Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 47 Daoliu's questioning

Chapter 47 Qian Daoliu's Question
"You boy, after I go back, I really want to retreat, and I will leave the cultivation to you. Your talent is so high, and you have your own sword comprehension, so you don't really need to rely on my guidance." Sword Douluo shook his head and said.

"By the way, how is your third spirit ring?" Jian Douluo asked.

"Grandpa Jian, I am now level 33.

My third soul skill is called Golden Dragon Body, which can be immune to physical and mental attacks.

And I also got another unexpected surprise, I got another external soul bone, which allows me to fly now. As Mu Chen said, the golden wings on his back were also released.

Jian Douluo looked at the golden wings on Mu Chen's back, they didn't look like pure golden feathers, but more like wings made of gold. Although they were not so natural, they seemed stronger, harder, and more usable.

The thousand-year-old dark gold Dreadclaw bear can burst out the most precious metacarpal bone, and another thousand-year-old golden flood dragon has also burst out the external soul bone that can disable flying. Sword Douluo already feels a little bit about Mu Chen's astounding luck. Numb.

Forget it, instead of being envious of Xiaochen's luck, let's just be yourself with peace of mind and work hard to make a breakthrough.

"I don't want to comment on your kid's luck, but your third soul ability can be said to fully meet your requirements, immune to physical attacks and mental impacts.

It's just the third soul skill of a thousand years, but the effect is much stronger than the soul skills of tens of thousands of years. It seems that the impact of high-quality soul beasts on the quality of soul skills is still somewhat beyond my imagination. "

Jian Douluo was also speechless after hearing Mu Chen's introduction, but Jian Douluo was very satisfied with Mu Chen getting such a soul skill.

After all, he is his only disciple, Jian Douluo still hopes that Mu Chen's achievements will be as high as possible in the future.

Jian Douluo checked Mu Chen's body again, and was completely relieved after confirming that Mu Chen had no problems due to absorbing the third soul ring that far exceeded the limit.

"Since everything here is settled, let's go back to the sect. It's been a while." Sword Douluo said.

"Okay~" Mu Chen responded, and Gu Yuena also nodded, and then used her mental power to inform Di Tian and other beasts of their arrangements and plans.

At the lakeside of the Lake of Life, after receiving the Lord's order, Di Tian was also thoughtful: "Master, are you so optimistic about that human being?
Maybe, we can only blame our subordinates for being too weak. "Di Tian looked at the clear water of the Lake of Life, and fell into deep thought.

This is the Lord's first contact with the human world, so I hope it will go smoothly.

And on the way Mu Chen, Sword Douluo, and Gu Yuena returned to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, in Wuhun City, three figures finally rushed to the Wuhun Palace in the center of Wuhun City.

The Hall of Consecration, this is the place of the highest honor in the Hall of Spirits. It enshrines the highest combat power of the Hall of Spirits. Only Super Douluo with soul power above level 95 can be listed as offerings. Finally, the strongest background.

But only when Wuhundian is facing a major crisis, these offerings will be made, and the rest of the time is more for self-cultivation.

Qian Renxue, Snake Spear, and Dolphin Douluo also came here after passing numerous inspections. Qian Renxue still felt her eye sockets a little moist when she looked at the huge angel statue in front of her.

Finally, finally he came back.

Wuhundian is his spiritual sustenance, now that he has replaced someone in Tiandou City for such a long time, he never thought that he would return to Wuhundian at this time.

"Xue'er, why are you back?" A burly figure was also very puzzled when he saw Qian Renxue and the two Title Douluo behind him.

He is tall and tall, wearing luxurious golden clothes, and a golden crocodile is tattooed on the back of the clothes, which looks very ferocious and intimidating.

"Grandpa Golden Crocodile, I have something urgent to see Grandpa." Qian Renxue said when she saw Golden Crocodile Douluo, her tone was also a little anxious, and then she went directly into a manor with an angel statue.

Qian Renxue hastily entered this manor dedicated to the great enshrined Qian Daoliu, and there was no change from the manor in her memory, it was still so quiet and peaceful.

Qian Renxue quickly saw her grandfather's figure and rushed over.

Qian Daoliu also smiled after feeling the breath of his granddaughter, shook his head lightly, and then turned around.

Although Qian Daoliu is very old, he is dressed in simple white clothes, and his hair and beard are already grey, but because of his own strength and the effect of this angel's divine power, his face is indeed rosy now, and there are no obvious wrinkles. It seems that he is very energetic, and it is not difficult to see that Qian Daoliu was also a handsome guy in his youth.

Seeing his granddaughter running over, Qian Daoliu smiled sincerely.

"Grandpa, I came to you this time because of..." Qian Renxue didn't finish her sentence.

He was interrupted by Qian Daoliu: "It's for that kid from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, right?"

"Well, Grandpa, I..."

Qian Renxue knew that her grandfather already knew about herself and Xiaochen, but now Qian Renxue was still worried because of the relationship between Wuhundian and Qibao Glazed Tile School.

His own grandfather would be unfavorable to Xiaochen, and even dealt with Xiaochen secretly in order to stifle potential threats.

"You like that kid very much?" Qian Daoliu looked at his granddaughter and asked.

"Yes, grandpa, I like Mu Chen, I just like him!" Although Qian Renxue felt a little embarrassed to be asked directly by her grandpa, she still replied forcefully.

"You know the importance of Wuhundian's plan, and it is very important for Mu Chen to see through your identity. It may lead to the destruction of Wuhundian's plans and hard work for so many years. Do you know what you are talking about?

Xiaoxue! "Qian Daoliu looked at Qian Renxue seriously and asked.

Due to various reasons, Qian Daoliu has always been very loving and accommodating to Qian Renxue, and this is the first time he has questioned Qian Renxue like this.

"Xiao Chen knew my identity a long time ago, but he didn't expose my identity. He likes me, and I like him too. I believe he can resolve the conflict between Wuhundian and Qibao Liulizong."

Qian Renxue also faced her grandfather directly, with beautiful golden eyes facing Qian Daoliu, without giving in at all.

She knew that once she gave in, the future Xiaochen would be caught in endless pursuit, so she had to be tough today.

For your own happiness!
For my lover - Xiaochen!
(End of this chapter)

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