Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 329 The Big Marriage with Bibi Dong

Chapter 329 The Big Marriage with Bibi Dong

Spirit Empire.

This is a brand new empire. In just a few months, the Spirit Hall used thunderous means to crush all obstacles and all opposing forces. The great empire has established a completely new and huge empire.

This huge empire has promulgated many new measures, and the most notable one is the new decision about soul masters.

Except for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, all soul master forces and soul master colleges were merged into the Imperial Soul Master College.

The Wuhun Empire Soul Master Academy is directly controlled by the Wuhun Empire. All the Soul Master Academies in the empire, in addition to free awakening of children of appropriate age on the mainland, also provide free elementary education in the Soul Master Academy.

Those with excellent grades can also take secondary and advanced soul master education for free, no longer need to consider economic pressure.

The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect is the state religion of the Wuhun Empire, and the technology of the soul tools is strictly kept by the imperial officials and must not be leaked.

Within the laws of the empire, nobles and commoners will no longer have any privileges in all aspects, whether it is above the law or the status of the Soul Master Academy.

Of course, if he wanted to prove that he was still "superior", then the Wuhun Empire's law enforcement team would let him die superiorly.

Cancel all private armies in Wuhun Empire, establish a minimum living security system, the poorest people can apply for special subsidies, and so on.

As for how to get so much money, of course it was obtained from those nobles and the soul master forces of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, mainly from the hands of the nobles.

To be generous to others, but also to be appreciated, to achieve one's own goals, Wuhundian feels that it is still very happy to do it.

In short, the Wuhun Empire has adopted a lot of brand new measures, in fact, many of them were summed up by Mu Chen based on some memories from his previous time on Earth Star, combined with the current actual situation.

If you find that the actual effect is not ready, you will still make some adjustments and try slowly.

The series of measures taken by the Spirit Empire will gradually reduce the panic of the people in the early days of the Spirit Empire. Even if there are unwilling nobles who want to launch a rebellion, with the current strength of the Spirit Empire, it will soon be calmed down. up.

Bibi Dong said: Hehe~
Come to send wealth again, welcome.

And today, the Wuhun Empire will usher in a happy event - the enthronement hall of the emperor of the Wuhun Empire and the wedding of the emperor and the pope of the Wuhun Palace!
In order to celebrate these two grand events, Wuhun City, which is the venue, announced that all hotels, restaurants, etc. in Wuhun City will be free for one week.

Whether it is a soul master or a commoner, everyone can enter the Wuhun City to celebrate.

In the morning, when the sun's rays hit the lofty Pope's Palace, Wuhun City was already crowded with people.

The original Knights of the Temple will also become the Imperial Knights, responsible for maintaining order, and also to prevent some malicious people from taking the opportunity to sabotage.

Countless people of the empire looked at the highest hall of the Pope with great admiration, or it should be called the Imperial Palace now.

Mu Chen and Bibi Dong, who are the protagonists, also had happy smiles on their faces at this moment.

Mu Chen didn't put on his white robe again, but put on a golden dragon robe and a crown on his head. The sacred and majestic five-clawed golden dragon was embroidered on the gorgeous dragon robe, exuding a majestic and noble temperament .

On the other hand, Bibi Dong was wearing a phoenix robe, and her perfect face was full of happiness and excitement. Even with Bibi Dong's many years of experience, on the most critical day of her life, the Pope still There is some tension.

When looking at the man beside her, the corners of Bibi Dong's mouth couldn't stop rising.

This man, I am really in love with him.

And this prosperous wedding belongs to only Xiaochen and her two people.

"Dong'er, let's go, why do you think my pontiff is getting a little nervous." Mu Chen looked at Bibi Dong beside him and smiled.

I am afraid that I am the only one who wants the female pope to show this side.


I'm just not used to it, after all, it's my first wedding, little guy. " Bibi Dong said, and then also took Mu Chen's arm, and the two walked slowly to the front of the former Pope's Palace.

Countless soul masters and civilians have been waiting here for a long time. Of course, those who can be in the front row are always different.

In front of Mu Chen and Bibi Dong, there were some people at the core level of the empire.

Needless to say, Ning Fengzhi, Sword Douluo, and Bone Douluo, as Mu Chen's elders, they were naturally in the front row. At this time, Ning Fengzhi looked at the excited crowd below and smiled slightly.

Facts have proved that what I have done is not wrong, the Wuhun Empire under the rule of Wuhundian is indeed a peaceful country, a prosperous scene, the smiles of these people are the highest and most convincing proof.

The most important thing is that the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect has become the state religion that governs this huge empire. Its status is one of the top three sects of the previous Heaven Dou Empire. It has grown to a height that was unimaginable. As the suzerain, I am really very pleased.

And the one who became the ruler of this empire in front of him was also a disciple of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, and it was Mu Chen who he had grown up watching.

Who would have imagined that the little guy who was picked up and raised by himself and others back then, at the age of less than 20 years old, has reached the point where he is today, both in terms of strength and status, are unprecedented.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo looked at the scene in front of them was a bit complicated, and they couldn't help but feel a little regretful. If Rongrong, a girl, could come back to participate in such a wedding, it would be even more perfect.

"Uncle Jian, Uncle Gu, don't worry, Xiaochen knows this, and he won't treat Rongrong and the others badly.

It's just that the time is not very suitable, besides, Bibi Dong took advantage of this time to hold the wedding, Xiao Chen also knew about this. "

Ning Fengzhi knew what the two Douluo meant with a quick glance.

Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo looked at each other, and nodded slightly.

In addition to the three from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, the important high-level officials of the original Wuhun Hall also came to the front row, such as Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo. They have all been promoted and become level 96 Super Douluo.

Although it seems that there is only a one-level gap in soul power, it is such a one-level gap in soul power that these two elders have become enshrined in the Spirit Hall.

(End of this chapter)

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