Chapter 75 Angry Tang San
And Zhu Zhuqing, who was directly blasted away by Mu Chen, was also a little panicked when he looked at Mu Chen who was enlarged in front of him, but the blue silver grass wrapped around his waist in the next second, obviously Tang San, a control-type soul master, was in control of his side. fighting power.

Mu Chen smiled slightly, and then the speed actually increased again, the Emperor Dragon Sword in his hand directly cut out streaks of white sword energy, directly cutting off Tang San's Blue Silver Grass, and the Wuhun was directly cut off, making Tang San grunt.

Then Mu Chen's figure came to Zhu Zhuqing's side, and under Zhu Zhuqing's surprised eyes, he directly knocked Zhu Zhuqing to the ground, causing her to temporarily lose her fighting power.

After solving the first person, Mu Chen rushed towards Xiao Wu without stopping at all, Tang San couldn't hold back seeing this scene, and directly used the Blue Silver Grass to pull Xiao Wu back to his side.

"Xiao Wu, let me take the lead, you find the right time, and when I entangle him, you can use your waist bow. If you succeed, you should be able to throw Mu Chen away!" Tang San's purple eyes lit up, After that, he rushed directly to Muchen with strange steps.

"Finally willing to come by myself, is this the so-called ghost shadow?" Mu Chen slashed out countless white sword qi, but Tang San cleverly avoided them one by one, looking at Tang San who kept approaching him , Muchen also went directly to greet him.

But in the eyes of Dai Mubai and others, the speed of the two of them far exceeded the speed that their own level should have. The most important thing is that the pace of the two of them has no rules, and they cannot be predicted. The action looks dizzying.

As for Mu Chen, he could clearly feel the vague traction from Tang San's hands, and he could break his own rhythm and change his point of exertion.

He had to admit that even though his spirit power was higher than Tang San's at this stage, if it was close combat, he was still not as good as Tang San.

Otherwise, the current situation would not be a bit stalemate. It seems that I will have to train my ability in this area in the future.

As for the Nine Dragon Hairpin and the two external soul bones, Mu Chen is useless, but simply uses the Emperor Dragon Sword with the power of the upper sword and the shadow body technique. Once the soul bone or the Nine Dragon Hairpin is used, there is no need What a meaning.

The Emperor Mu Chen's dragon sword stabbed at Tang San's face, but was caught by a snow-white finger. After a moment's delay, Tang San would also deflect his head, narrowly avoiding Mu Chen's attack. A sword, but a sharp sword energy still cut Tang San's side face, oozing some blood.

Tang San didn't hesitate after that, and walked away from Muchen directly.

"The second soul skill—parasitic!" Tang San's second yellow soul ring lit up, and the blue silver grass seeds that had been secretly placed on Mu Chen's body also grew instantly, and the thick blue silver grass grew out of it. The grass spread rapidly, and it was about to wrap Muchen up.

After Tang San saw this scene, he also let out a sigh of relief, and finally completed the arrangement.

After absorbing the spirit rings of Datura Snake and Ghost Vine, his own Blue Silver Grass not only became tough but also carried the poison of Datura Snake, which poisoned the people who were entangled.

Even if it is directly broken by Mu Chen's sword energy, as long as it is entangled, the poison can still play a role. At that time, Xiao Wu will directly use the waist bow to throw Mu Chen away. . .

But the scene in the next second directly terminated Tang San's personal "fantasy". Before the blue silver grass was fully formed, it was completely torn by the sword energy around Mu Chen, turning into large and small blue silver grass and falling On the ground, the corner of Tang San's mouth also oozed blood.

The power of this so-called sword force is still beyond my imagination, and it seems that it didn't play the role I wanted.

"Xiao Wu!
return! "Tang San shouted, the blue silver grass in his hand wanted to entangle him again, but Xiao Wu who had already rushed towards Mu Chen couldn't go back directly, Mu Chen would not let go of the opportunity to send it to his door.

Without any suspense, Xiao Wu's attack missed again, unable to touch Mu Chen's body at all, let alone activate the first soul skill, but Mu Chen seized the opportunity and kicked the little rabbit directly. The kick flew out, but it seemed that I was a little unsure of my strength.

"Xiao Wu!" Tang San's eyes turned blood red, Lan Yincao directly pulled Xiao Wu into her arms, and found Xiao Wu passed out.

"Don't worry, she's just passed out. My strength is a little bit stronger, and I can wake up soon." Mu Chen said, but it seemed that something was wrong.

Tang San didn't speak, as if he didn't hear Mu Chen's words, his heart was full of self-blame, as Xiao Wu's elder brother, he failed to protect Xiao Wu well, how could he accept the title of elder brother!
Xuantian Treasure Record General Outline: Never try to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, otherwise it will be easy to become a real pig!

I should no longer hide any strength and burst out with all my strength.If today's opponent is a real enemy, wouldn't he regret it for the rest of his life?

Tang San's arms trembled slightly, his hands also turned into white jade, there seemed to be a faint air flow between his fingers, his eyes also completely turned purple.

Obviously, this time he didn't make any reservations!

Mu Chen looked at Tang San with this appearance and also smiled slightly and shrugged his shoulders, which was a bit interesting.

If Xiao Wu is injured, Tang San's combat power will directly increase exponentially, so let yourself see what kind of strength Tang San is under full strength, and you will not be like Zhao Wuji in the original book He was afraid of his hands and feet, and was so embarrassed.

"Mu Chen, be careful!" Tang San suddenly raised his head to look at Mu Chen, the purple light in his eyes flashed, and he raised his drooping hands.

"咻咻咻~" Ten cold lights shot at Mu Chen, shooting at Mu Chen's eyes, shoulders, heart, knees and other vital parts respectively, and then directly rushed towards Mu Chen with ghost shadow fascination.

"Is this the piercing needle?

With such strength, even the soul master might be directly penetrated. "The golden dragon wings behind Mu Chen appeared and protected Mu Chen in front of him.

"Kang, clang, clang!" Ten bone-piercing needles hit the golden dragon's wings, making a metal crashing sound, but none of the bone-penetrating needles could break Mu Chen's golden dragon's wings. On the contrary, the penetrating needle was blocked by Mu Chen because of its own direction.

Although Tang San was surprised by the defensive ability of Mu Chen's spirit bone, he didn't stop his actions, he wanted to "justice" for Xiao Wu!
When performing Ghost Shadow, Tang San threw out countless cold lights again, Tang San's hands were like butterflies piercing flowers, flicking or throwing, one after another cold lights shot at Mu Chen from different directions and angles.

(End of this chapter)

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