Douluo's opening sign in Dilong Sword

Chapter 96 Attack of the Titan Giant Ape

Chapter 96 Attack of the Titan Giant Ape
After resting for a while, Mu Chen and the others set off again.Soon, Muchen stopped his steps, and the fun began!

Tang San and the others would feel a little strange when they saw Mu Chen stop, but Flender and Liu Erlong, who had already used their spirit avatars, appeared in front of Mu Chen in an instant.

"Xiao Ao, hurry up and use your third soul skill, Mu Chen, Gu Yuena, protect Ning Rongrong and Oscar!

Let's be queen together! "Flender said anxiously, feeling the incomparable aura would be a damn curse.

This place is obviously only the outer edge of the Star Dou Great Forest, but since they encountered it, they had no choice but to find a way to retreat.

"It's useless, Dean, our speed is not as fast as the 10-year-old Titan Great Ape, but the king of the forest appears here, the target should not be us, we are not worth it." Mu Chen shook his head and said, but he still used three Nine Dragon Hairpins, and the dark gold fear claw on his left hand was also shining with golden light.

"Dean, what kind of spirit beast makes you so fearful or even fearful, 10 years..." Before Tang San finished speaking, his pupils shrunk, and his eyes were full of disbelief and fear.

Tang San and the others stared blankly at a gigantic monster approaching rapidly, its body as huge as a small mountain, the dark hair all over its body shining faintly under the moonlight.

Although it is now on all fours, the height of its shoulders is still more than seven meters. If it is walking upright, its height is definitely 15 meters away.

It looks like a gorilla in appearance, with a pair of lantern-like eyes shining with topaz-like luster, and a majestic body covered with explosive muscles, protruding like small hills, and such a huge guy There was almost no sound during the walk.

"It's really a Titan giant ape, with such a big body, I'm afraid it has been cultivated for 10 years. According to the teacher, it's a spirit beast of the overlord level of the forest, even a titled Douluo is invincible.

Damn it, how could it appear in such a place! "Tang San said with a trembling voice as he watched the Titan Giant Ape getting closer and closer.

According to the teacher's theory, the titan great ape has unparalleled speed, strength, speed and attack, and its defense is also very strong, with almost no flaws, and it can also perform skills similar to soul skills.

This is one of the soul beasts standing at the top of the pyramid in the soul beast world. Even a hundred-year-old titan giant ape can compete with ordinary ten-thousand-year soul beasts.

Such a terrifying existence actually appeared in such a place today!

Looking at Liu Erlong, Flender also swallowed his saliva. Facing such a terrifying existence, he didn't have any desire to fight at all. He just hit a stone with an egg.

I hope that what Mu Chen said is true, the forest overlord didn't come for them.

But the situation was developing in the worst direction. The Titan Giant Ape walked towards them and looked up at this terrifying figure. Flender and the others just felt powerless and even desperate.

The bodies of Ning Rongrong and the others also trembled slightly, while Ning Rongrong subconsciously came to Mu Chen's side and took Mu Chen's arm, as if this would bring a little sense of security.

"Chen...Brother Chen, are we going to die here? Such a terrifying soul beast, even Grandpa Bones might not be able to defeat it." Ning Rongrong said.

"Don't worry, I'm here." Mu Chen patted the little girl's back.

Of course, if he didn't know the facts, he would have just run away. How could he stay here with a calm look.

After the Titan Giant Ape approached, Tang San and the others could sense the air exhaled from its nose, but the Titan Giant Ape didn't attack them immediately because of the spirit beast's hatred for humans, which also It made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

And Tang San and the others are holding Oscar's mushroom sausage in their hands, soul curses and such are not important now, it's more important to save their lives, if things go wrong.

Although the chances are slim, it is still necessary to escape as much as possible.

"Dear King of the Forest, we came here unintentionally. If this is your territory, then we will leave here immediately." Flender said as humblely as possible, and Liu Erlong also lifted the spirit avatar state of sincerity.

But the Titan Giant Ape ignored Flender's words at all, looked at Xiao Wu who was around Tang San with lantern-sized eyes, and then stretched out his big hand directly.

"Not good! Run away, children!" Flender yelled when he saw the giant ape's big hand reaching out to the students behind him.

Afterwards, both Flender and Liu Erlong used their spirit avatars, and then rushed towards the Titan Great Ape. Even though they were likely to die, in order to protect these children, they still made their own choices.

"The first soul skill—Eagle Strikes the Sky!" The wings on Flender's back flapped, and his speed, who was originally an agility attack system soul master, increased again.

"The third soul skill-seeking to kill the weak point!

The fourth soul skill - air blade! "Flender released the two major soul skills, but the third soul skill did not find any weakness on the huge body of the Titan giant ape, and the ten sharp air blades released by the fourth soul skill had no choice but to attack the Titan. The position of the giant ape's eyes flew away, but it was a pity that the titan giant ape directly slapped it away.

And Liu Erlong released his third soul ability.

"The third soul skill——Rage and thunder!" Liu Erlong released a huge lightning fireball with double attributes of fire and lightning, rushing towards the giant ape.

But even if it hit the body of the titan great ape, it still didn't have any effect, it just made its hair zoom a little bit, which shows the difference in strength between the two sides.

Three colorful rays of light fell into the bodies of the two, and it was Ning Rongrong who directly used three soul skills to increase everyone's strength, speed, and soul power by 40.00% with the assistance of Ning Rongrong.

This is the horror of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, regardless of the increase in strength, even if the Title Douluo is here, Ning Rongrong can still improve his same attributes!
"You are too weak!
Go straight, Sister Na'er and I help the dean and the others! As Mu Chen said, the golden dragon wings on his back shook, and he also rushed towards the Titan giant ape.

I muttered in my heart: Don't hurt yourself by mistake, this big guy, I can't stand your punch now.

Behind Gu Yuena also appeared a pair of beautiful silver dragon wings, and then rushed directly to the Titan giant ape.

(End of this chapter)

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