Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 53: Xue Er Wants to Come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?

Chapter 53: Xue Er Wants to Come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?
Mu Chen also talked to Ning Fengzhi and others about his learning experience and insights in Yuexuan, and Ning Rongrong looked at his elder brother Chen with admiration.

As expected of Brother Chen, whether it is cultivation talent, kendo comprehension, or current rhythm, they are all very dazzling existences.

In comparison, I seem to be "not worthy" of such an excellent brother Chen, no, I have to become even better!
Ning Rongrong looked at Mu Chen, who was talking eloquently in front of him, and secretly made up his mind that he must work hard to make himself even better, so that he can keep up with Brother Chen's pace in the future.

Now my own soul power has just broken through to level 31, and there is still a gap of two levels of soul power between Brother Chen, Ning Rongrong, come on, Ollie!
Be brave and not afraid of difficulties!
"By the way, Xiaochen, speaking of it, I have something to tell you." Ning Fengzhi said suddenly.


Uncle Ning, just speak directly. "Mu Chen asked a little after wiping his mouth gracefully.

"Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Heaven Dou imperial family, is going to study in our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School for half a year, I plan to let Qinghe live next to you.

If you are fine, you can also communicate with Qinghe more. After all, he is my nominal disciple and the heir of the future empire. He has helped us before.

If you count the time, it will only be in these few days. "Ning Fengzhi said.

"Xue Qinghe is coming to study with us for half a year???" Mu Chen said in horror.

Xue'er actually wanted to come here. If Sister Na'er wasn't here, then she would naturally welcome her very much, and she could increase her relationship with Xue'er.

But the problem is, Sister Na'er is also by her side, and she is still so inseparable. If Xue'er knows that there is a girl who is more beautiful than her beside her, coupled with Xue'er's character and desire to control , then what will happen to me. . .

No breakup, only widowhood? !

Moreover, Xue'er is still the chosen one of the God of Angels, and Sister Na'er is extremely hostile to God. When the conflicts between the two sides come together, what should I do if I am caught in the middle?

Mu Chen didn't expect the title of sister to fool a smart person like Xue'er. This is what Mu Chen is most worried about, but now he can't let Gu Yuena go directly to the Star Dou Forest, let Qian Renxue Not coming?
That will only make him die faster, so now Mu Chen can only adapt to the situation.

"What's wrong?
Xiaochen, don't you welcome Qinghe? Looking at Mu Chen's appearance, Ning Fengzhi asked a little strangely, in Yuexuan, didn't he hear that the relationship between Mu Chen and Xue Qinghe was very close?

Why do you have such an expression now?

"It's okay, Uncle Ning, I'm just a little surprised. After all, he is the prince of the empire, and now he came to us." Mu Chen said, wiping his cold sweat.

On one side, Gu Yuena's powerful mental power was also strange after she noticed Mu Chen's clear and subtle changes,

Xiao Chen was very afraid of that Xue Qinghe?

"Well, you can communicate more with each other." Ning Fengzhi also smiled.

At the end of the process, Mu Chen also wanted to show a few people the results of his rhythm learning in Yuexuan.

The ethereal and melodious sound of the piano sounded, and the melodious melody spread to every corner of the room. Mu Chen's slender fingers kept sliding on the piano, as if dancing cheerfully.

Everyone present did not attend Yuexuan's graduation ceremony, so it was naturally the first time they heard Mu Chen's voice of rhythm.

Ning Fengzhi, Gu Douluo and the others closed their eyes and listened quietly to Mu Chen's performance, especially Jian Douluo.

The edge of the artistic conception of the sword was already touched, but when listening to Mu Chen's rhythm, this feeling became even stronger.

Gu Yuena's purple eyes looked at Mu Chen in the bright place, with fluttering white clothes, a charming smile on his handsome face, exuding an aura of exile from the whole body, mixed with nobility and elegance .

Especially when Mu Chen's eyes looked at her, Gu Yuena had a very strange feeling. She had never had such a feeling before, but it was very sweet and felt very beautiful. Gu Yuena also looked at Mu Chen with a smile. Chen's performance.

It is indeed almost impossible for the soul beasts to touch and understand the things that humans possess, Gu Yuena couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

And although Ning Rongrong couldn't understand the artistic conception contained in Mu Chen's melody, she just felt very comfortable, as if Brother Chen's melody could cleanse people's hearts.

After the performance, Ning Fengzhi and others also applauded in unison. They were still very surprised by what Mu Chen had learned. After another round of exchanges, they finally ended the reception banquet prepared for Mu Chen today.

Mu Chen and Gu Yuena still returned to their residence together, on the way.

"Xiao Chen, the music you played with the thing you used today is really nice, can you teach me in the future." Gu Yuena asked as she walked behind Mu Chen.

"Well, if you want to learn, I can teach you, Sister Na'er.

After a few days, that Xue Qinghe will come, don't be impulsive, promise me, Sister Na'er. " Mu Chen turned and looked at Gu Yuena seriously and said.

Why did you tell me about this so specifically? Is that Xue Qinghe special? "

Gu Yuena looked at Mu Chen with some puzzlement, this was the first time she saw Xiao Chen talking to her so seriously, to calm herself down?
"Well, Xue Qinghe is actually my girlfriend in disguise, she is a woman, but she has an angel soul bone as a disguise.

She is very special because she is the person chosen by the God of Angels, and she will inherit the position of the God of Angels after accepting the Nine Trials of Angels in the future.

She is also my favorite and closest person now. " Mu Chen looked at the starry sky and said with emotion.

"Are you worried that I will transfer my hatred for the God Realm to that Xue Qinghe?" Gu Yuena instantly understood what Mu Chen was going to say next.

"Well, Sister Na'er, be obedient and don't be unfavorable to her." Mu Chen looked at Gu Yuena and said seriously.

"Okay, I promise you."

As Gu Yuena said, she also turned her head to the other side, and Mu Chen also smiled after receiving Gu Yuena's affirmative answer.

"Don't worry, Xue'er will only be my help in the future." Mu Chen continued to walk as he spoke, but he didn't see Gu Yuena's lonely appearance.

Gu Yuena looked at Mu Chen's leaving figure and murmured: "Do you love the closest person the most?
I've never seen such an affectionate appearance like Xiaochen, what is the love between human beings~" Then Gu Yuena's figure also kept up with Mu Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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