mu Chen's dark golden claw in his left hand touched the neck of his last opponent in the personal stand, also declaring that he had won No. 1 in the personal battle, and the opponent was a soul sect!
One of the few soul sects among the younger generation of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, the opponent's soul power is level 42, which is nearly 20 levels higher than Mu Chen's.

Mu Chen also used the external soul bone and sword energy to win, and the second soul skill Mu Chen did not dare to use his full strength, it was too dangerous.

Among them, Mu Chen also met the person who gossiped about him before, but he didn't target him. After all, he was just a clown, so don't take it to heart.

And Mu Muchen also won No.1 in the individual battle under the admiration and envy of everyone. This is the youngest one-on-one No.1 in the history of Qibao Liulizong.

Ning Fengzhi also got up and said a few words of praise to Mu Chen, and then he also criticized the other sect disciples, asking them to go back to practice hard and make up for their own shortcomings, and the individual battle came to an end.

Then came the two-on-two and team battles, but they were held on the second and third days, so that those who participated in one-on-one after the two-on-two and team battles had time to recover their soul power.

the next day.

"Mu Chen, Martial Soul Emperor Dragon Sword, a level 23 attack system great soul master." Mu Chen reported.

The other party is a man and a woman, both of them are above the age, among them, the young man's figure is quite explosive, while the woman's temperament is more gentle.

Judging from the relationship, it should still be two couples, one-on-one, but I have never met one of them.

"Nangongtian, the Golden Lion of Martial Soul, the Level 36 Assault Soul Lord!"

The burly male youth also reported his own information, and then carried out martial soul possession.

The originally burly figure swelled again, and the hair also became longer and turned golden, changing to the shape of a lion.

The female soul master at the back summoned her own Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda martial soul, and the third purple soul ring flashed, directly increasing her soul power.

"Seven treasures are turned out of colored glaze, one is called strength, and the other is called speed."

Ning Rongrong's Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda emitting colorful rays of light poured into Mu Chen's body, and Mu Chen also exhaled.

The 30.00% increase in strength and speed is still very obvious, and this is a real increase in strength, worthy of being the number one auxiliary spirit in the mainland.

Swift Shadow!

Mu Chen's speed increased instantly, and he rushed towards the two opponents.

And their opponent is a combination of a soul master and a direct disciple of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. The golden lion martial soul is also a high-level beast martial soul, and its strength should not be underestimated.

It's just that the soul power level of the assistant soul master has reached the soul master, and can have a 40.00% increase in strength, speed, and soul power.

"The first soul skill - Red Flame Lion's Roar!"

The first yellow soul ring of the opponent who had completed the possession of the martial soul flashed, and there was a huge lion's roar from his mouth, which caught Mu Chen off guard and was hit directly.

Immediately, the speed of my body stagnated, and my mental strength was also impacted, and I felt a little dizzy in my mind.

On the other hand, the supporting female soul master of the other side had a speed increase, the 40.00% increase made Nangongtian's speed of an attack-type soul master not much slower than that of an agility-type soul master.

"Brother Chen, he's rushing over." Ning Rongrong shouted anxiously, but he couldn't do other things as a soul master of the auxiliary system.

"Second Soul Technique - Violent Lion Fist!"

The figure of Nangongtian came in front of Mu Chen, and the fist in his hand was glowing with golden light, and it also hit Mu Chen's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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