Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1041 Killing the Ancestral Dragon

Chapter 1041 Killing the Ancestral Dragon
"Sure enough!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, the light was extremely bright.

Whether it is the left hand of the Heavenly Emperor or the Black Tortoise Shield, these are extremely terrifying existences.

But it's a pity that the current Qin Yun's cultivation base is too low, these things, Qin Yun can't exert his combat power at all.

As Qin Yun's soul golden body became stronger, the power of the Heavenly Emperor's left hand and the Black Tortoise Shield also increased.

Especially the left hand of the Heavenly Emperor, the power of chaos can only be controlled by the powerful power of the soul!
Otherwise, if he backfires, Qin Yun's fate will be extremely miserable!
"You blocked it again?"

The ancient ancestor dragon also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

The ancestral dragon swung its tail just now, and he almost seriously injured Qin Yun. Unexpectedly, when the octopus fell, Qin Yun blocked it instead.

"Emperor Shura, blocked it again. Could it be that he really can kill the ancient ancestor dragon?"

"This is impossible, how terrifying the ancient ancestor dragon is, even if Emperor Shura blocks him, it is impossible to defeat the ancient ancestor dragon!"

"That's right..."


In the void, countless demon gods are watching this battle.

These demon gods have tacitly ceased fighting at this moment.

Everyone is watching the battle!

"This kid, the power of the soul is so strong!"

The cheap skeleton's eyes flashed, and even he was a little surprised by the aura emanating from Qin Yun's body just now.

That is the breath of the power of the soul, not the soul of life.

But the power of the soul is a little more terrifying than the soul of life!
"You also punch me!"

"The left hand of the Emperor of Heaven!"

Holding the Black Tortoise Shield in his right hand, the light in Qin Yun's left hand instantly surged.

The flesh and blood on that arm was directly shattered, and the pure golden hand bones appeared in everyone's sight.


On the golden hand bones, countless divine patterns shone.

What followed was a wave of supreme aura, that aura, even the Void Emperor Ancestral Powerhouse, was full of surprise.

Under that breath, it seemed that even they were ants!
"What a strong breath, this is the power of chaos!"

"I didn't expect him to really control the power of chaos. Could it be that when he grows up, he will become the next strong Chaos God?"

"very scary……"


A group of demon gods looked extremely shocked.

"The power of chaos!"

"how can that be?"

The ancient ancestor dragon's expression also changed instantly. If Qin Yun blocked him just now, he would have been a little shocked, but at this moment, he is already a little timid!

The power of chaos!
Such a terrifying power was actually controlled by Qin Yun in front of him?

Such a strong person was offended by him!

"Heavenly Emperor Fist!"


With a roar, Qin Yun's left hand of the Emperor of Heaven clenched into a fist, and at the same time, a vast and boundless power of chaos rolled out from Qin Yun's left hand of the Emperor of Heaven.

"not good!"

The ancient ancestor dragon's expression changed drastically.

"Supernatural powers: Overwhelming!"

Seeing the killing Heavenly Emperor Fist, the ancient ancestor dragon let out a roar, and following the roar of the ancient ancestor dragon, a winding river appeared in the void.

The river rolled towards Qin Yun's Heavenly Emperor Fist.

"Break me!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, there was boundless fighting spirit.

At this moment, Qin Yun seemed to feel that he had returned to the peak.

One punch can shatter the sky and stars, and one palm can destroy ten thousand worlds. That invincible power made Qin Yun feel extremely happy.


Violent vibrations came, and the tens of thousands of meters of river in the void were directly shattered.

The terrifying Heavenly Emperor Fist landed on the tail of the ancient ancestral dragon, and the tail of the ancient ancestral dragon, which was comparable to an ancestor weapon, was directly shattered.

"My tail!"

"Do not……"

The voice of the ancient ancestral dragon was extremely shocking.

His tail, which is comparable to a peerless ancestral artifact, unexpectedly was smashed to pieces by Qin Yun.

"So strong!"

Qin Yun stood proudly in the void.

Looking at the ancient ancestral dragon flying upside down by hundreds of thousands of feet, Qin Yun also took a deep breath in his heart. The 12-foot golden body of the soul is the power of chaos that can be used.

It is terrible!

"This kid..."

The cheap skeleton has a gleam in his eyes.

The power of chaos is the most terrifying power in the world.

Even the most powerful ancestors of the emperor should be afraid of that terrible power!

"Ancient Ancestral Dragon, today you will definitely die!"

Looking at the ancient ancestor dragon, Qin Yun's voice was extremely cold.

No matter what, the Ancient Ancestral Dragon was going to be killed today, and now Qin Yun already felt his physical weakness.

Although the power of chaos is terrifying, if one's physique is too poor, the aftermath of the battle will be enough to destroy oneself!

The ancient ancestor dragon's eyes were full of surprise and suspicion.

If he wanted to kill Qin Yun in the beginning, then the ancient ancestor dragon is already scared in his heart!

The power of chaos, it's too scary!

If the punch just now had landed on his head, wouldn't it be...

"Your Excellency, why are you pressing to the death? You are a cultivator in chaos, and I, a cultivator in a wild land, you and I don't interfere with each other. How about today?"

Looking at Qin Yun, the ancient ancestor dragon said with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"never mind!"

The corner of Qin Yun's mouth twitched slightly.

Ancient Ancestral Dragon, are you afraid?

It turns out that Zulong is also afraid sometimes!
"Ancient Ancestral Dragon, this is asking for peace. This Emperor Shura is really terrifying. This person's cultivation level is perfected by the Holy Emperor. If he becomes the emperor's ancestor, wouldn't he be invincible!"



A group of demon gods were shocked.

The ancient ancestral dragon is also afraid, how terrifying is Qin Yun who is in the void!
"You can't blame this emperor, if you want to blame, you can blame yourself!"

"Who made your body so attractive?"

Looking at the ancient ancestral dragon, a slight smile rose in Qin Yun's eyes, and then he stepped forward, and Qin Yun disappeared in place again.

"The meat is tempting?"

The ancient ancestor dragon froze in place.

Did Qin Yun kill him to eat meat?
"Heavenly Emperor Fist!"

But at this moment, the indifferent voice sounded again, and Qin Yun punched out, and the next moment, the terrifying power of chaos gathered again.

"not good!"

The eyes of the ancient ancestral dragon are extremely impressive.

If this punch landed, if he didn't die, he might be ineffective!
"Boy, this ancestor remembers you!"

"If you enter the Demon God's space, you will definitely die in the Demon God's space!"

An angry voice sounded in the void.

The ancient ancestral dragon roared suddenly, and the next moment, his body directly slammed into a group of demon gods.

Seeing the ancient ancestral dragon crashing into it, the expressions of the countless gods and demons changed drastically in an instant.

"Not good, the ancient ancestor dragon wants to use us as a shield, go back!"

"What a shameless ancient ancestral dragon, you can't beat it by yourself, yet you implicate us!"

"Fast back..."


Countless gods and demons retreated crazily.

But unfortunately, it is still slow!


The ancient ancestral dragon roared and rushed into a group of demon gods. A dozen of these demon gods died directly, and the ancient ancestral dragon grabbed these dozens of demon god stones and ran away directly!
(End of this chapter)

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