Chapter 333
"With the combination of two divine powers and the spiritual power of a million-year-old soul beast, this kind of improvement is not bad." Mu Chen stretched his waist, and then flew to Gu Yuena's side.

"The soul power is already level 95. It seems that it is not far from the level [-] among human beings." Gu Yuena laughed.

"Well, with the energy contained in my current body and the energy of heaven and earth contained in Dragon Valley, it will take about two years to break through to the last level five soul power, plus I need to create my own spirit power. I guess it will take about five years." Mu Chen said.

"Maybe the result will be faster than you expected, because the power of the Dragon God's core can help you break through faster!" Gu Yuena reminded.

"I forgot that there is still this thing, so the time can indeed be advanced~"

Mu Chen also smiled when he saw Gu Yuena's beautiful appearance, and then hugged Gu Yuena directly by the waist. Although Gu Yuena was shy, she blocked the perception and sight of this place and the outside world with a wave of her jade hand
Time passed like this for more than two years.

Wuhun City.

A blood-colored beam of light shot out from a secret room, instantly illuminating the entire Wuhun City, and countless people looked at the center of Wuhun City in surprise.

Suddenly a blood-colored figure appeared in mid-air, and the terrifying murderous aura would almost envelope the entire Wuhun City. Countless people felt such a terrifying murderous aura, their faces were pale, and their figures trembled slightly. Such power is obviously beyond the scope of human beings.

Bibi Dong was holding the Holy Sword of Shura, the complex magic pattern on it was shining red, the symbol of the Holy Sword of Shura on Bibi Dong's forehead also disappeared, and an invincible aura radiated out, full of majesty and awe.

Bibi Dong looked towards the direction of the Star Dou Great Forest with her perfect face, and with her current perception, she still couldn't detect Mu Chen's aura.

It seems that Xiao Chen may not be in the Wuhun Empire anymore, and with Gu Yuena's magical power of space, it is impossible for him to figure out where the two are.

However, I don't need to worry, let's ascend to the God Realm first.

"Xiaochen, I'll ascend to the God Realm first, I'll wait for you!" Bibi Dong murmured softly, and then flew directly into the sky.

The new God of Shura——Bibi Dong!

Qian Daoliu, who was located under the angel statue, couldn't help but wryly smiled when he saw this scene. The strength of this woman is really beyond whispers. Even if Xiaoxue became a god, it is impossible to compare with the current Bibi Dong.

However, judging by Xiaoxue's current cultivation speed, there should be no major problems. It will probably take more than two years, and I don't know what kind of realm Mu Chen has cultivated to now.

"Sura God's breath, it seems that Dong'er has become a god, but it is within my expectation, so I have to speed up my cultivation." Mu Chen in the Dragon Valley shook his head slightly.

The rhomboid lens in front of him is constantly releasing pure and advanced power, accelerating his cultivation speed.

More than two years later, Mu Chen's soul power has also been raised from level 95 to level 99, but there is still a big gap from becoming a god at the last hundred levels.

In front of Mu Chen, the other is a small sharp sword. Although it looks only a little small, the space it is in is constantly being torn, repaired, and torn apart.
This is the reward for signing up in Dragon Valley - Sword Intent Seed!
And the god Mu Chen wants to create himself is the sword god!
As time passed, it was still Wuhun City. A gigantic phantom of an angel several hundred meters high appeared above Wuhun City. The entire Wuhun City was covered with a layer of gold.

Different from the murderous aura of God Shura before, this time the golden light was full of holiness and nobility, and countless people turned their eyes to this huge angel phantom.

The perfect body is wrapped in a golden gorgeous battle armor, and the angel's face carries amazing heroism and holiness, a noble and pure atmosphere that makes countless people want to surrender to it, and there are three pairs of golden swords on the back. holding a huge golden long sword, Qian Renxue looked down at the moment.

Beautiful, noble, powerful, divine!
Soon, this figure disappeared, and Qian Renxue, who had become a god, turned into her original appearance, holding a small seemingly inconspicuous stone tightly in her hand, her red lips parted slightly.

"Xiao Chen, I really need to thank you this time, for allowing Grandpa to be resurrected, who would have known that if you want to become a god, you need a god attendant to offer sacrifices.

Grandpa has served the God of Angels all his life, so it's time for him to rest. "

Looking at the Spirit Empire in front of her, Qian Renxue also nodded slightly. This huge empire, although not actually ruled by Xiaochen or Bibidong, is still thriving and there is no chaos.

It seems that Ning Fengzhi is indeed a commendable leader.

"Bibi Dong, I'm here too!
But Xiaochen, you will lose this time, I am one step ahead of you to become a god, I will wait for your arrival in the God Realm.

It seems that it is indeed very difficult to create a god position by myself. I have already become a god, and even now I have not succeeded.

However, I still firmly believe that you can become a god. "Qian Renxue smiled, and the angel wings behind her waved, and Qian Renxue would also fly into the sky.

Golden Crocodile Douluo, Sword Bone Douluo and other powerhouses of the older generation also smiled when they saw Qian Renxue's leaving figure, another one became a god, really amazing.The waves behind the Yangtze River drive the waves ahead, and each generation is stronger than the last.

"Bitch, what's up now?
Is there any sign of breaking through Peerless Douluo? "

"No, it always feels a little worse.

And Peerless Douluo is not so easy to break through, you really can stand and talk without back pain. "

"Tch, I think it's just that you can't do it."

"No more?

Just kidding, with a level 97 guy like you, do you dare to fight! "

"Well, Fengzhi seems to be looking for me for something, so I'm leaving first."


Dragon Valley.

Feeling the divine power of angels appearing on the mainland again, Mu Chen was a little speechless in his heart, but he didn't pay too much attention to it.

The current self is at the critical point of breaking through to the god level, and he should not interfere too much with external affairs.

On the side, Gu Yuena looked at her man boredly, feeling the growing aura of Mu Chen, Gu Yuena was also sincerely happy and excited.

Even though the current Xiaochen is still not a god, but the aura on his body is already stronger than many first-level gods in the God Realm. I really look forward to what level of strength Xiaochen will reach after he truly becomes a god. .

(End of this chapter)

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