Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 92 Canghui College

Chapter 92 Canghui College (National Day Juegagen)
At night, Mu Chen and his party also arrived in a small town near the Star Dou Forest.Although it is far away from other cities in the Babarak Kingdom, it is still extremely prosperous.

Although civilians seldom come here, there are quite a few soul masters who come and go, and the spending power of soul masters is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Many people also saw the business opportunity and took root here directly. Even at night, the place is still brightly lit and people come and go.

Mu Chen and others also came to a small hotel on the second floor. Mu Chen directly booked all the rooms. Originally, he wanted to directly book this small hotel, but Fran was still used to being poor. De refused.

For him, one person and one room is already a waste, so don't waste it anymore. It's better to donate the money to the academy.

Flender and Liu Erlong had a simple dinner and went to take a shower and go to bed, while Mu Chen and the others came to the first floor for dinner together.

Because of Mu Chen's treat, Ma Hongjun, Dai Mubai and others also ordered a lot of food. Although it was not very lively, but fortunately there were people like Ning Rongrong and Fatty to stir up the atmosphere , but it's not too bad.

While several people were still eating, there was a group of people in the hotel, who seemed to be from a certain academy.

The leader is a middle-aged man in his 40s. His appearance can be considered handsome, his hair combed extremely brightly, and the soul master costumes on his body are also very elegant, embroidered with silver silk. There is a cyan ring on the left shoulder, and inside the ring is the word "Cang Hui".

Muchen casually glanced at the pedestrians, but didn't pay much attention.

No, this is Canghui Academy. Could it be that Shrek Academy is going to use its ability to cause trouble?

Unexpectedly, Fatty looked at the only girl in Canghui Academy, she was pretty good looking, and compared to Xiao Wu and Ning Rongrong, this girl was more mature, In addition, Ma Hongjun's evil fire hadn't been released for a while, so he fixed his eyes on that girl.

"Boss Dai, that chick looks pretty good, she looks like she's from Canghui Academy, she's wearing such nice clothes." Ma Hongjun said, but he really didn't move his eyes away.

Dai Mubai said disdainfully: "It's just a small Canghui Academy, what's the matter with it, what a fart it is."

Neither Fatty nor Dai Mubai did not lower their voices. The hearing of soul masters is much better than that of ordinary people. Naturally, the eight people in Canghui Academy can hear them. The middle-aged man in the lead turned his gaze over , when he found that the other party was just a group of children, his face became even uglier.

Seeing this scene, Tang San was also a little strange. Isn't it not good to tease girls from other schools and belittle other schools like this, and it's so blatant.

Oscar said in a low voice: "Tang San, you don't know this, the director said, a soul master who dare not make trouble is a good soul master, and a mediocrity who doesn't dare to make trouble!

Moreover, it is safest to provoke people from the Soul Master Academy, at most it is just a fight. "And Cang Hui's eight people sat aside, and the young soul master among them also came over.

Mu Chen, who has read the original book, of course knows what will happen next. Although he is not worried about the opponent's strength at all, he does not believe in anything.

There is a sick criterion like "not daring to cause trouble is a mediocrity".Before the young soul master came over, Mu Chen got up and said: "I apologize for the rude behavior of our college towards Canghui College, but please don't do some extreme behavior, if it is really difficult to adjust, Then let's solve it by fighting."

After hearing Mu Chen's words, the young soul masters of Canghui Academy also looked at Mu Chen with disdain.

"Hey, have you already conceded before you even started fighting?

Hey, how come there are so many beautiful girls, especially this one with a veil. . . "

Before he finished speaking, a fist knocked him to the ground, the speed was so fast that the soul master had no chance to react.

"This..." Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun were also shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

Good guy, I was a little dissatisfied with Mu Chen's words at first, it's just such a stinky fish and rotten shrimp, I'm not qualified to accept my apology, or I will be beaten severely by myself to admit defeat.

But Mu Chen directly knocked down this guy from Canghui Academy, again making Dai Mubai and the others unable to react.

"I don't want to talk to you well, then I can only use some unfriendly means. My people are not something you can bully." Mu Chen said lightly.

Even if the Canghui Academy students whose soul power levels are all below the soul master dare to provoke me and use their friendship as arrogance, then I can only use my fist to tell the other party that their thinking is wrong of.

When Gu Yuena heard Mu Chen's words and looked at Mu Chen's appearance, she also showed a slight smile. It felt good to be protected by Xiao Chen for such an ant's provocation.

The remaining seven people from Canghui Academy also came over, especially the middle-aged man who was the leader with a very gloomy expression.A lot of soul masters around also left their seats, as if they were watching a show, and they were able to watch a duel between soul masters for free, the meal was well worth the money.

"Which sect or academy are you from?
I am Ye Zhiqiu, Director of the Foreign Affairs Department of Canghui College. "Ye Zhiqiu said first, after all, the speed of this ridiculously handsome guy in front of him was so fast that even he himself didn't see it clearly.

With such strength, it is very likely that this young man came from a certain super soul force.

"Shrek Academy~" Mu Chen replied.

"Shrek Academy?

What college is that? "

Ye Zhiqiu turned to one side of his mind and confirmed that he had never heard of the existence of a soul master academy like Shrek Academy.

The background of the other party is not very big, and in front of so many people, if he is cowardly, wouldn't it be very embarrassing, the other party is just some children, even if they are talented, how can they be their opponents.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu also felt that he was full of confidence. Since the strength of the students in his academy was not enough, then he should step forward and earn back the embarrassment of Canghui Academy.

(End of this chapter)

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