Chapter 302 Time Travel
"Dong'er, after getting to this point, I have to tell you about it.

Maybe you will be a little shocked, but what I said is actually true. I only told Xueer about these things, and I didn't talk about Rongrong and Ari. After all, you two are different. " Mu Chen looked at Bibi Dong and said seriously.

"Go ahead, my lord is listening." Bibi Dong also nodded when she saw Mu Chen's serious appearance.

Then, Mu Chen explained to Bibidong about the battle of the gods and the current results, his promise to Na'er and his future plans.

"Unexpectedly, such a thing actually happened in the God Realm.

Although we don't know who was right in what happened that year, after all, the positions are different, and the rhetoric may be completely different, but the final result is what it is now.

Little guy, your enemy is the entire God Realm, so you really have a lot of courage. " Bibi Dong was also shocked after hearing this.

"I don't want to either, but Na'er is my woman, I can't ignore Na'er, even if the opponent's strength is unprecedentedly strong, so what?
What's more, in order to consolidate its rule, the God Realm suppressed the soul beasts too harshly, so that the soul beasts had no chance at all.

Now the God Realm is intentionally and continuously compressing the living space of soul beasts, coupled with the hunting and killing of soul beasts by humans, if this continues, the soul beasts will disappear completely within tens of thousands of years. This is not what I want to see Yes, therefore, I want to overthrow the rule of the God Realm. "Muchen said.

"It's really crazy, but since Xue'er can fight side by side with you, how can this emperor be left behind? Moreover, this emperor inherits the position of God Shura. In the future, he can play a big role in the battle of gods." Whether it is the speed of becoming a god or the strength of strength." Bibi Dong laughed.

Back then, because of Yu Xiaogang, he could turn against Qianxun Ji, but now because of Xiaochen, he wants to make an enemy of the entire God Realm!
"Well, Dong'er, I'm not in a hurry now. I should be a few years away from creating my own god and becoming a god. It may take a long time for you to complete the final test of the God of Shura, and you still have to do it now." Don't worry about getting rid of the Holy Spirit Cult and unifying the mainland," Mu Chen said.

"Well, the Emperor has his own measure.

Your own tone of voice is not small, but the Emperor believes in you. " Bibi Dong said.

"Dong'er, you are so kind."

Mu Chen held Bibi Dong in his arms and said, then reacted again, pressing Bibi Dong under him again, this time, he absolutely wanted to take the initiative.
"Little guy, why do you keep staring at me like this?" Bibi Dong couldn't help blushing when she saw Muchen staring at her.

"Hey, I just feel that my Dong'er is really looking better and better now. Although you are not the most beautiful, you are the most attractive to me, and I am addicted to it." Mu Chen smiled and stepped forward to hug her Lived in Bibi Dong.

"Hmph! You're glib." Bibi Dong was hugged by Mu Chen like this, and she couldn't handle the Wuhun Palace's affairs with peace of mind, so she lay obediently in Mu Chen's arms.

In the past few days, the relationship between the two is really gluey, as if they can't be separated for a moment, and the two are becoming more and more infatuated with each other.


The system prompts that the host has met the conditions for space-time travel, please use it immediately. After use, it will have no effect on the current time-space.

The duration of traveling through time and space is three months, and the location of time and space is the secret room time of Bibi Dong and Chihiro Ji. "The sound of the system suddenly sounded.

"It turns out that the space-time travel of this system works like this, so the change of the plot of the original time-space should be changed by me.

No wonder it is different from the original, and traveling to the past has no effect on the present, but it also eliminates my worries.

System, can I take Bibi Dong with me? "Muchen asked.

"Yes." The system replied.

"Dong'er, I'll take you to a place." Mu Chen looked at Bibi Dong and said mysteriously.


Where is it, little one? " Bibi Dong wondered.

"Bringing you back to the past, back to the secret room at the beginning, maybe this is the reason why you were able to maintain a perfect body before. These things are really uncertain." Mu Chen said with a smile.

"System, start time travel." Mu Chen gave the system an order.

"More than 20 years ago?

Little guy, can you still travel through time and space?Is your brain?"

Bibi Dong hadn't finished speaking, and then she didn't say any more.

Because in front of himself and Mu Chen, a door of space really appeared, and it gave Bibi Dong the feeling that it was even more wonderful than the door of space built by Gu Yuena back then.

"Dong'er, you don't believe your man, let's go, it's time to fully figure out what happened back then." Mu Chen said, holding Bibi Dong's hand and walking into this wonderful space door. The Papal Palace more than 20 years ago.

A door of space appeared, and then Mu Chen walked out holding Bibi Dong's jade hand.


How dare you trespass into the Pope's Palace without authorization! "Two reprimands came, and the members of the Knights of the Temple slowly approached with solemn faces, and they were also very vigilant about these two people who suddenly appeared out of thin air.

Although this man in white is unbelievably handsome, they have never seen such a character after guarding here for so long.

As for the stunning woman beside her, looking carefully, this appearance is actually very similar to Her Majesty the Holy Maiden of the Wuhun Temple, but her temperament is far more majestic and majestic than the current Her Majesty the Holy Maiden.


It is no different from the Pope's Palace more than 20 years later. "Mu Chen's eyes rolled, and the majestic mental power was released instantly, and these temple guard knights fell into mental sluggishness one after another.

Mu Chen controlled Na'er's Ni Lin through his mental power, and a flash of white light erased the memories of these palace knights about the two of them.

It can be done with Mu Chen's current spiritual power and ancient Yuena's god-level power, otherwise, Qian Xun Ji will be quite troublesome.


Mu Chen waved his hand in front of Bibi Dong, and found that Bibi Dong's eyes became very complicated.





Xiaochen, now I believe it, we have really returned to the time when I suffered from that incident, let's go in now, that bastard Chihiro Ji is about to start. " Bibi Dong bit her lip and said.

"Well, I'm a little curious about what Dong'er looked like more than 20 years ago, and what it will be like when the two of you meet."

Mu Chen smiled, and then took Bibi Dong's hand and walked towards the Pope's Palace.

And the Templar Knight returned to his original post after the two of them entered the Pope's Palace, as if nothing had happened.

 Come on for the postgraduate entrance exam!

(End of this chapter)

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