Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1032 The Way to Enter the Demon God's Dimension

Chapter 1032 The Way to Enter the Demon God's Dimension

As for the viciousness in Patriarch Baqi's eyes, Qin Yun didn't seem to notice it.

The Patriarch Baqi in front of him was no longer in Qin Yun's mind. It was extremely easy to kill this person!
"The Demon God Stone is the key to opening the Demon God Space. Tens of thousands of years ago, Father God dispersed all the spiritual energy, and there is no spiritual energy in the entire world!"

"Father God taught us the method of cultivating faith, let us cultivate according to this method, once we enter the realm of emperor ancestors, we can collect Demon God Stones and enter the Demon God Space!"

"In the space of the Demon God, there is spiritual energy!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Patriarch Baqi said in a deep voice.


Looking at Patriarch Baqi, Qin Yun's face was extremely indifferent.

"The Demon God Stone comes from the Demon God. The stronger the cultivation base, the stronger the Demon God Stone produced, but only the Demon God beyond the realm of the ancestors can produce the Demon God Stone!"

"A second-tier emperor can produce a second-tier Demon God Stone, and a third-tier emperor can produce a third-tier..."

"And so on!"

"To enter the Demon God's Dimension, one person needs nine first-class Demon God Stones!"

Looking at Qin Yun, Patriarch Baqi said in a trembling voice.

"Nine first-class Demon God Stones per person!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, the radiance soared. This Demon God Stone came from the powerful Emperor Ancestor in the barren land. In this way, the Three Thousand Ways wanted the Demon God strong produced by it to continue fighting.

Leave the elite behind, enter the Demon God's space, and continue to train!

"What a three thousand way!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath, no wonder so many powerful demon gods fell into a deep sleep.

Because they are all collecting beliefs and continuing to practice.

Moreover, they are also afraid that others will kill themselves!

"Take out your Demon God Stone!"

Looking at Patriarch Baqi, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"The Demon God Stone!"

Patriarch Baqi's eyes flashed.

This Demon God Stone is the key to entering the space of the Chaos Demon God.

Once it is given to Qin Yun, he will continue to collect seven pieces. I don't know how long it will take.

Although he was reluctant in his heart, Patriarch Baqi didn't dare to resist in the slightest. With a wave of his hand, seven Demon God Stones appeared in the remaining two hands.

"Silly, bring it here!"

Looking at the Demon God Stone in Patriarch Baqi's hand, Qin Yun said coldly to Dasha.


Dasha took a step forward and handed all seven Demon God Stones to Qin Yun.

"What pure power!"

Holding the Demon God Stone, Qin Yun's eyes lit up. There was a very pure power coming from the Demon God Stone, and this power was also the power of faith.


As the Demon God Stone appeared in Qin Yun's hands, in Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the 8-foot golden body of the soul began to tremble.

The next moment, a terrifying devouring force came, and in Qin Yun's hand, a Demon God Stone dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye.


After devouring the Demon God Stone, Qin Yun felt extremely happy all over his body.

The joy seemed to come from the soul, and the golden body of Qin Yun's soul was even more radiant, with countless golden inscriptions flickering.

In the next moment, Qin Yun's soul golden body directly soared several thousand feet.

"Ninety-three thousand feet!"

A bright light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

Qin Yun didn't expect that it was just a demon stone, which actually strengthened his golden body by four thousand feet.

"You devoured him?"

Patriarch Baqi looked at Qin Yun in a daze. The Demon God Stone was the essence of their power of faith, and they couldn't refine it at all.

Who knew that Qin Yun could refine one in just a few breaths.

"There are still six left..."

Qin Yun took a deep breath, and the next moment, Qin Yun's eyes became hot again. For Qin Yun now, the most important thing is not his own cultivation, but the strength of his soul.

The stronger the spirit, the more terrifying the power of chaos that Qin Yun can mobilize.

Even the emperor can be beheaded.

"Try again!"

Unable to bear it, Qin Yun turned the golden body of the soul again, and the next moment, the demon god in Qin Yun's hand trembled again.

Immediately, a wave of energy was quickly swallowed up by Qin Yun.


In Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the golden body of the soul trembled crazily, and the light in Qin Yun's eyes soared.

Qin Yun's [-]-foot Divine Soul Golden Body has increased by another [-] feet.

"Ninety-five thousand feet!"

Qin Yun's eyes were filled with ecstasy. The [-]-foot divine soul golden body was already infinitely close to the divine soul golden body in the realm of Tianzun's perfection.

If it broke through one hundred thousand feet, then Qin Yun's divine soul would mutate into a fateful soul.

At that time, there will be no difference between Qin Yun and the strong emperor!
"Five left!"

Qin Yun forcibly suppressed the impulse in his heart, and Qin Yun put away the remaining five Demon God Stones.

Although the Demon God Stone is very tempting, Qin Yun decided that it would be better to devour it slowly!
"Another one devoured?"

Patriarch Baqi's heart was full of shock.

At this moment, he looked at Qin Yun as if he saw a ghost. The two Demon God Stones were swallowed by Qin Yun!
"My lord, I have already told you what I should tell you. Let me go, I promise, I will never provoke the Huaxia Empire again in the future!"

Patriarch Baqi took a deep breath and hurried forward to speak.

"Let you go?"

Looking at Patriarch Baqi, Qin Yun laughed.

Although this person said that he would not provoke him, Qin Yun is sure that after this person returns, he will definitely provoke the Dark Emperor. This Dark Emperor is an emperor powerhouse above eighty levels.

Qin Yun didn't want to collide with this person so early!
"You go!"

Looking at Patriarch Baqi, Qin Yun said lightly.

"Thank you!"

"Thank you!"

Hearing this, Patriarch Baqi's face was overjoyed.

Patriarch Baqi's heart was full of killing intent.

When he goes back, next time he will definitely destroy the Huaxia Empire. Not only will he destroy the Huaxia Empire, but he will also kill Qin Yun and others.

"Thank you!"

Standing up from the ground, Patriarch Baqi turned and retreated tremblingly.


Seeing that Qin Yun was about to let Patriarch Baqi leave, Qin Zong's expression changed slightly.

"No problem!"

Slightly waving at Qin Zong, the corner of Qin Yun's mouth raised slightly.


The moment Patriarch Baqi left the capital, before this person recovered, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

The next moment, a huge palm fell.

"It's a puppet..."

Seeing the falling figure, Patriarch Baqi's expression changed drastically.

"Didn't you say you let me go?"

"Do not……"


Dasha's palm fell, and Patriarch Baqi's body was directly crushed.

In the void, there was only one Demon God Stone left, floating slowly.

On the Demon God Stone, there was the breath of Patriarch Baqi.

This Demon God Stone was left by Patriarch Baqi.

"Master, this is the Demon God Stone!"

Dasha grabbed the Demon God Stone, and appeared beside Qin Yun in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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