Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 107 Xiao Family Martial Ancestor

Chapter 107 Xiao Family Martial Ancestor
"King of Xuantian?"

Liu Xi's face was flushed red, feeling the strange eyes around him, Liu Xi wished to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Min Bo's defeat, like a sharp knife, pierced her proud heart

"Min Bo lost, and was torn to pieces by this kid!"

"This kid is so strong!"



The surrounding geniuses of Qi Yunguo looked at Qin Yun in astonishment.

That figure, at this moment, seemed to be a Shura demon who had incarnated from hell, and one couldn't help but feel chills all over his body!
"He won!"

Su Ming, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

In his heart, he was even more fortunate. Fortunately, he didn't make a move just now, and his combat power was about the same as Min Bo's.

If he makes a move, the consequences will definitely not be much better than Min Bo!
"How could he win, it's impossible!"

Fairy Tianqing's eyes were full of disbelief, only Princess Jiuling calmed down a little, but the shock in her eyes was still hard to hide.

Min Bo's defeat shocked everyone!

"Liu Xi, in one month, this emperor will personally go to Qi Yunzong. This emperor said that he will let Qi Yunzong expel you from the door. This emperor will do what he says!"

Looking at Liu Xi, Qin Yun had a bit of contempt in his eyes.

Ninth-class Tianmai?

A true disciple of Qi Yunzong?

I'm afraid Liu Xi didn't know that Qin Yun didn't pay attention to the whole Qi Yunzong. As for Liu Xi, in Qin Yun's eyes, it was a joke!
"Princess Jiuling, farewell!"

Slightly cupping his hands, Qin Yun turned around and walked outside the palace.

"Hmph... a group of trash dares to anger the master, it's beyond their capabilities!"

Chi Muxi glanced at everyone indifferently, the aura of the Martial Emperor's peak disappeared in a flash, and felt Chi Muxi's aura above the hall.

In the eyes of everyone, they were once again astonished!
"Isn't Chi Muxi only in the realm of martial spirits? How did she become the Martial Emperor, and her aura is stronger than that of Princess Jiuling!"

"It is rumored that Chi Muxi worshiped the emperor of a vassal country as his master, could it be this Qin Yun?"

"Chi Muxi's improvement in cultivation is also related to him?"

"It seems that after this exchange meeting, Chi Muxi is enough to be ranked second in Qi Yun Country's beauty list. Unless it is Her Majesty the Empress, no one can suppress her!"


In the hall, there were many discussions.

The eyes of Fairy Tianqing and Princess Jiuling are even more radiant.

"This kid, is he really so amazing?"

Fairy Tianqing's eyes flickered slightly. At this moment, she suddenly remembered that the Desperate Fairy who seemed to have changed into a different person after returning, could it be that Qin Yun is really so scary?
"Sister Jiuling, Tianqing bids her farewell!"

"Princess Jiuling, farewell..."



A group of figures stood up and left. The appearance of Qin Yun completely changed the exchange meeting.

Now these people just want to leave and bring this news back quickly!
"Everyone, go slowly!"

In Jiu Ling's eyes, there was a glimmer of light.

Qin Yun's strength exceeded her expectations. Qin Yun humiliated His Majesty the Empress. She originally wanted to kill Qin Yun with the help of Min Bo, but who knew.

Qin Yun is not dead, but Min Bo is dead!

"This news must be reported to Her Majesty the Empress!"

Taking a deep breath, Princess Jiuling also turned and left.

"The King of Xuantian..."

"Ha ha……"

Outside the Temple of War God, Liu Xi's pale face showed a slight hint of mockery. At this moment, she seemed to find that figure she looked down upon.

It's getting farther and farther away from her!

It has reached a level that she can't look up to.

"Qin Yun, after three months, Qi Yunzong will definitely not expel me from the sect!"

Liu Xi took a deep breath, turned and left.

Qin Yun was terrifying, but it was simply impossible for Qi Yunzong to drive her out. If Qi Yunzong really did this, it would probably become a joke in Qiyun's country.

Liu Xi believed that after one month, Qi Yunzong would never drive her out!

in the palace.

"Ta Tata..."

Zijin Monkey and Night Wolf walked slowly.

Qin Yun sat on the back of the night wolf.

Chi Muxi sat on the Zijin monkey's back.

"Master, today..."

"Do not talk!"

Looking at Chi Muxi behind him, Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.


Chi Muxi looked slightly startled.

The alley was eerily silent, the breathing of the Zijin monkey and the night wolf could be clearly heard, and even the surrounding environment, at this moment, became a little dim!

"In the palace, there are also people who want to kill this emperor?"

On the back of the Night Wolf, the corners of Qin Yun's mouth slightly raised, and a killing intent was hidden in the silent void.

That killing intent was so cold and terrifying!



At this moment, a layer of ice slag quietly formed under the feet of the night wolf, and the surrounding air was extremely cold at this moment.


Chi Mu Xi's face turned pale.

The terrifying killing intent in the air made her heart palpitate.

"get out!"

"get out!"


On the Night Wolf, Qin Yun's eyes were suddenly cold and boundless. The next moment, Qin Yun's eyes burst out, and a scarlet blood glow came, terrifying power.

Blast into the void.

"The evil of the Qin family, you are still alive!"

In the void, an indifferent and boundless voice came, and the next moment, a figure quietly appeared. That figure looked at Qin Yun with cold and arrogant eyes.


An icy pressure enveloped Qin Yun.

At this moment, Qin Yun seemed to feel that his whole body was separated from the surrounding space, and endless coldness hit him!
"Peerless Wuzong!"

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"You are Xiao Zhen from the Xiao family, the peerless Martial Ancestor?"

Chi Muxi seemed to have remembered something, looked at the man in the void, and exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right, it's the sect!"

"You are Chi Mu Xi, the eldest lady of Chi Mu's family, right?"

Looking at Chi Muxi, an indifferent light flashed across the man's eyes.

"It's really you!"

Chi Muxi's face paled slightly, Xiao Zhen, the elder of the outer sect of the Xiao family, this person is one of the most powerful men in Qi Yun Kingdom, a terrifying and peerless Martial Sect!

Chi Muxi did not expect that this person would come in person!

"Boy, did you kill Xiao Leng?"

Xiao Zhen, who was in the void, seemed to have remembered something, and suddenly looked at Qin Yun and shouted with a vicious look on his face.

"Xiao Leng!"

Qin Yun paused for a moment, then remembered.

Back then in the Heavenly Beast Mountain Range, he had indeed beheaded a disciple of the Xiao family. This person seemed to be called Xiao Leng. At that time, this person was seriously injured, and he also met Qin Yun.

It has to be said that this person is very unlucky!

"Xiao Leng, it was indeed beheaded by the emperor. When he died, he knelt on the ground and begged the emperor. Do you know what he said?"

"He said that he was willing to be a dog for me. From the looks of it, people from your Xiao family are nothing more than that!"


On the back of the night wolf, Qin Yun's laughter vibrated in the void.

And in the void.

The killing intent on Xiao Zhen's body became more and more terrifying.

PS: Today’s first update, there were more than 900 recommended votes yesterday, and the follow-up distance is not far away from [-]. Today, according to the rules, there are only three updates, but thanks to the brothers, the big professor will continue with four updates today, adding more rules: follow-up Reading + recommendation tickets, follow-up reading breaks [-] plus one update, and look at new chapters every day, that is follow-up reading, it is very easy for brothers, daily recommendation tickets break [-] plus one update, one thousand and two updates, brother Ladies and gentlemen, the big professor hopes that the recommended votes will exceed [-] today, and the follow-up reading will also exceed [-]. Give it a try!
(End of this chapter)

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