Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 65 Zhu Zhuqing's Hope

Chapter 65 Zhu Zhuqing's Hope
Outside the Rose Hotel, Ning Rongrong and Gu Yuena caught up with Zhu Zhuqing, but at this moment Zhu Zhuqing curled himself up in a corner and wept softly, the people around looked at him and pointed, not knowing what happened.

"What are you looking at!

Haven't you seen beauties, go away! "Ning Rongrong said loudly with her waist sticking, and the people around her didn't make fun of themselves, but left one after another.

After there was no one else around, Gu Yuena and Ning Rongrong also approached Zhu Zhuqing.

"What’s wrong with you?
Bamboo clear?Why are you crying? "Ning Rongrong asked softly, although she is a little witch, she is really kind to some people.

Gu Yuena would purse her lips when watching this scene, she didn't know how to comfort a woman, but she knew how to comfort Xiao Chen.

As long as she wears some cooler clothes, Xiaochen will become very happy.

Muchen: Sister Na'er, don't talk nonsense, I'm an honest person!

What cool is not cool!
However, Gu Yuena secretly used her super mental power to help Zhu Zhuqing control her emotions.

At the same time, Gu Yuena also knew the ins and outs of the matter from Zhu Zhuqing's memory, and the masked fairy face also looked at Zhu Zhuqing with some pity.

She seemed to know why Xiaochen looked at Zhu Zhuqing with such eyes before, maybe this was the root cause.

"Zhuqing, if you really have something on your mind, you can tell us.

Is it related to the blond man in the hotel? "Gu Yuena asked softly, and the voice was mixed with the guidance and relaxation of spiritual power, which made Zhu Zhuqing calm down a lot.

"Sister Na'er, did you know?"

Zhu Zhuqing lifted his head up, there were still tears on his cold face, red around the eye sockets, even the hair on his forehead was a little disheveled, it looked like he had suffered a lot, which aroused pity.

"Zhuqing, when you saw that blond man hugging the twins, it suddenly became like that, isn't it obvious?" Gu Yuena shook her head.


Zhu Zhuqing didn't speak for a while, but seeing the caring eyes of Gu Yuena and Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing was finally ready to tell the truth about his situation.

"Actually, that blond man is my fiancé, I am the second young lady of the Zhu family of the Star Luo Empire, he is the second prince of the Star Luo Imperial Family, and his name is Dai Mubai...

So, after suffering a lot by myself, I finally found this place, wanting to fight against his big brother and my sister with Dai Mubai.

I originally had a little bit of fantasy about Dai Mubai, thinking that he came to such a small place to reduce unnecessary battles, concentrate on cultivation, and improve our own strength, so that we can all live safely in the future, but just now . . .

Just now, I saw the most desperate scene. He came here just to dawdle.

In such a small place where money is a luxury, and only knows how to play with women, how can such a Dai Mubai compete with Davis.

The cruel competition between families will not take into account our age gap, maybe this is the arrangement of fate, and now I can't see any hope at all.

He wants to die, I want to live. . . "Zhu Zhuqing said that in the end, his voice began to choke, and he seemed extremely helpless.


After Ning Rongrong finished listening, she didn't know what to say for a while.

According to Zhu Zhuqing's words, that Davis and Zhu Zhuyun's spirit power has reached Soul Sect now, but the current Dai Mubai is only level 37, while Zhu Zhuqing is only level 27, and it seems true that they want to fight against each other. It's hard.

"You still have a way to go, and that is to quickly improve your own strength. On the Douluo Continent, the strong are respected.

If you have enough strength, then you can ignore this so-called rule. If you don't have enough Title Douluo, you can become a Super Douluo. If you don't have enough, you can become a god!
The so-called fate is just the powerless rhetoric of the weak, and fate has always been in the hands of the strong themselves. "It was very rare for Gu Yuena to say so many words at once, because Gu Yuena seemed to see a little shadow of herself in Zhu Zhuqing.

Like Zhu Zhuqing, I want to fight against this so-called fate, and I don't want to give up. Even though it seems that hope is a bit slim, it's just that Zhu Zhuqing is wavering now, and he is even about to lose confidence, while I have someone like Xiaochen. hope.

Speaking of it, I seemed to be in a better situation than Zhu Zhuqing, since I met Zhu Zhuqing, it was fate.

Gu Yuena felt that it was appropriate for her to provide some help, or ask Xiaochen to give this strong girl some help.

"But I don't have much time anymore, the All-Continent Senior Soul Master Elite Competition in a few years' time will be the last chance my family gives me.

If I beat my sister once, then I can still have a chance to fight with my sister and them;
If I lose in the soul master contest, then the family will not give me any more chances, and the worst thing is that my cultivation will be abolished, and then I will be imprisoned forever. "Zhu Zhuqing also shook his head after hearing Gu Yuena's words.

How could it be that simple, if he was the same age as his elder sister Zhu Zhuyun, then Zhu Zhuqing was confident that he would not lose to his older sister, but how could there be so many ifs.

Just when Gu Yuena was still talking, a familiar voice came from behind the three of them.

"Zhu Zhuqing, I can help you, if you believe me." Mu Chen said, walking to Gu Yuena's side.

"Have you heard it all?" Zhu Zhuqing said with some embarrassment, she didn't want to show this side of herself in front of Mu Chen, the side she least wanted to face but was the most realistic.

"What's the matter, I didn't mean to look down on you, on the contrary, I still admire you.

Since that guy Dai Mubai is unreliable, then rely on himself.As for the strength you are worried about, I can help you, and I can improve your soul power and talent in the future. "Muchen said lightly.

The difference in soul power is naturally due to the celestial grass.

Not to mention the rapid improvement of soul power and talent, and there is no harm in it, it is still collective.

But obviously, it's up to me in the future.

Mu Chen is now level 36, and he can sublimate himself by absorbing fairy grass, and he should be able to pile up his soul power directly to around level 40.

When the time comes, let Sister Na'er take me directly to the Star Dou Forest to choose my fourth soul ring, I will be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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