Chapter 33 Killing Night

I don't know when it started, but it started to rain, and the rain is getting heavier and heavier, which makes people who are still playing in Tiandou City feel very disappointed.

And the horrific murderous aura emanating from Mu Chen passing by made everyone around him actively avoid this "lunatic".

Xue Qinghe also followed closely behind. On the way, he sent people to immediately inform the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, especially Ning Fengzhi, that Ning Rongrong was in danger.

It is a crisis, but it is also a rare opportunity!

"Ding! The system prompts that Ning Rongrong's location has arrived." The system's prompt sound came from Mu Chen's head.

Mu Chen raised his head and looked at the mansion in front of him, and then the Emperor Dragon Sword appeared, and the two soul rings of Huang and Zi rose up, and the terrifying murderous aura was released directly, and two dragon hairpins were inserted on the back. times, the eyes became blood red.

The rain hit Mu Chen's body, making his hair and clothes wet. Mu Chen's hands trembled slightly, and then he walked directly to the door.

"who are you?
Let me tell you, here it is. . . "

The two guards in front of the gate said with some fear when they saw Mu Chen who looked a bit crazy, and they wanted to tell the family's background immediately.

But before he finished speaking, his throat was directly sealed by two sword qi.

Looking at each other in disbelief, they both fell down.

"Xiao Chen, is this here?
I think it's possible to make this matter even bigger and get rid of these bastards all at once. "

Xue Qinghe in the back said calmly after seeing the place where Mu Chen had arrived, then with a wave of his hand, several people went directly to inform the soldiers of Tiandou City to come.Request support.

"All of you, at all costs, assist Mu Chen in rescuing Miss Ning Rongrong!"

Xue Qinghe gave his order, and the hundreds of soldiers who were urgently called around also nodded, and then rushed in directly.

"His Royal Highness, the people here are all the children of high-ranking officials and nobles, and their elders have a lot of energy, especially...

Especially with that person involved, as the crown prince of the empire, you will inherit the throne in the future, are you sure you want to do this? "

A man who looked like a general asked, obviously, he knew a little about the identity of the people inside.

To be precise, in fact, I am somewhat "familiar" with them. I used to "expel untouchables" when I came here, but now it seems that the object is reversed.

As the future heir of the empire, Xue Qinghe, especially in such an unstable empire as the Tiandou Empire, it is obviously not a wise choice to anger these powerful nobles.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?
Do what you should do and leave nothing else! "Xue Qinghe said coldly.

"Yes, His Royal Highness, the last general will surround the surrounding area! But it will not directly harm those noble children." The general did not dare to say anything more, and then continued to issue orders.

Xue Qinghe's eyes looked at the mansion in front of him, there will be rivers of blood flowing here tonight!
"Elder Shelance, you should go in and have a look too. If Mu Chen is in danger, you must help him secretly!" Xue Qinghe said via voice transmission.

"Miss, that's from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, I..."

Snake Lance Douluo said hesitantly, shouldn't it be better to make this matter bigger and bigger at this time.

It is best to let Mu Chen die here directly, the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School also die here, Mu Chen dies here as a disciple of Sword Douluo, and then the relationship between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will inevitably break, this is in line with The need of Wuhundian.

"Do as I say, and treat it as Xue'er begging you~"

Xue Qinghe's voice weakened and said that the two elders were only responsible for their own safety and did not accept their orders, but now in order to ensure Mu Chen's safety, Qian Renxue was willing to keep his voice low.

"Yes! Miss."

After Snake Lance Douluo hesitated for a while, a figure also directly entered this luxurious mansion.

Before meeting Mu Chen, Qian Renxue would not consider anything other than Wuhun Hall and her own interests.

But now, she gave up this opportunity to completely break the relationship between the Heaven Dou Empire and the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

in the mansion.

"You have so much courage to rush straight in here, you are courting death!"

A lot of guards came to the mansion, with uneven soul ring ratios on their bodies, looking at the killing god in white with some trepidation.

At such a young age, he is already a great soul master, and he appeared here again today, obviously the power behind it is not small.


Mu Chen didn't speak, and his figure passed through these people like a ghost. The Emperor Dragon Sword in his hand kept harvesting the lives of soul masters one by one, and the dark gold fear claw in his left hand also kept tearing apart everything. Enemy defense.

All of a sudden, countless screams sounded, blood flowed, and it became even more terrifying under the washing of the rainy night, truly turning into hell.

"What a killing god, tsk tsk tsk, there is such a character in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, but the young lady seems to like this kid, and she actually begged me to protect this kid. I have to tell Wuhun City about this and let them Make a decision."

Snake Lance Douluo was lurking in the dark, looking at the scene in front of him, he also said with emotion.

"What's happening outside? It's not like something happened."

In a luxuriously decorated room, several noble teenagers were also a little puzzled after hearing the screams outside.

"Don't worry, it's probably just those untouchables who found out and came to make trouble. When we finish the matter, we will give thousands of gold soul coins and threats. What can those untouchables do?
Then it's done! "

A noble boy said disdainfully, but his eyes were fixed on a girl on the bed, and his eyes were full of lust.

On the snow-white big bed, a very cute girl's hands and feet are tied to the four corners of the big bed. Her cute face is slightly reddish, and her body has already begun to develop, and some places have already begun to grow. It was beginning to take shape, and her blue dress was a little messy, and she was actually in a comatose state at this time.

It looked pitiful, but it aroused the animal desires of these people even more.

"I said, there will be no problem, she seems to be a soul master, and the clothes don't look simple." Another boy said hesitantly.

"Oh, don't worry, don't you feel relieved when I do things, I have already been very experienced so many times.

No daughter of an aristocratic family looked like this, and she also appeared at the barbecue stalls that the untouchables only went to.

There is a [-]% possibility that it is a genius soul master who appeared among some civilians, so there will be no problem.

Besides, even if there is some background, our identities are tied together, even the Heaven Dou royal family has to consider it, what are you afraid of!
And don't you think such a small and beautiful female soul master is more exciting to play with! "The noble boy in the lead said lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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