Chapter 58
Half a year has passed like this, and today, Qian Renxue will return to Tiandou City to continue lurking.

"Xue'er, you are leaving, let's have another loving goodbye." Mu Chen came to Qian Renxue's room and opened his arms and said.

Qian Renxue also gave this shameless bad guy a blank look, but she still stepped forward and hugged Mu Chen, and then gave an unforgettable goodbye kiss.

"Xue'er, I will find a chance to go to Tiandou City to meet you in the future." Mu Chen said affectionately while holding the person in his arms.

"Well, you have to keep your word, and you have to cultivate your soul power more. Although you are almost 12 years old and you are already a level 35 soul master, you still need to improve your soul power as much as possible. Now you and I are more than 20 levels behind in spirit power." Qian Renxue said.

"Well, I will, Xue'er~" Mu Chen kissed Qian Renxue's pretty face again. After half a year of fermentation, the relationship between the two of them was completely solidified.

Now facing the separation, the two are also very reluctant.

After the two hugged each other for a while, Qian Renxue also let go of Mu Chen, and then walked outside.

"Xue'er, where are you going?" Muchen asked doubtfully.

"I still have something to say to Na'er, don't follow me." Qian Renxue said, also closing the door of Gu Yuena's room.

Mu Chen had a puzzled look on his face. He has come to this point, but he still wants to hide it from himself?

"Xue'er, you're here, you're leaving today, hey, no one will help me with my clothes." Gu Yuena lay on the bed boredly and looked at Qian Renxue before getting up.

"Na'er, I have something very serious to tell you." Qian Renxue said while holding Gu Yuena's hand.

In the past six months, the relationship between Qian Renxue and Gu Yuena has been very good.


You say it. "Gu Yuena said seriously when she saw Qian Renxue's appearance.

"Do you like Xiaochen?
Gu Yuena! "Qian Renxue said abruptly.


Why do you ask that, Xiaochen is your boyfriend, me. . .How could this be? "Gu Yuena was a little panicked by Qian Renxue's question, and quickly denied it.

"Just say, whether you like Xiaochen or not, you don't have to think about anything else, liking someone is your right, and no one can take it away.

Since I asked you that, I naturally have my intentions.

Could it be that the dignified Silver Dragon King couldn't say all this? "Qian Renxue looked at Gu Yuena's purple pupils and asked, but she had already got the answer, and she just wanted Gu Yuena to admit it herself.

"I like it..." Gu Yuena's eyes seemed to be looking into the distance, and pictures of herself and Xiao Chen appeared in her mind.

"I agree to your request, Gu Yuena." Mu Chen said helplessly. At the time, he was very surprised and puzzled, but more surprised.

Because I saw hope, although it seemed a little slim, it was better than being alone.

"Xiaochen, do my clothes look good?" I asked nervously at that time, and after getting Mu Chen's affirmation, I was also relieved, and I was even a little happy?

The beautiful rhythm played by Xiaochen made me feel very happy, and more importantly, the appearance of the performer Mu Chen at that time was deeply imprinted in my heart.When I saw the intimacy between Mu Chen and Qian Renxue, I felt very envious, and also a little heartbroken.

And for half a year, when Mu Chen practiced swordsmanship every day, he liked to watch Mu Chen's sword dance.

So chic, so attractive, although I told myself that Mu Chen is Xue'er's man, I don't want to fall into it like this, but how can things like feelings stop as soon as they say it.

My own super mental power can't restrain my own thoughts. Is this how human feelings are? It's really a wonderful feeling.

Now that Qian Renxue asked such a question, Gu Yuena also faced up to the relationship between herself and Xiao Chen.

"I'm sorry, Xue'er, I like Xiaochen too." Gu Yuena finally admitted her feelings for Mu Chen, just when Gu Yuena thought that Qian Renxue would lose her temper, Qian Renxue held back her hand.

Then he smiled and said, "I've seen this for a long time. Xiaochen also has that kind of thought for you, but it's just covered up."

"Xue'er, aren't you angry?" Gu Yuena looked at Qian Renxue in front of her in astonishment.

After getting along for half a year, she knew that Xueer's desire to control was still very strong. This was her reaction when she faced her sister who also fell in love with her man, or did she have other ideas?

"I'm sure there will be anger, but what can I do?

Do you want you to separate and let you go back to the Star Dou Forest and meet again after Xiaochen becomes a god?
You are my good sister, you like Xiaochen, seeing Xiaochen looking at you obsessively, you can see that Xiaochen also likes you, but because of my existence, this kind of feeling is suppressed, but sooner or later will explode.

And now there is still a long time before I will be with Xiaochen in the future. In the days when I am not with Xiaochen, you can help me take care of him and accompany him to become stronger step by step, and I still have my own tasks to do. "Qian Renxue said slowly, her words were full of helplessness.

"Actually, I can help you destroy the influence of those human soul masters. For me, it's really not difficult." Gu Yuena said.

"No, your identity is too sensitive. Doing so will easily attract the attention of the God Realm, and then you will be in big trouble." Qian Renxue shook her head.

"When you stay by Xiaochen's side, you have to be careful that Xiaochen will find other women, even people as proud as us fall in love with Xiaochen, a bad guy.

So when other women meet such an outstanding person as Xiaochen, there is a high probability that they will also like Xiaochen.

I hope you can be on guard when you are by Xiaochen's side, I don't want Xiaochen to fall in love with other women. "Qian Renxue stated her main purpose.

With a super beauty like Gu Yuena, other women should be "vulnerable" in terms of appearance, which can attract a lot of Mu Chen's attention and reduce risks.

After all, with such an excellent woman by his side, it is difficult for other women to catch their eyes.

"Ah? Well, then I'll listen to you, Xueer. Thank you, Xueer." Gu Yuena said with some astonishment, but she still held Qian Renxue's jade hand tightly and said gratefully.

"Well, I'm leaving, you have to remember what I said, as for when to express your relationship with Xiaochen, it can only be up to you."

Qian Renxue smiled in relief, and then disguised herself as Xue Qinghe.

Mu Chen, Gu Yuena, Ning Fengzhi and others also bid farewell to Xue Qinghe, and Gu Yuena secretly made up her mind when she saw the reluctance in Mu Chen's eyes and Xue Qinghe's smile. . .

(End of this chapter)

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