Chapter 337 The Finale
Sea God Island.

Hu Liena, Ning Rongrong, and Ari gathered together, staring blankly at the sky, wondering what they were thinking.

After so many years, the four of them have also completed their god test, but it is a pity that Hu Liena has not passed the final test of the Sea God Trident. Whoever let that thing into Mu Chen's hands naturally cannot pass the test .

After such a long time, the strength of the four of them has all risen above the title Douluo, and Hu Liena has even stepped into the final god level with half a foot.

"I'm back~"

A familiar voice sounded from behind the three women, and the three women looked at the back together, their beautiful eyes were full of excitement and joy, and they threw themselves into Mu Chen's arms one after another, expressing their longing for these years Feelings.

"Brother Chen~"


"Master Chen~"

"I'm sorry, the difficulty of creating a god position is much more difficult than I thought, so the time is much later than I expected, and I kept you waiting for a long time." Mu Chen patted the three girls' fragrant shoulders and said softly .

"No, it's not too late, I know Brother Chen still has a lot of things to do, we only hate that our strength is too weak to help you, and we can't fight side by side with you like Sister Dong'er." Ning Rongrong shook his head.

"No matter how long Mr. Chen takes, Ari will wait for you here." Ari said firmly.

"Mu Chen, so the crisis in the God Realm that Senior Bo Saixi mentioned before was caused by you, Sister Na'er, and Teacher, right?" Hu Liena said looking at Mu Chen with her narrow and beautiful eyes.

"Well, since the matter in the God Realm has been resolved, I will take you to the God Realm now, and have your long-overdue wedding!" Mu Chen laughed.

The three women looked at each other in blank dismay, their faces were full of happiness and excitement, and they finally got their status
The new God Realm.

After the Battle of Gods, the original order of the God Realm was completely overturned, and the God Realm Committee ceased to exist.

Instead, it was Mu Chen's personal rule, and the Heavenly Court was the new governing body.

Emperor of Heaven—Muchen~
The gods of the five supreme gods who had died, as well as the dead first-level gods and the second-level gods and priests who resolutely resisted, were also thrown into various planes under the rule of the God Realm by Mu Chen early on.

Of course, there are slightly more people on the Douluo Continent plane. After all, I was born in the Douluo Continent, so I still have some preferences.

With so many vacancies in the God Realm, it is natural that fresh blood is needed to fill them.

As for the previous regulations of the God Realm that soul beasts could never become gods, of course Mu Chen abolished it early on. In order to help the revival of the soul beast clan, Mu Chen also lowered the conditions for the soul beast clan to become gods by a lot.

As long as the cultivation base has reached 10 years and survived the first catastrophe, then you can ascend to the God Realm. After the power of the beast is strong, Mu Chen will also raise the threshold appropriately according to the situation, so as not to let the soul beast The strength of the clan is too inflated.

The deformed cultivation system on the Douluo Continent has been completely revised. There will be no bottlenecks in the cultivation of soul masters, and there will no longer be a need to obtain soul rings to advance.

After the soul beast dies, it will not drop a soul ring or soul bone. Hunting and killing the soul beast will be severely punished by the Wuhun Empire's law enforcement team.

Humans are not allowed to enter the territory of spirit beasts without authorization, and it is impossible for spirit beasts to intrude into human territory without authorization. No matter which party violates it, it will be punished.

The border between soul beasts and humans was constructed by Mu Chen directly using divine power, and without permission, he could not walk through it at will.On the side of the soul beasts, Di Tian and other ferocious beasts will form a law enforcement team to specifically target the inappropriate behavior of the soul beasts.

In order to improve the lack of wisdom of the soul beast, Mu Chen also deliberately shortened the time for the soul beast to open its wisdom.

As long as ordinary spirit beasts have cultivated for a hundred years, or have a hundred years of cultivation, their wisdom can reach the level of an eight or nine-year-old child.

After a thousand years of cultivation, the wisdom is equivalent to that of a human being at the age of [-] or [-]. The ten thousand year soul beast is quite as intelligent as an adult human being. The upper limit of the development of the soul beast family has also been raised a lot. This huge gap.

After solving these things, Mu Chen also resurrected all the dragons in the Dragon Valley that could still be resurrected, so that the Dragon Valley exuded vitality again. Great idea.

In addition to resurrecting those dragons, Muchen also upgraded and transformed Dragon Valley, making the environment of Dragon Valley close to that of the God Realm. The boundaries are not much different.

This also provides a new space for the future god beasts or god mansions, and alleviates the problem of insufficient space in the future god world, which is a step ahead.

Of course, this is of course the first choice for soul beasts, especially dragons.


The God Realm at this time is like a big wedding in the Douluo Continent, everywhere is filled with extremely festive red.

The protagonists are of course Mu Chen, Qian Renxue, Hu Liena, Ning Rongrong and Ari. The faces of each of the four girls are filled with happy smiles. This is also the most important day in a girl's life. In this huge God Realm.

Countless gods are witnesses of their own happiness, and countless people have offered their blessings to themselves.

Here, they can see many familiar faces.

Ning Fengzhi, Chen Xin, and Gu Rong, all three of them became gods without exception with Mu Chen's help, and they were all at the level of first-level gods.

And the few priests originally belonging to Wuhun Hall, Golden Crocodile Douluo, the third priest and the fourth priest have also become gods. After all, they are all of great significance to Qian Renxue.

Of course, Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo also became gods back then, this is what Bibi Dong meant.

Qian Daoliu also succeeded in resurrecting Mu Chen. Mu Chen let Qian Daoliu take over the position of the God of Light, and now he is leisurely and contentedly in the high position of the elders.

At the beginning, I was just a servant of the God of Angels, but now I have transformed, and my status is much higher than these first-level gods.

Looking at his granddaughter's happy posture, Qian Daoliu also smiled with satisfaction, and all of this was due to Mu Chen, the awesome grandson-in-law.

Because Mu Chen relaxed the conditions for the soul beasts to become gods, the ten fierce beasts also became gods.

It's just that they basically went to Longgu, still following Gu Yuena's footsteps.

And there are not many divine beasts who have come to the God Realm. Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor are two of them, and they are also Mu Chen's old acquaintances.

Among countless witnesses, Mu Chen and his four wives also perfectly completed this unprecedented grand wedding.

A few years later, Dragon Valley.

Gu Yuena looked at the current Longgu very happily, and saw that her people and subordinates were able to live so leisurely.

After the fundamental conflict between the soul beasts and humans on the Douluo Continent was eliminated, Gu Yuena felt extremely relaxed and happy.

Although it will take a long time to completely resolve the conflict between humans and spirit beasts, judging from this trend, it is inevitable.

When she was about to go to the God Realm to find Mu Chen, Gu Yuena was surrounded by a familiar feeling.

"Na'er, I'm finally out.

Dong'er and Xue'er already have children, so we have to work harder. " Mu Chen said next to Gu Yuena's jade ear.


Let's do our best too~" Gu Yuena smiled.
(End of this chapter)

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