Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 306 Three months of good times

Chapter 306 Three months of good times
"According to the system's prompt, it will take three months for the embryo to fully form, which is the time Dong'er and I can stay in this time and space." Mu Chen said softly.

"Is this the future Xiaoxue?
It's really amazing, but, you little brat, how many things are you hiding from me? "Bibi Dong came to Mu Chen's side and asked.

With Bibi Dong's strong desire to control, of course she wants to know everything about Mu Chen, but every time Bibi Dong thinks that she knows this little guy very well, Mu Chen can always bring another surprise to make her feel better. Bibi Dong re-examined the man in front of her again and again.

"Actually, there's not much left, but Dong'er, I promise you, I'll tell you everything after we settle everything." Mu Chen said, writing a bad check first.

But things about the system, no matter what, can't be said, even to the closest people.

"Hmph!" Bibi Dong snorted softly, but didn't ask any further.

"What are you planning to do next, we will stay here for three full months." Bibi Dong changed the subject.

"Then it's natural to accompany you well, let's go to travel around the mainland, and practice while having fun.

Two Dong'er, after all, after we return to the original time and space, we will spend much less time alone, after all, there are still so many things to do. "Muchen said.


Then let's go for a stroll, the emperor said that he has basically never left Wuhun City in his life.

Of course, the most important thing is to have you, little one. " Bibi Dong laughed.

"Dong'er, don't be so dumb.

Although I and the future you don't need to cultivate soul power much, but now you are really weak, and now you are just a soul emperor. " Mu Chen glanced at the present Bibi Dong and said.

"What, my talent is actually very powerful, okay, if my talent is really weak, then I won't be the current saint of the Spirit Hall.

Who can be like you, less than [-] years old, but stronger than that old guy Qian Daoliu. "The current Bibi Dong protested softly.

"Yo ho, Xiao Dong'er, you actually dare to talk back, aren't you weak?" Mu Chen raised Bibi Dong's white and tender chin and said.

"It's almost enough. The emperor's patience is limited, so don't make so many sarcastic remarks." Bibi Dong said in a bad mood.

"Okay, let's go here first.

Dong'er, before we leave, there is still one thing to do. "Muchen said seriously.

"What's the matter, Mu Chen?" Bibi Dong asked now.

"Kick Yu Xiaogang out of the Spirit Hall, I don't want to hear about his face or see her again." Mu Chen said.

"It seems that our little man is jealous." Bibi Dong covered her lips and smiled, now Bibi Dong's pretty face was also slightly red, but she nodded.

After losing the influence of Rakshasa God, I actually saw Xiao Gang more clearly, and found that this man really has nothing to attract me.

In terms of appearance, I can be said to be an all-powerful person, and in terms of strength and talent, I am even the top person in this era.

Even Yu Xiaogang is most proud of his theoretical research, and he is far above him. How did he fall in love with such a person, so that the current self can't explain any reason.

"Well, I will, but according to Chihiro Ji's personality, it is estimated that Yu Xiaogang has been kicked out of the Wuhun Hall long ago. The reason why he didn't kill Yu Xiaogang directly is that Yu Xiaogang is a member of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family. Outside of his direct disciples.

More importantly, save Yu Xiaogang's life, and you can threaten me to submit obediently in the future. "The current Bibi Dong analyzed.

"This is like my Dong'er. He is very witty. Well, I have erased Qianxunji's memory of our existence, and I have added some memories. You don't have to worry about Qianxunji for the next time. Things." Mu Chen said.

Looking at the two Dong'er with different temperaments in front of him, the corners of Mu Chen's mouth also rose wildly. In the past three months, he must have been very sexually blessed.

Not long after, Mu Chen and the others boarded the carriage with the present Bibi Dong and Bibi Dong, and left Wuhun City.

For three months, Mu Chen and the two Bibi Dongs also traveled in the Heaven Dou Empire, completely making up for the regret that they hadn't gone out to play.

And in this process, the current Bibi Dong has gradually accepted Mu Chen, and the relationship between the two has officially entered the stage of passionate love, but the two Bibi Dong also brought a little trouble to Mu Chen.

Star Dou Great Forest.

The current Bibi Dong, who was originally sitting cross-legged on the ground, also opened her beautiful eyes, with a smile on her beautiful face, then got up and threw herself into Mu Chen's arms skillfully, the fullness of her chest was also for Mu Chen's arms. Chen brought a lot of pressure and kissed Mu Chen on the cheek.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, I have finally broken through to the Soul Sage, and I am already level 72." The current Bibi Dong looked at Mu Chen and said with a smile.

The current Bibi Dong is youthful and cute, full of vitality, and she is very enthusiastic and active in dealing with her relationship, and she is not as reserved as Bibi Dong. Mu Chen really felt a completely different Bibi Dong.

"You are really a terrible little fairy, Dong'er, you were really likable in the past.

It really makes me want to eat you up. "Mu Chen looked at Bibi Dong beside him and smiled, and then kissed the current Bibi Dong's red lips.

"Of course, I also like you very much in the future, each with its own merits." Mu Chen added.

"Then you can eat it. It's not that I won't give it to you, you are a cowardly guy." Bibi Dong teased, her words were bold.

After spending time together, I have finally tasted the sweetness of love and the feeling of being cared for and spoiled by others.

All of this made the current Bibi Dong so fascinated, it felt like a dream.


If it wasn't for maintaining your perfect body, I would have eaten you up long ago, Xiao Dong'er. "Mu Chen pinched Bibi Dong's buttocks fiercely and said.

"Okay, little guy, the time is almost up, it's been almost three months, let's go back to Wuhun City now, it's almost time for us to go back." Bibidong said.

"Well, Xiao Donger, don't have such an expression, we will be together for a long time in the future." Mu Chen stroked Bibi Dong's Qiong nose and said with a smile, and then returned to Wuhun with two super beauties city.

(End of this chapter)

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