Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 67 Shrek Academy Is Not a Good Academy

Chapter 67 Shrek Academy Is Not a Good Academy
A few days later, Mu Chen and the others finally came to Shrek Academy, and today is also the day when Shrek Academy enrolls students in a year.

"Is this the so-called Shrek Academy? No wonder there are only three students." Looking at the so-called academy in front of him, Mu Chen was also a little speechless.

I really haven't seen such a school that picks up leaks. I guess Liu Yuxi has seen it, and he will delete "Humble Room Inscription" overnight.

Shrek Academy is located in a small village with only about a hundred families.

At the entrance of the village, quite a few teenagers of their age had come here accompanied by their parents.

An ordinary wooden table was placed at the entrance of the village, and an old man in his 60s was sitting behind the table, and a somewhat tattered plaque was hung above the arch at the entrance of the village, with five simple characters written on it: "Historical History" Lake College".

There is also a green head next to it, which looks like the head of a humanoid monster, and the old man in his 60s also has this pattern on his chest. This is the emblem of Shrek Academy.

There are about a hundred or so applicants, but most of them are dissatisfied with the Shrek Academy like this, and some parents think that this is not the real Shrek Academy, but internal.

Mu Chen and the others also saw Tang San, Xiao Wu, and Dai Mubai who were beside the old man in the Rose Hotel before, and felt that Zhu Zhuqing's emotions were a little out of control, and Gu Yuena also used her mental power to stabilize Zhu Zhuqing's emotions.

The old man who was in charge of accepting the application had a lazy look, and looked like an ordinary person.

After not accepting a child, the parents wanted to return the fame fee, but were forced away by Dai Mubai using the strength of the soul master level.

Many parents retreated after seeing this scene, it is too overbearing, whoever falls in love with such an academy will fall in love with it!
After rejecting another child, the old man also formally explained the minimum rules for the college's admissions: "Shrek is a kind of monster, even among soul beasts, it is extremely ancient and pure.

My meaning of Shrek Academy is Monster Academy, that is to say, we only recruit monsters here, not ordinary people.

Those who are over 13 years old, or whose soul power has not reached level 21 or above, don't need to stay here to waste time. "

After finishing speaking, six soul rings, one white, one yellow, three purple and one black, appeared on the old man's body. A rich red light suddenly released from the old man's body, and a long stick with countless dense lines appeared in his right hand. The powerful aura instantly stunned the audience, showing that this ordinary-looking rogue old man is actually a strong soul master at the level of a soul emperor!
And in the entire Barak kingdom, there are only a handful of soul masters at the level of soul emperors, and not every place has such terrifying power as the soul masters mastered by the Spirit Hall.

After such a release, more parents left directly with their children. Such a request, I am afraid that only monsters can really satisfy it.

There were only a dozen people left in the original team of hundreds of people. As for the registration fee paid before, no one dared to ask to go back.

The old man was indifferent to this scene, and was even used to this situation every year, but Shrek Academy would rather be short than excessive, even if it couldn't recruit a single student, it would not lower its enrollment requirements.

Mu Chen shook his head slightly watching this scene, is Shrek Academy really a good academy?

No, it's not a good college.

Although this college recruits students for civilians, the requirements are too perverted, ordinary civilians simply cannot get in, and they have never really done anything for civilians.

Dai Mubai, Zhu Zhuqing, Xiao Wu, Ning Rongrong, and even Tang San, five of the Shrek Seven Monsters were not commoners, but because of various things, these genius soul masters from different classes would gather together here.

The real commoners are only Ma Hongjun and Oscar, and before Ma Hongjun's evil fire problem is resolved, he can't be regarded as a true genius soul master.

So looking at Shrek Academy, the only one who was born as a commoner and entered Shrek Academy relying on his own talent is the food-type soul master who is born full of soul power—Oscar.

Of course, how to enroll students is up to the academy itself, but Shrek Academy's admissions philosophy is definitely not good.

With such a talent, Wuhundian Academy would just enter randomly, who would come to join such a shabby academy.

And Shrek Academy's moral education has a big problem, playing with Dai Mubai who is 13 to 30 years old;
The lustful Ma Hongjun has only one Oscar who is considered a student with good moral character, but such a student is ridiculed and targeted by Dai Mubai everywhere because of his soul curse.

The students are like this, and Shrek's teaching team is not right.

The most obvious is the so-called "Don't dare to make trouble is a mediocrity!"

Is my student a mediocrity if he doesn't pick things up?

Mu Chen being a "five good youth" in the Qibao Glazed Tile School still does not affect Mu Chen's ability to hammer the current Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun to the ground, what nonsense they are talking about!
Ma Hongjun took the initiative to molest the girl from Canghui Academy, and Dai Mubai followed suit to provoke her.

On the other hand, Canghui Academy, it was obviously his own students who were wronged for no reason, and even made concessions, so they were still beaten up by Shrek Academy people, even the other party's teacher.

Bullying the weak and thinking that he is very majestic, even Wuhundian is not so shameless!
There are too many of these, and Mu Chen feels that there are countless problems at once, but such an academy can develop to the point where it can become a giant.

Muchen can only feel the strength of the protagonist's aura, but it's a pity that this time, he is the protagonist!

So in Mu Chen's eyes, Shrek Academy is really not a good academy for soul masters!
If it wasn't for Tang San and that trash in order to gain more force, Mu Chen didn't want to come here to take a second look.

Of course, Shrek Academy also has its own advantages, the strength of the teaching staff is generally relatively strong.

The strength of Soul Sage and Soul Emperor is completely enough to serve as the teachers of the Advanced Soul Master Academy, plus Yu Xiaogang's cultivation guidance, these are also incomparable to ordinary Soul Master Academy.

Even though Mu Chen looked down on Yu Xiaogang, his theory did have a lot of effect in the cultivation stage of low-level soul masters.

Of course, after a soul master reaches a high level of cultivation, he can only rely on himself, and his soul power of level 29 is doomed. It is impossible for him to get involved in real advanced theoretical research.

(End of this chapter)

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