Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 63 The Scary Friendship Establishment Between Women

Chapter 63 The Scary Friendship Establishment Between Women

"You are sure to go there, as far as I know, the teaching environment of Shrek Academy is actually much worse than that of the average intermediate soul master academy.

Especially in terms of funds, you elders of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School will not know. . . "Zhu Zhuqing said with some doubts, but the kindness in his heart still planned to "persuade" these three.

She could see that Mu Chen's talent and strength were definitely the strongest she had ever met, and she was also the most handsome and temperamental one she had ever met. Such a genius soul master went to Shrek Academy, Zhu Zhuqing Worried that Mu Chen's excellent talent would be wasted.

"It's okay, sister, we just go there to try it out, if it doesn't fit, we will leave." Ning Rongrong laughed.


That. . .Well, I know the way to Shrek Academy, I can take you there. "Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ning Rongrong's appearance with some envy.

Obviously his background is not low, but the fate gap between the two people is indeed so big.

I don't know what will happen to my fiancé after going to Shrek Academy, hey~
"Looking at your appearance, you don't have any money, so how about it, as a future classmate, I can help you, so today you will be with me.

In exchange, you will take us there when Shrek Academy starts enrolling students. "Muchen said.

"I don't think so..." Before Zhu Zhuqing finished speaking, he felt his hand being held, Ning Rongrong directly took Zhu Zhuqing's hand and walked out.

"That's it, don't say any more.

My name is Ning Rongrong, that's Mu Chen, and the veiled sister is Gu Yuena. " Ning Rongrong said while walking outside.

"My name is Zhu Zhuqing~" Zhu Zhuqing was directly held by Ning Rongrong's hand and left.

Mu Chen and Gu Yuena were also a little speechless when they saw this scene, and then they left here after leaving some gold soul coins.

"Why don't you eat?

Is the food not to your liking? "

Ning Rongrong looked at Zhu Zhuqing with some doubts, although this hotel was not as luxurious as the previous one, it was still very good.

Most importantly, there are no more disgusting people like before.

Zhu Zhuqing sat beside him without speaking, and thought a lot for a while.Although he was born in the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire, under the cruel rules, he had to fight cruelly with his sister.

From childhood to adulthood, I seem to have never won. Many times I was almost put to death by my sister, and how many times I escaped from death.

I don't want to fail like this, die like this, or be imprisoned forever by abolishing my cultivation base.

After many inquiries, he finally found where his fiancé Dai Mubai was, and he was practicing in an unknown Shrek Academy.

She wanted to go there directly to find him, but she was afraid of encountering the scene she didn't want to see the last time. She still had the last bit of hope for this fiance.

Before Shrek Academy started enrolling students, she said that she was here to earn some money to support her life, but in fact this was not an escape. She was really afraid that her last hope would be wiped out before her eyes.

If Dai Mubai really just ate and died in this small place, then he would have no chance to stand up.

Thinking of those disgusting men these days looking at the extreme greed and evil thoughts in his eyes, and then looking at the delicious food in front of him, and the three people who are very kind to him, Zhu Zhuqing couldn't hold back for a while, and the tears flowed from his eyes Slipped out, but was quickly wiped off by himself with his sleeve.

Obviously I have shed so many tears, I told myself again and again, I can't cry anymore, why I still can't help it.

Mu Chen also sighed when he saw this scene. In the original book, this is also a poor girl, at least in the early stage, it is so distressing.

"Xiaochen, did you know Zhu Zhuqing from the beginning?" Gu Yuena asked using her mental power.

Mu Chen shook his head slightly, joking, how can such a thing be said directly, how is it possible to know so much at the first meeting?

"Let's eat, Zhu Zhuqing, after we're full, we'll help you with some clothes, your current clothes should also be changed.

It just so happens that Sister Na'er also wants to buy clothes again, so let's go together, it won't cost much anyway. "Mu Chen said smoothly.

After hearing what Mu Chen said, Zhu Zhuqing raised his head and said, "No need, this is really too troublesome."

"Just treat it as you owe us, and pay it back in the future, it's okay." Mu Chen shook his head and said, this little cat is indeed stubborn.

If he didn't say that, Muchen felt that he would really be rejected.

"Then...well, I will definitely return it to you in the future." Zhu Zhuqing nodded after hesitating for a while.

"Your personality, I don't know whether to say yes or no, you are too stubborn." Mu Chen said carelessly, but Zhu Zhuqing pursed his lips and did not speak after hearing it.

For a while, several people did not speak, but ate.

Soon, after eating, Muchen realized that he was wrong.

Once a woman starts shopping, it is really "unrecognized by six relatives", especially for people who often buy clothes like Sister Na'er and Ning Rongrong, when they come to a brand new place, the styles of clothes will be different .

And Zhu Zhuqing was quite reserved at the beginning, but driven by Ning Rongrong's lively personality, he gradually "released" the innocence and romance that he should have at this age.

While Mu Chen was stunned, he once again saw how simple it is to establish friendship between women, and Mu Chen was stunned by the speed.


Zhu Zhuqing, your breasts are so big, what do you eat to make them so big?
Woohoo, I thought mine was okay, but after such a comparison, I feel that I am not worthy. "

"I... I don't know, maybe it's innate, everyone in my family seems to be like this."

"Oh, but if you walk like this every day, won't it be inconvenient?"

"Can we not talk about this topic?

I. . . "

"I think that guy Xiaochen is not very honest. He sneaked at you several times. Do you really like it that much?"

Muchen: Huh?

Sister Na'er, how did you learn these words? I'm a serious person, so don't talk nonsense, I just caught it by accident, okay?

Muchen felt that Gu Yuena was slandering him, so he had to clarify this matter.

(End of this chapter)

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