Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1017 Suppression of the 3 Ancestors

Chapter 1017 Suppression of the Three Patriarchs
"Hurry back to Mount Hua, no need to hide your identity!"

With a cold shout, Qin Yun stepped forward, and the next moment, Qin Yun's figure disappeared quickly.

In the airport, a group of people looked dumbfounded.

"Another flying man!"

"My God, I see God again!"

"God appeared at the airport..."


The whole airport shook.

But the next moment, everyone exclaimed again.

When Jiuyou and Xuesong saw Qin Yun leaving, they turned around and quickly deployed their movements to follow.

"Another god..."


The whole airport was boiling.

In the void, Qin Yun stepped out in one step, and it was thousands of miles away.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qin Yun returned to Mount Hua.

The top of Mount Huashan.




Following Qin Yun's return, the faces of the figures showed joy in an instant.

Even the cheap skeleton breathed a sigh of relief.

"what happened?"

Looking at the crowd, Qin Yun asked in a deep voice.

"Master, the three sword ancestors at the foot of Mount Hua!"

"Wake up!"

Chi Muxi took a step forward and said hastily.

"Sure enough!"

Hearing Chi Muxi's words, Qin Yun took a deep breath. When he left, Qin Yun felt that there was a seal under Huashan Mountain.

During these three days, countless gods and demons woke up.

The three demon gods at the foot of Mount Hua will definitely wake up.

"You all let enter the time wheel, I will meet them!"

Looking at the crowd, Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"Yes Yes!"

Hearing Qin Yun's words, everyone quickly agreed.

"Let's all go in!"

With a thought, a group of people all disappeared.

"Master Qin!"

But just as Qin Yun was about to go to see the seal at the foot of Mount Hua, an impatient voice suddenly came.

Qin Yun turned his head and saw Long Jun walking with two little guys.

"It's you!"

"It's you!"

Both Qin Xiang and Xiao Qi looked at Qin Yun in a daze.

They didn't expect that the person who grabbed her little hand to play hooligans on the top of Mount Hua was actually Grandpa Long Jun, Master Qin whom he admired and admired so much!

"It's you two!"

Qin Yun looked at the two of them and smiled faintly.

At the beginning, Qin Yun saw the body of the heavenly law of the two of them, so he was alarmed.

"Master Long Jun, what can I do for you?"

Looking at Long Jun, Qin Yun asked with a smile.

"Master Qin, you are finally back. Now my Huaxia Empire is in complete chaos. Look at you, is there anything you can do?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Long Jun asked quickly.


Qin Yun frowned and frowned.

Qin Yun didn't have the heart to care about this group of mortals.

With the appearance of so many powerful emperors now, coupled with the arrival of powerful emperors from outside, this barren land will inevitably be turned upside down.

He, Qin Yun, has nothing to do.

"Master Qin, please help me!"

Taking a step forward, Long Jun was about to kneel down to Qin Yun.

"Old man, no!"

Seeing that Long Jun was about to kneel down, Qin Yun quickly stepped forward and supported Long Jun.

"Master Qin, my Chinese Empire..."

Long Jun had a bitter look on his face, those godlike existences were simply not something mortals like them could contend with!

"Master, please help us!"

Qin Zong's voice also entered Qin Yun's mind.

"This this……"

Qin Yun gave a wry smile.

"Emperor, the Chinese Empire is not too big. In the time wheel, we can clean up a layer enough for them to live in, and their talents are not bad!"

"If you have the opportunity to practice, your strength will definitely increase!"

At this moment, Jiuyou took a step forward and suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Good talent!"

There was a flash of light in Qin Yun's eyes. Jiuyou was right. Although the people in this barren land had no cultivation, their talents were not bad.

Many of them even have the potential of emperor ancestors.

Ordinary is enough to reach the level of Emperor Tianzun.

"I promise you!"

Looking at Long Jun, Qin Yun's voice was extremely low.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

Long Jun was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Don't be too happy, Mr. Long Jun. It is not an easy task to move so many people, unless there are ten powerful ancestors to help!"

"Set up a ten-direction teleportation formation!"

Qin Yun looked at Long Jun with an extremely low voice.

"Ten directions teleportation array?"

Long Jun was taken aback for a moment, obviously, he had never heard of this large formation.

"My lord, ten people are needed for this ten-direction teleportation formation. Now in Qin Tianguo, only Xue Song and I have reached the realm of the emperor's ancestors, and Master Skeleton can barely be considered an emperor's ancestor!"

"Including the ancestor of God, that's only five!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Jiuyou frowned.

"Don't worry about this powerful emperor, at the foot of Mount Hua!"

"Aren't there three more?"

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun's eyes flashed. Under Huashan Mountain, the ones sealed are three peerless sword ancestors, with the law of swordsmanship and the attack power of the sword.

These three people are absolutely terrifying.

"The emperor means..."

Jiuyou's eyes lit up.

"These three sword ancestors, I didn't want to touch them at first, but now that they have awakened, we don't have to be polite. If I, Qin Tianguo, have these three people to help!"

"Isn't it stronger!"

Looking at the void, Qin Yun's eyes were cold and arrogant.

"These three people help each other..."

Jiuyou and Xuesong took a deep breath. Qin Yun wanted to suppress these three powerful emperors and take them for his own use!
"Mr. Long Jun, you arrange to evacuate all the people around Huashan, so that I can suppress these three peerless sword ancestors!"

Looking at Long Jun, Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Lord Qin!"

Long Jun, turn around and retreat.

But the next moment, this person seemed to think of something, and Long Jun turned his head again.

"Xiangzi and Xiaoqi..."

Long Jun's eyes fell on the two of them.

"These two people, I will send them to be with Qin Zong, they are also the body of heaven, if they have the method of cultivation, the future will not be too bad!"

Looking at Long Jun, Qin Yun said lightly.

"Thank you, Mr. Qin!"

Hearing this, Long Jun was overjoyed. To Qin Zong, Long Jun regarded him as his half-son. As for Xiangzi and Xiaoqi, he was very fond of him.

Seeing Qin Yun accepting the two of them, Long Jun was naturally happy in his heart.

"Old man, when you meet the Chaos Demon God, remember not to provoke them, no matter what they do, don't provoke them!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun looked at Long Jun and said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Lord Qin!"

Long Jun took a deep breath, these Chaos Demon Gods were not comparable to ordinary people, so Long Jun naturally didn't dare to provoke them!

"Cedar, Jiuyou!"

"Both of you, follow me to the foot of Mount Hua!"

Seeing Long Jun leave, Qin Yun's eyes flashed, and he disappeared with the two of them.

As for Qin Xiang and Xiao Qi, Qin Yun took them into the time wheel.

 Brothers, the fifth update will continue tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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