Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1071 1 Road Sweep

Chapter 1071 Sweep all the way

"court death!"

There was a flash of coldness in Dapeng's eyes.

The person who was killed was not strong in cultivation, he was only in the early stage of Tianzun.

"Thousands of Demon Sect disciples are all killed!"

Looking at the thousands of Demon Sect disciples in the void, Qin Yun's eyes were extremely indifferent.

Qin Yun is not a benevolent person, and these people from the Demon Sect are not benevolent people either.

You kill me, I kill you...

Only the strong eat the weak!

"Yes, Emperor!"

In Dapeng's eyes, there was an instant indifference.

The next moment, Dapeng stepped forward directly.



With a punch from Dapeng, the disciple of the Demon Sect who had been killed was directly smashed to pieces.

This person didn't even react.

"He killed Zhou Cong, this person is from Xianzong, kill him!"

"kill him!"


Seeing Dapeng kill the man, thousands of Demon Sect disciples instantly had murderous intent in their eyes, and the next moment, thousands of people directly came to kill Dapeng.

"A group of ants!"


A hint of disdain rose in Dapeng's eyes, and he rushed directly into the disciples of the Demon Sect.


"Bang bang bang..."

The cultivation base of this group of Demon Sect disciples is not strong, but after a few breaths, more than half of the 1000 people died, and the expression of the remaining Demon Sect disciples changed drastically in an instant.

"This person is too strong, retreat quickly!"



The rest of them retreated crazily.

But it's a pity, how can this group of people stop Dapeng.

The strength of Dapeng is a peerless existence in the realm of thirty emperors, and the speed of Dapeng is even more terrifying.

Wherever Dapeng passed by, the bodies of Mozong's disciples all exploded!

In the void, Qin Yun could only see countless blood radiating out!
A quarter of an hour later.


The last scream came, and among the group of people, a disciple of the Demon Sect with the strongest cultivation base, the first level of the ancestor, was directly beheaded by Dapeng!

The person's body exploded in the void.

In the void, there is only one Demon God Stone left!

"Devil God Stone, take it!"

With a cold shout, Dapeng quickly spread his wings to accept all the Demon God Stones, and then appeared in front of Qin Yun in a flash.

"My lord, the mission is complete!"

"This is their Demon God Stone!"

Standing respectfully in front of Qin Yun, Dapeng handed a space ring to Qin Yun.

"Not bad!"

Qin Yun took the space ring, and with a sweep of his mind, the Demon God Stone in the space ring appeared in Qin Yun's mind.



The light of Qin Yun's soul golden body exploded, and the countless demon stones all exploded, and terrifying power of faith surged towards Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness.


Qin Yun's soul golden body frantically devoured the power of faith.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Too little!"

Qin Yun shook his head slightly. The level of these Demon God Stones is really too low. The Demon God Stones formed by warriors in the Heavenly Exalted Realm have little effect on Qin Yun.

No wonder back then in the barren land, the Demon God Stone in the Heavenly Exalted Realm didn't even have the effect of entering the Demon God's Ancestral Land.

Because their power of faith is too little.

"Five million feet!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath. Thousands of Demon God Stones only made Qin Yun's soul golden body less than [-] feet higher. This effect is really too bad!
"Enter the Demon Realm!"

Looking at Dapeng, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"Yes Yes!"

Dapeng, Jinhua, Jiuyou and others quickly followed up.

A group of people walked towards the Demon Realm.

after one day.

"This is the first layer of Demon Realm?"

Qin Yun stood on a magic mountain. In the void, there was demonic energy everywhere. In addition, the surrounding monsters and spiritual objects were all cultivated in the way of demons.

This demon domain is a world of demons!
"Jiuyou, go check out the first layer of the Demon Realm!"

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"Yes, Emperor!"

Jiuyou took a deep breath and retreated.

A day later, Jiuyou appeared in front of Qin Yun.

"Emperor, this is the first level of the Demon Realm, and there is only one strong emperor of the third level to suppress it!"

Standing in front of Qin Yun, Jiuyou said respectfully.

"Emperor Ancestor Triple Layer?"

A cold light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

"Kill this person directly and suppress the first level of the Demon Realm!"

Looking at Jiuyou, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"Yes, Emperor!"

In Jiuyou's eyes, the light soared.


With a cold drink, the figures of a group of people disappeared on the magic mountain.

At the same time, in an ancient magic city in the first level of the Demon Realm.

"Little baby, come on!"


"Don't... giggle..."


In the room of the City Lord's Mansion, an old man of the Demon Sect looked greedily at a group of enchanting women in tulle.

This old man of the Demon Sect is the domain master of the first level of the Demon Realm.

This person's cultivation is only at the third level of the emperor's ancestor!

"Caught you, hahaha..."

In the room, the old man laughed wildly.

But the next moment, the old man's expression suddenly changed, and he saw the bodies of the women in front of him explode directly.


The old man's body retreated quickly.

"The one who killed you!"

Jiuyou's indifferent voice sounded.

The next moment, the old man's body exploded directly.

Until his death, the old man didn't know who killed him!

"Emperor, get it done!"

Outside the city lord's mansion, Jiuyou, Jinhua and others rushed to greet him.

And Qin Yun and the cheap skeleton were standing outside the city lord's mansion!

"it is good!"

Qin Yun smiled faintly and walked into the City Lord's Mansion.

the next day.

"The domain owner is dead!"

"The domain owner is dead..."


The entire ancient city vibrated, but the next moment, Jiuyou from the city lord's mansion stepped forward, and the aura on Jiuyou's body vibrated crazily!
"From now on, this seat will be the domain master of the first level in this demon domain!"

"Who dares to resist!"

"Then die!"

Jiuyou gave a cold shout, and immediately punched out, several powerful emperors in the city exploded directly.

The terrifying force instantly shocked the entire ancient city.

In the city, no one dared to say a word.

"This seat!"


Jiuyou's voice was cold and arrogant.

"Meet the Lord of the Nine Nether Regions!"

At this moment, a disciple of the Demon Sect directly knelt down to Jiuyou.

"Meet the Lord of the Nine Nether Regions!"

"Meet the Lord of the Nine Nether Regions!"


One after another figure quickly knelt down to Jiuyou.

City Lord's Mansion, above the main hall!

"Jiuyou, this boy, is very good!"

Qin Yun put down a chess piece and raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Jiuyou, that is also a strong emperor, although the soul of life has been sealed, but the power of Emperor Jiuyou, it is too easy to deter some ordinary disciples of the Demon Sect!

"Boy, what level are you going to kill?"

Looking at Qin Yun, the cheap skeleton said with a smile.

Unobtrusively, the cheap skeleton moved several chess pieces directly.

"You bastard, even if I let you take thirty moves, you still can't beat me. Although your rules of fate are terrible, your chess skills are really bad, especially this chess game, which is so bad that there is nothing to say! "

Looking at the cheap skeleton, Qin Yun snorted coldly.

Playing chess with this bastard, forget about regretting the game, damn it, and mess with the chess pieces, what the hell is playing chess, let you win directly.

(End of this chapter)

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