Chapter 28

The person who came was naturally the princess of the Heaven Dou Empire——Princess Xue Ke, and she was the only one who could talk to Mu Chen.

Of course, not because of herself, but because of her elder brother - Xue Qinghe.


Really, then I will have to get to know your eldest brother well.

The future emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire. "Muchen laughed.

Seeing Mu Chen's smile, Xue Ke suddenly felt dizzy in her head, she was talented and powerful.

Most importantly, looks are too lethal for girls.

The other noble girls are also envious of Xue Ke and Muchen's appearance, and only hate why their eldest brother is not the current Crown Prince!
Of course, the poor princess Xue Ke didn't know why Mu Chen treated her like this.

The tool man——Princess Xue Ke!
Mu Chen and Princess Xue Ke came to the second floor of Yuexuan, waiting for Xue Qinghe's arrival.

"Brother Chen, why are you so interested in my eldest brother?" Before Xue Qinghe arrived, Princess Xue Ke also took the initiative to open the chatter box.

"In addition to being the crown prince of the empire, he is also Uncle Ning's student. Besides, I have heard that His Royal Highness Xue Qinghe is gentle and elegant, and he is a gentleman. I really want to make friends and have some 'in-depth' exchanges." Mu Chen Said seriously. "


Princess Xue Ke seemed to understand but half understood, and then chatted with Mu Chen again without saying a word.

While the two were still talking, footsteps came from downstairs, and a young man in luxurious clothes came into their sight. He had fair skin, three-dimensional and regular facial features, and a spring breeze on his face. Generally, mild mannered.

"Brother! Here!"

Princess Xue Ke waved her hand and shouted in a low voice when she saw Xue Qinghe coming, while Mu Chen on the other side still smiled when she saw Xue Qinghe.

Sister Xueer, we meet again!
You look like this, if I don't know your identity, I really can't see that you are Qian Renxue.

The camouflage effect of the angel spirit bone is really powerful.

"Xue Ke, this is..."

Xue Qinghe also smiled when he saw his younger sister, but when he saw Mu Chen, his eyes were also dull.

what happened?

Why is this person here?
Still with the girl Xue Ke?
However, it has been more than two years since the two met last time, and they never expected to meet again in this capacity in this place today.

It's a pity that the opposing positions of the two made them destined to be enemies.

Today's meeting only made the facts even more cruel.

"His Royal Highness, next time, Mu Chen, we finally meet." Mu Chen also got up and saluted, smiling from the bottom of his heart, the most important purpose of coming here was finally realized.

"You... hello~"

Xue Qinghe smiled reluctantly.

Damn guy, what did you say next time we meet, no matter what I look like, I will recognize myself.

It's all right now, just call yourself His Royal Highness, a man's mouth, a deceiving ghost!

No, why do I have such an idea?

Xue Qinghe was also startled by the thought he had just had, and the two of them were already holding hands together, and Mu Chen deliberately squeezed Xue Qinghe's hand more, which made Xue Qinghe feel a little weird.

I haven't seen this guy for two years, is it from "-" to "~"?

Afterwards, the three sat down, naturally Xue Qinghe sat in the middle, and Xue Qinghe also talked with Princess Xue Ke about the current situation of Princess Xue Ke during this period.

And when Princess Xue Ke talked about Mu Chen, her eyes were shining brightly, and she praised Mu Chen severely, which made Mu Chen feel a little embarrassed.

It was the first time for Xue Qinghe to see that her sister with high vision had such a high opinion of others, and seeing Xue Ke's excited face, and the way she sneaked at Mu Chen from time to time also knew that Xue Ke liked Mu Chen.

Thinking of this, Xue Qinghe actually felt some indescribable discomfort in his heart, and seeing Mu Chen's calm face made him feel a little angry, and wanted to beat Mu Chen hard Let out a sigh of relief.

It's just that it can't be seen on the surface, it's still the gentle and elegant Prince His Royal Highness.

"Okay, Xue Ke, let's stop here today, and I will come to see you later."

Xue Qinghe smiled, but Xue Ke realized that something was wrong with her elder brother, and so was Mu Chen.

Why does elder brother Mu Chen always look at his elder brother from time to time? What is even more puzzling is that the eyes that elder brother Mu Chen looks at his elder brother are a bit like the eyes he looks at elder brother Mu Chen. Could it be that elder brother Mu Chen looks at his elder brother? Have an idea about that?
Thinking of this, Xue Ke was also startled, only wishing it was her own illusion, how could such an excellent brother Mu Chen have an abnormal orientation in that respect!
Xue Ke suddenly felt that the whole world had become a bit dark, but now that Brother Mu Chen was still young, Princess Xue Ke felt that she could "save" Brother Mu Chen who had "goed astray".

"His Royal Highness, I still have something to tell you." Muchen said.



Xue Qinghe turned around and looked at the kid in front of him, he was also a little annoyed, he didn't want to see this annoying guy again, but now he is called by this guy, he also wants to see what this guy can say about this prince?
win over?flatter?cooperate?

These thoughts flashed through Xue Qinghe's mind, and then the two also walked into a room and closed the door.

Princess Xue Ke looked at her elder brother and elder brother Mu Chen leaving, and still sighed, this elder brother Chen can't wait to want that so much.

So handsome, so talented, he's curvy! ! !
Princess Xue Ke just felt that she had fallen out of love before she even started dating, ah~ unexpected, really unexpected.

On the other side, Mu Chen and Xue Qinghe were alone in a room.

Xue Qinghe turned around, just about to say something, but immediately felt hugged.

Then Mu Chen's gentle voice came to my ears: "Sister Xue'er, we met again. I have missed you so much for more than a year."

Xue Qinghe was overjoyed at first when he heard this sentence, but he immediately reacted and broke free from Mu Chen's embrace.

"You'd better be more respectful, you have misunderstood the person, I am Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the empire, not the sister Xue'er as you said!"

Xue Qinghe said coldly, but his eyes were full of shock and doubt, how could it be possible?

(End of this chapter)

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