Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 4 Winning the Martial Soul——Emperor Dragon Sword

Chapter 4 Winning the Martial Soul——Emperor Dragon Sword
I hope that Xiao Chen can bring good news when he awakens his martial soul tomorrow, Ning Fengzhi looked at the direction Mu Chen left and sighed.

Like Sword Bone Douluo, the three of them were worried about Mu Chen's martial soul awakening.

Then Ning Fengzhi's tears flowed out from the corner of his mouth, my Seven Treasure Chicken!

Mu Chen entered a very large room, and he was the only one here now, looking at the unstained and clean marble floor and the surrounding golden walls, he also smiled "evilly".

Hehe ~
It's really a "coin" thought, because the densely packed tall wall in front of him is full of gold soul coins, and Mu Chen doesn't know how many there are, but it is tens of thousands.

As expected of the most wealthy sect in the world, it is so novel and unique to face the wall and think about past mistakes.

Hehe ~
In this way, he would have gold soul coins to draw martial souls. Although Mu Chen didn't know the exact number of gold soul coins on a wall, there should be several thousand gold soul coins.

Next to it was a bed with a good quilt and pillows.

This thought about facing the wall is really exciting. . .like!
Muchen called out: "System, I want to extract the martial soul!

Well, I don't need to take the gold soul coins myself, I can't get so many gold soul coins! "

"Ding! The system is at your service!
The host can rest assured that the system will draw gold soul coins by itself! "

Then a familiar turntable appeared in front of Mu Chen, Mu Chen looked at the rattan and the first-level innate soul power he had drawn so far and exhaled.

I hope it can be solved today, otherwise, I can only think of a solution in the evening or tomorrow.

Mu Chen pressed the button of 100 gold soul coins in front of him, and then the pointer turned, and finally stopped on a slightly decent martial soul - Flame Wolf King, with fifth-level innate soul power.

Much better than the last two times, keep going!
Just when Mu Chen felt that the future should develop in a good direction, then...
The wooden stick has no innate soul power.

Xiaocao has no inherent soul power.

Toothpick, innate soul power
As the number of draws gradually increased, Mu Chen became a little paralyzed as a result, and even started to plan how to get more gold soul coins tomorrow.

The black face is not so dark. I have smoked so many times before and after, and the highest one is only the flame ape with the innate sixth-level soul power. This is still too far from Mu Chen's psychological expectations.

Without any hope, Mu Chen continued to press the button, and then the pointer actually stopped in a gray area for the first time.


Congratulations to the host, the gray area was extracted, and the martial spirit contained in it is - Emperor Dragon Sword!

Comes with innate full soul power!
Additional items - Nine Dragon Hairpin!

The system prompts that the Emperor Dragon Sword does not belong to the martial soul of the Douluo plane, but it surpasses all the martial souls of the Douluo Continent plane, including the tool martial soul, the beast martial soul, and so on.

It is made of the meteorite iron sword body, and it has been further strengthened by infecting the blood of the Qinglong. In addition to being extremely sharp, it also carries some abilities of the Qinglong, which will be gradually developed as the host's strength improves.

The accessory Nine-Dragon Hairpin—made from the nine bones of the Qinglong, contains the power of the Qinglong. When the host has not yet become a god, the Nine-Dragon Hairpin can directly and greatly enhance the host's strength.

Speed, strength, spiritual power, etc. can all be improved. Every time a dragon hairpin is used, the host's all-round attributes can be doubled, that is, the maximum can be increased to nine times the original strength.

Every time a big realm is broken through, the host can use one more dragon hairpin. "

The system's prompt sounded for a while, and Mu Chen also excitedly looked at the profile of his martial soul——Dilong Sword.

Finally, finally, I got a Martial Soul that I am completely satisfied with.

Although this martial soul has never appeared before, it is a sign of innate full soul power, surpassing the introduction of all martial souls in the Douluo Continent, and the more important power of the green dragon! ! !
You must know that in the Douluo Continent, where a million catties or 500 tons is called divine power, Qinglong is one of the four legendary beasts in China. It is not an existence of a magnitude at all, and future achievements will definitely create history. Sexual highs.

Destroy Tang San and his son, there is absolutely no problem!
Mu Chen took back the system deeply, and after getting the answer he was very satisfied with, Mu Chen felt a little embarrassed looking at the empty wall in front of him. It has become a wall-faced thought.

Lying on the big soft bed, Mu Chen fell asleep beautifully.

"Xiaochen, you actually found another woman behind my back, I really hate you!"

A golden fuzzy figure pointed at Muchen and shouted, then left.

Then there was another silver and pink blurry figure looking at Mu Chen, walking slowly, just when he approached Mu Chen, Mu Chen felt a voice coming from the outside world, and there was an extra weight pressing on him .

"Brother Chen!

get up!
get up! "

Mu Chen opened his eyes, and found that Ning Rongrong came here at some point, and was still sitting on his chest.

This girl is very clingy and very likable.

In the eyes of outsiders, Ning Rongrong is a little witch, but in front of Mu Chen, Ning Rongrong is still a very well-behaved and cute little princess.

"Rongrong, you come down first." Mu Chen rubbed his eyes and said helplessly.

Ning Rongrong obediently got down after seeing Mu Chen woke up, and then stared at Mu Chen with wide and bright eyes, as if observing something.

Mu Chen felt that this sleep was quite comfortable, after all, it solved the thing he was most worried about at the moment, the awakening of the martial soul.

After a simple wash, Mu Chen looked at himself in the mirror.

Although I am only 6 years old now, but because I eat well, my height is already much higher than that of ordinary people. My skin is fair, my facial features are three-dimensional, and my bright eyes are more mysterious and sharp than yesterday. They all have a cold temperament, just like a young lady.

"Rongrong, why do you keep staring at me?
There is no flower bar on my face. "After Mu Chen turned around, he found that this little girl was still staring at him, which made Mu Chen feel strange.

"Brother Chen, I haven't seen you for one night. Why do I feel that your temperament has changed, but you've become more handsome, hehe~" Ning Rongrong said while looking at Mu Chen.

"Oh, really?
It might be that Rongrong only discovered my charm now. "

Mu Chen pinched the small face of Ning Rongrong's porcelain doll, it felt so good.

Then under Ning Rongrong's silent protest, Mu Chen also led Ning Rongrong to the hall where the Qibao Glazed Tile School awakened the martial soul.

This time, the awakening of his martial soul can definitely shock everyone in the sect!
(End of this chapter)

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