Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1085 Arrival of Eternal Emperor

Chapter 1085 Arrival of Eternal Emperor
In the city, the screams continued.

One after another figures fell from the void.

In the entire city, there are countless disciples of the Demon Sect. These disciples of the Demon Sect originally belonged to their own territory, but now they have encountered a catastrophe.

One by one, they fell in a pool of blood.

"Mozong, too weak!"

"That's right, the Demon Sect was destroyed..."


In the void, the disciples of Xianzong were full of excitement.

At the same time, the eighteenth heaven.

"I want to report to the Immortal Lord, the Wuling Immortal Lord just sent the news that they have entered the eighth level of the Demon Realm, and there is something different in this eighth level of the Demon Realm!"

"The original Golden Demon Patriarch is gone, replaced by the Soul Eater Demon Lord!"

"Immortal Lord asked about the whereabouts of the Young Immortal Lord. Who knew that the Demon Sect directly attacked, and the Immortal Lord was furious. He took my disciples of the Immortal Sect and killed the eighth level disciple of the Demon Sect!"

In the main hall, a Xianzong disciple said with an excited face.

On the main seat, the one sitting is the Immortal Master of the Immortal Sect.

"What? Wuling Xianjun killed all the disciples of the eighth level of the Demon Realm? Then wouldn't this cause a war between immortals and demons? I'm afraid the Demon Sect is already furious!"

"So what about the anger, they were the ones who took away our Young Immortal Lord first!"

"That's right, good kill!"


In the main hall, there were many discussions.

On the main seat, the fairy master looked extremely indifferent.

In his mind, a low voice sounded.

"Mission, completed?"

The Immortal Lord muttered to himself, and a frenzy rose from the depths of his eyes.

That fanaticism is deeply hidden, the last time I met with the Dark Lord.

Although this person has not joined hands with the Dark Emperor, he is already moved!

His cultivation base has stopped at the 49th level of the emperor's ancestors. It has been unknown how many years. As long as the three thousand demon gods are still there, he will stay at this level forever.

"I can too, standing in the No.30 third heaven..."

Immortal Lord, with a somewhat hoarse voice, the 33rd heaven, he is a member of the Xianzong, so he can only be located in the eighteenth heaven below.

And the fifteen heavens above are where the Chaos Demon God resides, which makes him very unwilling!

"This, no wonder I!"

Immortal Lord, his heart fluctuated slightly.

The next moment, his eyes became indifferent again.

"The disciples of the Immortal Sect obey the order. The Demon Sect dares to touch the Young Immortal Master of our Immortal Sect. This is already a death penalty. Lord Leidi, the news has been passed on, and the disciples of the Immortal Sect have come out in full force!"

"Into the Demon Realm!"

Looking at the group of Xianzong disciples below, the Immortal Master said indifferently.


"Come out in full force!"

The expressions of Xianzong's disciples changed drastically.

Immortal Lord, is this crazy?
If the immortal sects come out in full force, the demon sect will certainly not show weakness. When the time comes, the battle between immortals and demons will definitely injure the vitality of the ancestors of the demon gods, and no one will be able to reap the benefits!
"Immortal Lord think twice!"

"Immortal Lord think twice!"


Several figures knelt on the ground.

In the hall, there was an instant of silence.

"Think twice, the Demon Sect has already made a move. Could it be that my Immortal Sect has washed its neck and waited for it? How dare you disturb the mood of my Immortal Sect disciples!"

"It's really a crime that deserves death!"

In the eyes of the fairy master, there was a flash of coldness, and the next moment, this person disappeared in a flash.


At the same time, the disciples of the Immortal Sect who were kneeling on the ground below turned into blood foam.


In the main hall, the expressions of a group of Xianzong disciples changed drastically.

It was just a sentence of thinking twice, and he was charged with a serious crime by the fairy master.

Beheaded on the spot!


On the main seat, the figure of the Immortal Lord appeared again.

This person sat on the main seat, his eyes were indifferent.

And below, the disciples of Xianzong were as quiet as cicadas.

No one dared to stand up and say a word!

"You guys, do you still have objections?"

Looking at a group of Xianzong disciples, the Immortal Master said indifferently.

In his eyes, the frenzy grew stronger and stronger.




A group of figures hurried forward.

"very good!"

In the eyes of the fairy master, a smile spread.

"Order, lead my [-] disciples directly into the Demon Realm. Any disciple in the Demon Realm will be killed without mercy. If you actually attack my Demon Sect, then my Immortal Sect!"

"We will definitely not let them go!"

Looking at a group of Xianzong disciples, the Immortal Master said with a murderous look on his face.

"Yes Yes!"

Immortal sect disciple, retreat respectfully.

"It's going to change..."

In the Immortal Sect, there was an instant turmoil. Among the Immortal Sect, there was no shortage of strong people. At this moment, they seemed to feel that the Immortal Master had changed!

"Fairy Demon War!"

"The Ancestral Land of the Demon God!"

"It shouldn't exist!"

In the main hall, in the eyes of the Immortal Lord, flickering madly.

In a moment, the figure of this person disappeared.

At the same time, the seventh heaven.

"Emperor, Immortal Lord please see me!"

In the small courtyard, Yi Zu stood in front of the Dark Emperor, saying respectfully.

"Immortal Lord?"

The Dark Emperor smiled faintly.

But the next moment, this person's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Come on, then come out!"

The Dark Emperor looked coldly at the small courtyard, as if there was something terrible hidden there.

"Hahaha... The Dark Emperor is worthy of being a powerful emperor in the chaos. Your Excellency discovered this Emperor just after he arrived!"

At this moment, a light laughter sounded.

The next moment, two figures appeared outside the small courtyard.

"Eternal Ancient Emperor!"

Looking at the person who appeared, the Dark Emperor, his eyes suddenly brightened. The person who appeared here is none other than Emperor Henggu, and there is another person, and that is the Demon Ancestor.

"The Dark Emperor has good eyesight!"

Emperor Heng Gu chuckled lightly, and the next moment, this person walked into the small courtyard.

"Emperor Eternal Ancient, you are the great emperor of the Nine Heavens Realm, and this emperor is the emperor of the chaos. You and I have nothing to do with each other. If you want to attack the three thousand demon gods!"

"Then just go, what's the matter with coming to the Emperor?"

Looking at Emperor Henggu, the Dark Emperor said indifferently.

"Hahaha... The Dark Emperor is wrong. You and I are both great emperors. Of course, we must maintain the stability of the world. In the midst of chaos, dare to disobey the God of Chaos!"

"Then damn it!"

Looking at the Dark Emperor, Heng Gu said with a murderous look on his face.

"Maintain the stability of the world!"

"Disobedience to the Chaos God..."

The dark emperor's eyes flickered.

The meaning of Emperor Henggu, of course, is very clear to the Dark Emperor.

This person wants to kill Qin Yun!

"If you want to kill Emperor Shura, then go for it, this emperor, I'm not in the mood!"

Looking at Emperor Henggu.

The Dark Emperor said indifferently.


"Dark Emperor, don't be in such a hurry!"

Emperor Henggu laughed.

The next moment, a light flashed in the person's hand, and then his body fell to the ground.


The person who fell on the ground was none other than the Immortal Master of the Immortal Sect.

"Immortal Sect Immortal Master!"

The Dark Emperor's expression darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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