Chapter 41 Jin Jiao
Muchen and Sword Douluo went deep into the mixed area in the Star Dou Great Forest, where the energy of the heaven and earth and the breath of life had obviously gone up to a higher level.

The distribution of the number of soul beasts is obviously much sparser, generally speaking, they all have their own sense of territory.The wisdom of soul beasts over ten thousand years has generally improved a lot, and their perception of danger is stronger than that of humans.

Although Mu Chen's aura was weak, Jian Douluo around them gave them a great sense of crisis, and they didn't dare to provoke Jian Douluo and Mu Chen, and they were hardly hindered.

While Jian Douluo was still observing his surroundings, Mu Chen suddenly smiled.

"Grandpa Jian, I think we've reached a conclusion." Mu Chen said.

The Emperor Dragon Sword of Wuhun was also summoned in his hand, and the Emperor Dragon Sword trembled slightly at this time, but Mu Chen, who was holding the Emperor Dragon Sword, could feel that the Emperor Dragon Sword was guiding him in a direction, probably because he sensed that there were dragons around him. A bloodlined soul beast.


Well, let's go. "Jian Douluo looked at Mu Chen with some doubts. With such a strong strength, he didn't even notice any soul beasts that met Mu Chen's requirements, but this kid actually sensed it?
"En." Mu Chen followed the guidance of the Emperor Dragon Sword and walked in one direction, while Sword Douluo summoned his Seven Killing Sword Martial Soul, ready to fight at any time.

Not long after, the two came to the side of a lake.

The surrounding area was empty, there were no towering trees, and the lake was relatively large. At this time, the lake surface was relatively calm, without any ripples. The lake surface reflected the blue sky and white clouds, and the two of them did not find any spirit beasts nearby.

Mu Chen's Emperor Dragon Sword instructions stopped here, and Sword Douluo closed his eyes and used his mental power to perceive this small lake.

Two yellows, two purples, five blacks and nine soul rings rose up, and Jian Douluo's eyes flashed.

"It's hidden quite deep, but unfortunately, I've already discovered it.

The fifth soul skill - Megatron Quartet! "

The Seven Kills Sword in Jian Douluo's hand pointed to the sky, the fifth black soul ring flashed, and countless Seven Kills Swords appeared above Jian Douluo's head instantly, all of which carried a compelling sword energy.

With a wave of Sword Douluo's hand, countless Seven Killing Swords sank into the bottom of the lake and struck in a wide range. Countless water splashes were aroused, and the water droplets splashed in all directions, which looked rather spectacular.

Afterwards, the lake water at the bottom of the lake began to be stirred continuously, and even waves were set off, and the lake water in the middle of the lake was continuously being drained away, as if something had floated out, Mu Chen also swallowed, it seemed that this spirit beast was a bit powerful ah.

A golden figure flew out from the bottom of the lake, and after the Seven Kills Sword hit its body, there was the sound of metal collision and sparks, and the release of Sword Douluo's fifth soul ability stopped.

Mu Chen and Jian Douluo also saw the face of this soul beast clearly. It was about seven or eight meters long, and its whole body was covered with golden scales. Ordinary wings, but also reflect the dazzling light.

It's just that there are many sword marks on many golden scales, and many golden scales even fell off directly, revealing the red flesh inside, some blood streaked across the golden scales, and then fell to the ground.

And the golden head is similar to Tyrannosaurus Rex, but there are two bumps on the forehead, which look like horns, and the golden vertical pupil is staring at Muchen and Sword Douluo at this time, to be precise , was looking at Sword Douluo with fear in his eyes.

"What kind of spirit beast is this?
Why have I never seen it before, and the defense is very good, so I didn't get hurt much. "

Jian Douluo looked at the golden dragon in front of him and said doubtfully, but he was still very surprised by the defensive ability of this soul beast.

Even if his fifth soul ability didn't use all its strength, the lake water still had a weakening effect, but it wouldn't be enough to achieve such an effect.

"Grandpa Jian, this is a golden flood dragon with the blood of a golden dragon, and it has not yet grown a golden horn, which means its lifespan has not reached ten thousand years.

In addition, the body length is only seven or eight meters, and the life span is less than 6000 years. With strong strength, terrifying physical body and defense, there are almost no shortcomings, especially the strongest defense.

Although the age limit is less than 6000 years, the soul sage may not be able to take it when it comes. No wonder a soul beast that is only ten thousand years old occupies such a large area, and it is also a source of water. "Muchen said in surprise.

It fits so well, it fits so well!

"So, Xiaochen, what do you mean, you want this golden flood dragon to be your third soul ring?" Jian Douluo asked.

"Well, that's it!
Be sure to take it down, it will still fly, Grandpa Jian, don't let it escape! "Muchen said with certainty.

"Okay, the fourth soul skill—murderous aura!"

The fourth purple soul ring on Sword Douluo's body flashed, centering on Sword Douluo, a powerful aura was released, coupled with the soul power of a 96-level Super Douluo, this kind of coercion would directly remain in mid-air The golden dragon in the middle was suppressed, and even the frequency of the golden wings flapping slowed down a lot, and his body stagnated.

But Mu Chen on one side didn't feel any discomfort or coercion at all, which shows how precisely Sword Douluo controls his soul skills.

"Fifth soul skill, Megatron Quartet!"

Countless Seven Killing Swords appeared above the Jin Jiao, and then fell decisively, hitting the Jin Jiao continuously, directly knocking Jin Jiao's body from mid-air to the ground. Several Seven Killing Swords pierced the Jin Jiao's body Jiao was firmly nailed to the ground, even his spine was firmly nailed by several Seven Killing Swords, unable to move.

"Xiao Chen, did you see it?

This is the effect of the soul skill combined with the shortlisted in the realm of swordsmanship. The sword energy is condensed but not scattered, and can be controlled precisely as one likes.

This is also your next kendo realm to attack, even if you let go of your own soul power level cultivation speed, it is completely worth it. "

Sword Douluo took back his Seven Kill Sword Wuhun and said, his words were full of calmness and confidence.

Perhaps other Title Douluo could easily kill the golden dragon that was less than ten thousand years old in front of him, but he absolutely couldn't achieve his precise control and perfect operation.

"Well, Grandpa Jian, I will put more energy into comprehending the way of the sword in the future." Mu Chen nodded seriously, and also came in front of Jin Jiao with Jian Douluo.

The Emperor Dragon Sword in his hand gave a final blow directly along the exposed flesh and blood of the neck, and finally ended up with this golden flood dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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