Chapter 83 Ma Hongjun

"Fatty came back from Goulan a few days ago, and he should be with his new girlfriend now." Oscar said very honestly, but he soon realized whether he was speaking directly or not, as if he was a little sorry Fatty.

"Goulan?" Xiao Wu and the others immediately had a bad first impression of this fat senior who hadn't met after hearing these words.

According to what Dai Mubai said, that fat man was only 12 years old, and at such a young age, he actually went to a place like Goulan!

Whether it was Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and the others, they became more and more suspicious of this Shrek Academy.

A lecherous tiger who abandoned his fiancée in a drunken dream, without caring about it, a precocious fat man who is precociously lustful, just such a normal-looking one.

But the soul curse is not very normal uncle senior, can students of such an academy really teach them well?

Especially Ning Rongrong, who even wanted to leave here directly, for fear that if he didn't pay attention, his elder brother Chen would be affected by the unhealthy wind here, so he also went to find some romantic encounters.

"That, in fact, is mainly because there is a problem with Fatty's martial soul, and there are some problems with his phoenix martial soul, so he must use that method to carry out the evil fire.

Otherwise, there will be big problems. "Dai Mubai explained.

"So that's how it is, Brother Dai." Tang San also came out to fight and said, but he still had a bit of unavoidable grievance in his heart. As a time traveler, he was already an adult at the psychological age, but he didn't do anything. After such a thing, it seems that I am a little psychologically unbalanced?
"That's it, Brother Dai, you can go to your own affairs, Xiao Wu and I can wander around by ourselves." Tang San continued.

"Oh? That's fine, then you can do what you want, I'll go first.

And you, Oscar, shave your beard! "Dai Mubai was also speechless before leaving.

In fact, Oscar looked on par with him, but it was covered up by the full beard.

"Okay, that, then I'll sell sausages elsewhere." Oscar said, also pushing his own trolley and leaving here, Mu Chen and the others and Tang San.

Xiao Wu and the two separated and went their own way, wandering casually.Just as Muchen and the others were casually strolling around the village, the farmers in the village were already busy.

The two voices of a man and a woman in front attracted the attention of the four people, and they also followed the voices.

The two of them don't seem to be very old. The girl is only about fourteen or fifteen years old, and her appearance is relatively ordinary, but her body is full of youthful atmosphere. She is dressed in simple farm clothes, and she should be a child in the village.

And the boy who was arguing with her looks younger, he is not tall, and he is chubby, but he gives a very strong feeling, with short hair, small eyes, and two mustaches on his lips , looks a bit like a mouse whisker.


The system prompts that Ma Hongjun appears.

Character: Ma Hongjun (calculated with ten as the base unit.)
Role importance: five stars
Strength/Potential: Four stars (without taking jelly)

The system comprehensively evaluates nine stars, and the host can get nine times the force bonus. "When the system's notification sound came, Mu Chen also quickened his pace.

The girl looked at the little fat man with a bit of fear in her eyes.

"Ma Hongjun, don't come to me again, I won't be with you anymore."

The little fat man said unwillingly: "Cuihua, am I treating you badly?

Why did you break up with me! "

Cuihua blushed, but said firmly: "Although you are really kind to me, I really can't stand you.

It's not suitable between us, you should find someone else, and I'm a few years older than you.

Please, please don't look for me again. "

"I really don't know what you girls are thinking. It's okay to break up, and come with me again, otherwise, it's impossible!" the little fat man said angrily.

As he said that, the little fat man stretched out his hand to hold the girl's hand, Cuihua was like a frightened little rabbit, but he was just an ordinary person after all, how could he avoid the actions of a great soul master, little fat man He took her hand directly.

Cuihua begged: "Please, please let me go, I really can't stand you anymore, are you human?"

"Brother Chen, he can't be that fat guy that Dai Mubai said, he looks like he's only 12 years old, but he's also a level 26 great soul master.

In broad daylight, a great soul master who forces an ordinary person is simply a hooligan. Why are people in Shrek Academy like this? Go help her. "Ning Rongrong also said dissatisfied seeing this scene.

Mu Chen looked at Zhu Zhuqing and Gu Yuena, and the two girls also nodded, they also couldn't understand such behavior.

"I said..." Ma Hongjun still wanted to say something, but suddenly felt a gust of wind from around him, and when he took a closer look, he found that Cuihua was no longer in his hands, but in an extremely handsome person he had never seen before. behind the man.

"who are you?
Is he also a soul master?This is between me and her, you'd better not get involved. "Ma Hongjun said dissatisfiedly, but his small eyes were also sizing up Mu Chen.

This little white face is even more handsome than Boss Dai, and he just took Cuihua away from his hand, but he couldn't see the figure clearly at all, which shows that the strength of the person in front of him must be higher than his own!
So, you still need to be careful.

"I said, are Shrek Academy full of top players like you?" Ning Rongrong's pretty voice came, which also attracted Ma Hongjun's eyes, and then his little eyes straightened!
A little princess who looks like a pink and jade-carved little princess, a black dress outlines her explosive figure, especially such a big weapon, looks cold, and there is another one who wears a veil, but has a slender figure and Judging from her dusty temperament, she is also a beautiful woman.

When did so many top girls appear in the village?
If I can have one of them as my girlfriend, then this life will be worth it!

"Take care of your eyes, little fat man, I'm a little unhappy now." Mu Chen said lightly, but the surrounding swords had already formed, pressing directly in the fat man's direction.

(End of this chapter)

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