Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1022: Battle Emperor Ancestor Level 5

Chapter 1022
"Emperor, let me come!"

There was a flash of coldness in Jiuyou's eyes, and then he took a step forward. Following Jiuyou's step, the Nirvana Gun appeared in Jiuyou's hand again.

I saw Jiuyou shot and killed the demon god in the void.


The void was torn apart, and the entire sky of Kunlun Mountain seemed to be torn apart at this moment. Even if it was hundreds of thousands of miles away, one couldn't help but want to kneel down and worship.

"Ten heavy ancestors!"

Emperor Zhenwu's eyes flashed.

Immediately with a punch, Qin Yun was directly abandoned, and he came towards Jiuyou.


Sparks shot out in the void, that huge fist collided with the Nirvana Gun, and in the void, only Jiuyou's body was seen retreating steadily.


Seeing this scene, the Ice Emperor's expression changed instantly.

"Ten Emperor Ancestors and Fifteen Emperor Ancestors!"

"The gap is still huge!"

Seeing Jiuyou's retreat, Qin Yun's eyes flashed. Although Jiuyou's combat power was terrifying, his cultivation level, after all, was in the realm of the tenth-level emperor ancestor, compared with the real martial emperor in the void.

The difference is fivefold, don't look at the gap of only fivefold.

In the realm of the emperor's ancestors, even if it is the first level, there is a huge difference. The gap between the fifth level is the difference between heaven and earth!
"The emperor of the tenth level also wants to fight this seat, get out of here!"

With an angry shout, Emperor Zhenwu shot again, smashing the void with a punch, and landed on the Nirvana Spear.

In the void, the Nirvana Gun was directly sent flying.


Blood spurted out of Jiuyou's mouth.

"Emperor, I am defeated!"

With a wave of his hand, the Nirvana Spear returned to Jiuyou's hand, looking at the Zhenwu Emperor in the void, Jiuyou's eyes had boundless fighting spirit.

But Jiuyou didn't continue to attack.

Of course Jiuyou knows the difference in cultivation between the two.

Although Jiuyou is self-confident, it is too difficult for the tenth level emperor's cultivation to defeat the fifteenth level emperor's ancestor.

Unless all of Jiuyou's memories are restored, otherwise, Jiuyou will be defeated!

"No problem!"

Qin Yun waved slightly towards Jiuyou.

Jiuyou's defeat was already expected by Qin Yun. Besides, Jiuyou was only injured in the fight just now. Such a light injury can be easily recovered!

"Emperor, this person is very strong!"

Looking at the Zhenwu Emperor in the void, Jiuyou said in a deep voice.


The corner of Qin Yun's mouth twitched slightly.

"Although this person's cultivation is good, it's not his own strength that is strong. If I'm not wrong, these 12 people can still form a large formation!"

"At that time, it is the strongest time!"

Looking at the Zhenwu Emperor in the void, Qin Yun's voice was extremely indifferent.

"Form a large formation!"

Jiuyou and Xuesong's expressions changed at the same time. The Zhenwu Emperor in the void is already terrifying. If this person forms a peerless formation again, wouldn't it be...

"Emperor, why not let us take action!"

Evergreen Sword Ancestor gritted his teeth, stood up and said.

"You make a move?"

Qin Yun shook his head slightly, the three sword ancestors couldn't even defeat Jiuyou, let alone this Zhenwu Emperor.

"Leave this person to me!"

A faint voice sounded, and Qin Yun stepped out with one step.

"Leave it to him!"

The three sword ancestors were slightly taken aback.

"The emperor's cultivation is not the perfection of a talented emperor..."

As if thinking of something, Chang Ping's eyes flickered slightly.

"The strength of the emperor, even the emperor can be fearless, how can it be the consummation of the emperor?"

Jiuyou looked at the three of them indifferently.

What the three of them saw was Qin Yun's cultivation level and Qin Yun's real combat power. That was not the consummation of the Holy Emperor. Even Jiuyou didn't know how strong Qin Yun was.

"Emperor Shura, relying on you guys, are you trying to suppress the Three Thousand Ways?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Emperor Zhenwu said sarcastically.

Behind Emperor Zhenwu, the twelve true gods also looked at Qin Yun with a sneer on their faces. The Jiuyou in front of him had the highest cultivation level among Qin Yun's group.

Now Jiuyou is defeated, let alone Qin Yun and his group!


Qin Yun raised his eyes slightly.

"This emperor is not delusional to suppress the Three Thousand Ways, but the Three Thousand Ways, which can only belong to this Emperor. If you submit to this Emperor, this Emperor will take them and stay on top of this chaos!"

Looking at Emperor Zhenwu, Qin Yun's voice was cold and arrogant.

"Surrender to you!"


Emperor Zhenwu, the coldness in his eyes soared.

The faces of the twelve true gods behind him also turned cold. Qin Yun in front of him, although he was a perfect saint emperor, his tone was too loud.

"The realm of the Holy Emperor's consummation, this seat can wipe you out with a flick of a finger!"


An indifferent voice sounded, and Emperor Zhenwu stretched out a finger.

As he stretched out this finger, the phantom of the billions of feet of the demon god in the void trembled crazily, the sky shattered, and the billowing chaotic air rolled madly.

The phantom of the demon god also stretched out a finger.


That finger, like a pillar of the sky, fell directly towards Qin Yun.

Wherever the finger passes, the void is shattered, and chaos vibrates, which is very terrifying!
"Good come!"

Looking at the killing Qingtian Finger, Qin Yun's eyes turned a strange golden color, and in Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the 8-foot golden body of the soul also shook crazily.


Countless divine patterns shone on Shenhunjin's body.

Qin Yun's left hand exploded directly.

"Bang bang bang..."

Flesh and blood all disappeared from Qin Yun's left hand. Under the flesh and blood, a golden palm appeared in everyone's sight.

Golden left hand!

This is the hand, Qin Yun's previous life, the left hand of the Heavenly Emperor who survived the chaotic thunder and punishment!

"This hand..."

In the void, in the eyes of Emperor Zhenwu, the light exploded.

The twelve true gods also looked at each other in shock. They were all powerful emperors. Even they couldn't help but want to worship the noble aura on Qin Yun's left hand.

That breath is the power of chaos, which is beyond the power of heaven and earth.

"how can that be?"

The faces of the twelve true gods were incomparably shocked. The power of chaos can only be possessed by surviving the thunder and punishment of chaos.

In the entire chaos, there was only one person who survived the chaotic thunder punishment.

It is precisely because of the existence of this person, the Chaos Heavenly Dao, that the Three Thousand Ways can be crushed, allowing the Three Thousand Ways to live in this small barren land.

"Chaos God..."

Emperor Zhenwu spit out three words from his mouth.

His heart was churning crazily like the waves of the deep sea.

Chaos God, it turned out to be Chaos God!

How can this be?

Emperor Zhenwu's heart was full of disbelief, but the supreme aura coming from Qin Yun's left hand made him have to believe it.

"The left hand of the Emperor of Heaven!"

Qin Yun's eyes were cold and arrogant.

The left hand of the Emperor of Heaven was completely activated by Qin Yun at this moment.

What is scary about this left hand is not the countless divine patterns condensed by Qin Yun's previous life, but the aura left by the chaotic thunder punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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