Chapter 335 Rolling
"Not worth mentioning."

The God of Destruction's voice had just fallen, and he was about to launch an attack just now, but he hadn't waited for the Destruction Divine Power in his hand to condense.

That sword energy instantly came before the God of Destruction, and then disappeared. When it reappeared, it pierced through the body of the God of Destruction with incomparably violent sharpness and momentum. .

how can that be? "

The evil god king on one side exclaimed, but looked at Mu Chen with incomparable fear.

Before, I thought that Mu Chen was just an ordinary person who had just become a god, but just such a blow shattered all such views.

This person's strength is even higher than his own, even if he can't do this step, he will seriously injure the God of Destruction with one blow.

The God of Life wanted to heal the God of Destruction, but as soon as the majestic life energy entered the body of the God of Destruction, the life energy was completely torn apart by the berserk sword energy, completely unable to achieve any healing effect.

The face of the God of Life was also very ugly, and he didn't know what method this man used to make his life power ineffective.

"Don't treat it, it won't work, I'm using sword intent, and the low-level energy in your God Realm won't have any effect.

Next, prepare to accept the punishment of fate~" Mu Chen said lightly.

With a big wave of his hand, countless terrifying sword qi appeared around Mu Chen, and then he rushed directly in all directions, unexpectedly directly piercing countless holes in the forbidden space formation built by twenty first-level gods. The figure of a first-level god also took a few steps back, his eyes full of fear and disbelief. is this possible?
Even the five supreme gods can't directly defeat the combination of twenty first-level gods. What is the origin and strength of this.

"Hey, Na'er, you can figure it out, be careful." Mu Chen said softly.

Gu Yuena also kissed Mu Chen in public, she really likes being so domineering.

After that, Gu Yuena's beautiful purple eyes looked at the divine mansion in front of her, and she was full of murderous intent. In terms of fighting alone, she was not afraid of any divine mansion now, let alone Mu Chen who could protect her.

Of course, even though Gu Yuena had expected Mu Chen's strength, she was still shocked. She felt that Mu Chen's hands were completely crushing, whether it was a first-level god or a god king. in this way.

Gu Yuena transformed into a huge silver dragon, and rushed directly to the first-level god. Without the restriction of the air-forbidden formation, her own space power will not be restricted, and it is completely the rhythm of one claw.

And those first-level gods' divine power attacks or divine weapon attacks can't cause major damage to Gu Yuena's silver dragon avatar. Even if there is a wound, Zhezimi will recover immediately.

This is exactly the rhythm of wolves joining sheep, a one-sided massacre.

"damn it!

Bibi Dong, Qian Renxue, what are you doing! "The evil god king was furious.

Because at this time, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were actually attacking the God Realm's God Mansion, and the strength of the two of them was rarely rivaled among the first-level gods, which accelerated the demise of the God Realm's power.

"My two wives were called so. I was really angry, and the result was—death!" Mu Chen said coldly as he looked at the evil god king.

With a big wave of his hand, a blue dragon that was stronger than the silver dragon appeared, and joined the ranks of slaughtering the god's mansion, and it was directly a mouthful of the god's mansion.

The huge claws or tails can directly blow up the god mansion, and the killing speed is actually higher than the three women's combined. The human god mansion disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into godheads one after another.


The evil god king clenched his fist tightly, his eyes seemed to swallow Mu Chen and others.

"You should still worry about yourselves, really." Mu Chen's voice sounded.

Then he appeared behind the evil god king, and with his mind moving, a long sword appeared in Mu Chen's hand, and then directly pierced into the evil god king's body.

The violent sword energy destroyed the body of the evil god king in an instant, and finally felt the pain of the god of destruction. Even Mu Chen specially "focused on taking care" of the evil god king, and did not let the evil god king The king died immediately.

"Next, it's up to you, life, kindness, and destruction~"

Mu Chen looked at the remaining three people. Although two of them were women, they were enemies after all, and there would be no distinction between men and women.
After more than an hour, this war of gods or a more suitable war of massacre finally came to an end. Twenty first-level gods and four supreme gods, including two god kings, all fell here. In the battle of gods.

The power of the God Realm suffered a fatal blow, and it fell into a slump. The main combat power of the human gods was completely lost, and the rest of the gods in the God Realm also declared their submission to the new master of the God Realm—Muchen!
"Dong'er, God Rakshasa is up to you to deal with, I have already sealed God Rakshasa's divine power.

Na'er and I still have things to deal with, so we'll go to the Forbidden Land first, Xue'er, if you're interested, you can also go there with us. "Muchen said.

The matter of the God Realm has been settled, and it is no surprise that his current strength is not comparable to those of the God Realm.

Then the next step is to solve another problem - the Golden Dragon King.

"Well, you guys go to your business first, this damned Rakshasa God and I still have a lot of things to do." Bibi Dong held the Holy Sword of Shura and looked coldly at the woman with blue face and fangs in front of her.

It was this woman who almost ruined her life, and even the foundation of Wuhundian.

Now under Xiaochen's unrivaled strength, the order of the God Realm has also been completely reshaped, and the previous God Realm Committee has also become history, and the God Realm Committee could protect the Rakshasa God before.

So now there is no power that can stop him from taking revenge. The God of Destruction and the Evil God King and others have always used excuses such as insufficient power in the God Realm to fool themselves.

If he hadn't been able to defeat the other Supreme God at that time, Bibi Dong would have killed the Rakshasa God long ago, so how could he have waited until today.

On the other hand, even if the Rakshasa God wanted to commit suicide, it was impossible for him to accept Bibi Dong's terrifying revenge.

"Well, Xiaochen, I will go to that forbidden place with you and Sister Na'er. I have been curious about that place for a long time since I came to the God Realm, but I was forbidden to go near it. Now I have a chance to go and see it. What kind of thing is it closed?"

Qian Renxue nodded, and then the three of them flew to the forbidden land, even though they were separated by a long distance.

The three of them could still hear Rakshasa God's extremely painful voice, which showed how powerful Bibi Dong's resentment was.

(End of this chapter)

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