Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 36 Beware of the Avalanche

Chapter 36 Beware of the Avalanche
"There is no suspense, but for the royal family, this is a rare opportunity.

In the past, it was fine for the royal family to turn a blind eye to such things, but this time it was Ning Rongrong, the eldest lady of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, who provoked her.

For the Heaven Dou royal family, the support of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School is much more important than several kingdoms, it would be trivial not to let the kings of these kingdoms directly let them come to Heaven Dou City to apologize.

In addition, Ning Fengzhi had already set out himself, and although Emperor Xue Ye was not a wise king, he was not so stupid, and he was probably ready to kill these people now. "Qian Renxue said.

"It's kind of funny to say that those who are going to be killed are all collateral descendants of the royal family. Now that you have killed so many people, you want their parents to come and apologize." Qian Renxue also said with emotion.

This is the benefit of power. Of course, they are the ones who are wrong first.

"You can't live by yourself. There will be no such situation in the future. This is just the beginning."

Mu Chen said lightly, and buried his head in Qian Renxue's pride, which felt very comfortable.

Cute, not worth mentioning in front of sexy, I really like big ones.

"Xiao Chen, if I also encounter danger one day, will you be as desperate as this time?" Qian Renxue looked at Mu Chen and asked.

"No, because I won't put you in such danger.

If you do, then I will protect you with all I have, no matter what it is! "Mu Chen wrapped his arms around Qian Renxue's waist and said.

"Then what if my enemy is very powerful?" Qian Renxue had already figured out where Mu Chen was buried when she heard the first two words, but then she suddenly felt that it would be okay to just bury her "here".

"With a three-foot Qingfeng sword in hand, there is no one in the world that can't be killed!

In heaven and earth, only I can bully you, Xueer! "

Mu Chen said lightly, also squinting his eyes, enjoying the peace and beauty of the moment between the two of them.


Why can you always say these touching things at such a young age, but I still love to hear them. "Qian Renxue said with her eyes closed.

"By the way, I suddenly remembered something, Xue'er, you have to pay attention to that avalanche!" Mu Chen suddenly remembered and told Qian Renxue directly about this matter.

In the original book, Xue Beng is undoubtedly the biggest "player who wins by lying down", he has been fighting until the end.

Wuhundian had been planning for so long, Qian Renxue had planned so hard, and what she failed to accomplish after lurking for so many years was actually given directly to Xue Beng.

In the later period, as the only prince of the Heaven Dou imperial family, Xue Beng worshiped Tang San as his teacher, and finally became the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Obviously, after decades of hard work, it is not as good as others.

"Xiaochen, you mean that dude prince Xue Beng? It's just a piece of mud that can't support the wall, don't worry about it." Qian Renxue said disdainfully.

"Really, Xue'er, do you think about when Xue Beng became a playboy? Has he always had such a personality, or did he become a playboy at a certain point after you did something?" Mu Chen asked rhetorically.

"In the past, even though she was mediocre, she couldn't be considered a dandy.

When you put it this way, it seems that during the period after I got rid of the other prince, it seemed that overnight, many ministers were talking about the negative news of Xue Beng.

So, Xiao Chen, what you mean is that he did this on purpose, just to make me let my guard down and despise him.

And there are people behind him to help him, with great energy, they can even influence the wind direction of the court. "After Qian Renxue was reminded by Mu Chen, she would also react.

"Prince Xuexing!" Mu Chen and Qian Renxue said in unison.

"It's no wonder that fat man has been fighting against me, it turns out he wanted to support that guy Xue Beng to the top.

With the ability of that trash Xue Beng, the actual power of the Heaven Dou Empire will still fall on him, that Xue Beng, probably still grateful to his uncle. "Qian Renxue said suddenly.

"Maybe, that guy Xue Beng counted his uncle in it.

If he can ascend the throne in the future, the first one to clean up is the fat pig prince. "Muchen laughed.

Of course, only Xue Beng knows what Xue Beng actually thinks, and it is meaningless for two people to guess blindly here.

"Okay, I got it, I will pay attention to that guy Xue Beng, and if I find the right time, I will get rid of him." Qian Renxue said.

"No, you bastard, you have been cultivating in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School all this time, how could you know these things so well.

And my secret, you know so much, you must tell me clearly today!

Don't tell me that Ning Fengzhi said it, even Ning Fengzhi doesn't know these things. "Qian Renxue looked at Mu Chen seriously.

"Xue'er, if I tell you that I can predict the future, would you believe it?" Mu Chen smiled.

"Cut! What!

I don't know how to find a better reason to be perfunctory, to be able to predict the future, so what do you say about Ning Rongrong, make myself and that girl Ning Rongrong look like this. "Qian Renxue also gave Mu Chen a blank look, and said angrily.

"Well, you can understand that I can only pay in advance for things about you. I was sent by heaven to save you and the future of Wuhundian." Mu Chen said meaningfully.

"I don't know if you will save Wuhundian or not, but you can be regarded as saving me, Xiaochen~" Qian Renxue also smiled innocently.

"However, in fact, the power of Wuhundian is far beyond the imagination of outsiders. It is impossible for any person or force to shake it. What you can see is only the tip of the iceberg. It is just the power we let you see. That's all." Qian Renxue then added.

"You may not believe it, but without me, it would really be like this." Mu Chen said secretly in his heart.

I don't know how Tang San is practicing now, but I will be 12 years old in a short time, and I will go to Shrek Academy at that time, and he and Tang San will definitely meet. When the time comes, kill this Guys, and that jade waste!

Mu Chen didn't speak, but flashed a wicked smile when he saw Qian Renxue's appearance.

Afterwards, Qian Renxue felt a strange feeling coming from her fullness, and directly gave Mu Chen a big mouth. . .

"Xue'er, can you put on your own clothes next time, I think you looked better when we first met."

"Hmph! No, I won't let you play tricks!"

. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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