Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 87 Soto City Great Soul Arena

Chapter 87 Soto City Great Soul Arena

Looking at Ning Rongrong's happy appearance when he was on Mu Chen's back, Oscar smiled wryly.

It seems that this relationship has ended before it even started. To be honest, although I am considered a genius soul master by myself, if I compare myself with a super genius combat soul master like Mu Chen, I will be far behind. Not enough to see.

I should find someone else, this kind of elf does not belong to me, and then Oscar also accelerated his running. Although Ning Rongrong has finished, he still has seven or eight laps to finish, so he still has to hurry up.

Even Flender was shocked by Ning Rongrong's outstanding performance. Such a request would be quite difficult even for an ordinary fighting soul master. Unexpectedly, a soul master of the auxiliary system could do it. As expected, she came from one of the top three sects in the world of soul masters like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, but she was not the spoiled young lady in her impression.

Then Mu Chen and Gu Yuena would only be more terrifying, and in Ning Fengzhi's letter to himself, he asked Mu Chen and Gu Yuena to practice as much as possible by themselves, without the guidance of people like himself.

It seems that this is indeed the case. After all, it has been so long, and it is the first time I have heard that a soul master can fight back and forth with the soul sage Lao Zhao. He is indeed a genius soul master that he has never seen before.

Thinking of such a genius soul master being able to join Shrek Academy, Zhao Wuji felt very lucky and excited.

At that time, these children who are originally geniuses, plus the guidance of their own good brothers, then the future of these children is absolutely limitless. Shrek Academy will definitely become the number one academy in the mainland in the future, not like this on one's last legs.

Flender stayed in the same place until Oscar completed the last lap, and Dai Mubai also helped Oscar back up. This evening is the highlight, so let's take a good rest now.

"Erlong, I think the matter of merging the colleges can be put aside for now." Flender looked at Liu Erlong and said.

Not long after Liu Erlong came to Shrek Academy, Liu Erlong proposed that Lanba Academy could be a new starting point for Shrek Academy, and it would be fine to directly change the name of Lanba Academy to Shrek Academy.

But after all, Flender and others put too much effort into it, and now that there are talented soul masters like Mu Chen and others joining, Flender still hesitated for a while.

"No, boss, you will change your mind in the future. Judging from the current situation of the academy, it is impossible to provide quasi-ecological training at all. The fastest and best way is to directly use the existing resources of Lanba Academy." Liu Liu Erlong shook his head and said.

It seems that Boss Fu was a little overwhelmed by the great joy, and even forgot such a crucial thing.

After Xiaogang came here, he would definitely persuade Boss Fu to do the same.

Flender didn't speak, just sighed, and then walked to his office.


Flender and Liu Erlong led the team. Looking at the energetic children behind him, Flender also felt much better. After all, the academy was too unpopular.

"Let's go! Keep up!" After finishing speaking, Flender tapped his toes, and then rushed to the direction outside the academy, and everyone followed.

Soto City.

It is not far from Shrek Academy. It is located inside the Barak Kingdom and will not receive any threats from the outside. It is also an extremely important city in the Barak Kingdom. The group of people directly entered the city. middle.

Even though it is already dark now, Suotuo City is extremely lively, both sides of the street are brightly lit, there are constant shouts, and there are also many food stalls that are ready, Ning Rongrong looked at those fragrant food Snacks, the big bright eyes will also be full of excitement, but I have never eaten the snacks here.

Looking at Ning Rongrong's gluttonous appearance, Mu Chen reluctantly bought dozens of snacks. After Tang San and Xiao Wu saw that the dean didn't say anything, Tang San also bought some back.

After Dai Mubai bought some, he wanted to give some to Zhu Zhuqing, but Zhu Zhuqing directly rejected them. Instead, he took the snacks from Ning Rongrong. Dai Mubai also clenched his fists tightly, but luckily he didn't accept After what Mu Chen gave, otherwise, it would be even more difficult to accept.

Not long after, Flender's figure stopped in front of a huge building, which was nearly [-] meters high, extremely huge, and seemed extremely deep in the night, faintly emitting light.

It wasn't the first time for Dai Mubai to come here, but these freshmen came here for the first time, isn't it a bit too early, regardless of individual strength, even the cooperation between the teams has not yet started training. "Dean, is it too early to come here now?" Dai Mubai asked in a low voice.

"Remember, you are all monsters, and monsters must have their own cultivation methods. Don't compare yourself with ordinary soul masters!" Flender said.

After glancing at the crowd behind him, he added: "You all have your own cultivation methods, what we at Shrek Academy can guide you is how to make better use of your martial spirit and help you obtain better spirit rings, Have more actual combat experience, develop your potential as much as possible, and the most important thing is actual combat experience."

"With the same level of soul power and strength, the amount of actual combat experience can determine the outcome of a battle. Only through continuous actual combat can you show your ability to adapt to changes in battle.

According to Zhao Wuji, above this point, only Mu Chen and Tang San are doing better at present, especially Mu Chen's actual combat ability is already very good.

But other people are still obviously insufficient, so your first lesson is actual combat, and that is your classroom. "

"The building in front of you is called the Great Spirit Arena, which can only be owned by cities at the main city level, and will be named after the city where it is located. This one is called the Great Soul Arena of Suotuo City.

This is the place where martial souls compete, where soul masters fight. said Flender slowly.

"Dean, soul master is the most noble profession in the whole continent, why do you want to compete in the Spirit Hall in a place like the Great Spirit Arena? Isn't this playing monkeys in front of others?" Tang San asked puzzled.

"No, this is an important place and platform to measure the value of a soul master. The Great Soul Arena does not belong to the two empires or the Hall of Spirits.

As long as you can become famous in the Great Soul Arena, in addition to getting huge benefits, such as a large amount of gold soul coins, you can also get high honors. The Great Soul Arena is a place to prove yourself, a It's a good stage to show yourself.

Moreover, it is relatively fair here. If you defeat or even kill some people, you don't have to worry about being retaliated against.

Mubai, as an old student, you tell them about the rules inside. said Flender.

(End of this chapter)

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