Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 115 Qin Yun is too cruel

Chapter 115 Qin Yun is too cruel
"Min Yuan is also dead, the disciples of the Min family have been wiped out!"

"This Qin Yun is too scary. He wiped out the Min family all by himself. Is he still a fucking human being!"

"This person is not to be provoked!"


The faces of the people around were full of shock. It took a long time for the figures to come back to their senses. Looking at Qin Yun who was shirtless in the middle of the battlefield, everyone could only feel it.

Throat dry for a while!


Five Martial Emperors, plus dozens of Martial Kings, and hundreds of Martial Spirit experts.

All were beheaded by Qin Yun.

"The emperor is mighty!"

"The emperor is mighty!"


The next moment, excited voices sounded, and the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor's Mansion looked at Qin Yun excitedly. Their eyes were full of enthusiasm.

"Three days later, the emperor will personally visit all the Patriarchs, and please bring a message back!"

At this moment, Qin Yun suddenly looked at the people around him and said with a smile.

"Meet the masters?"

The expressions of the people around changed slightly.

Qin Yun, what are you going to do here?
"Hahaha... Emperor Qin Yun is too polite, I, the Liu family, will definitely welcome you!"

"It's the same with my Jin family!"

"Emperor Qin Yun, I, Qi Yunzong, are waiting for you!"


Voices came from one after another, and the group of people who were going to watch the play all had smiles on their faces, as if they had been old friends with Qin Yun for many years.




For a moment, the people around dispersed.

These people only wanted to report this matter to the clan immediately. If Qin Yun killed Min Bo, he could be called a monster, so what about the current Qin Yun.

Has become one of Qi Yunguo's peak powerhouses.

"Mo Yun, Mo Chong!"

"The disciple is here!"

Hearing Qin Yun's cold shout, Mo Yun and Mo Chong quickly stood up.

"You lead the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group to completely destroy the Min family. Remember, as long as you are a martial artist with cultivation base, you must not let any one go, you know?"

Looking at the two of them, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"Yes, Emperor!"

The two quickly agreed.



The two quickly retreated with the disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group.

In the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Boy, your strength has grown again!"

The cheap skull looked at Qin Yun, with glints in his eyes, he was very unwilling, Qin Yun became stronger and stronger, and his chances of getting back the dragon eggs became slimmer!
"Slightly improved!"

Qin Yun grinned at the cheap skeleton, but the next moment, Qin Yun's eyes.

It suddenly landed on the space ring that circled three times to the left and three times to the right on the cheap skeleton.

"Boy, don't try to make a bad idea, this is my ancestor, I bought it with my life..."

"Don't grab it!"

"Boy, stop!"

"This ancestor will never come back again, oh, oh..."


In the Heavenly Emperor's Mansion, desolate voices came one after another. The next moment, Qin Yun took dozens of space rings and entered the small courtyard contentedly.

"This cheap skeleton won't turn over the palace!"

In the small courtyard, Qin Yun took a deep breath. There are 81 interspatial rings in total, and there are everything in them, from elixir to elixir, from weapons to kung fu formulas.

"Boy, Patriarch, I will come back!"

“Will definitely be back!”

Not far away, the cheap skeleton glared at Qin Yun viciously, but the next moment.

His sexy skeleton suddenly became clever.

"Take it!"

A faint voice came, and what appeared in Qin Yun's hand was a golden dragon egg. On the dragon egg, traces of dragon power spread, and Qin Yun directly took the dragon egg.

Throw it to the cheap skeleton!


"Boy, you have a conscience!"

The cheap skeleton, with an excited face, immediately stepped forward and caught the dragon egg, as if he was afraid that the dragon egg would be damaged in the slightest.


Qin Yun grinned, the smile on his face was a bit weird.

This dragon egg has been input with dragon power by him for a long time, and it is about to hatch. When it hatches, it will be the first one, and it will come to Qin Yun.

"Ahem... This dragon egg was originally yours, and now I will take care of it for you. Also, I will give you the seventh-level rebirth fruit, when it hatches!"

"It allows him to quickly improve his strength!"

Qin Yun also threw the dead fruit to the cheap skeleton.

"Past fruit?"

"Boy, you are so kind to Patriarch!"

The cheap skeleton looked at Qin Yun with a moved face, that resentful look made Qin Yun's goosebumps rise for a while.

"Okay, let's go!"

Qin Yun cursed with a smile, and then sat down cross-legged.

"Boy, Patriarch, I will always remember your kindness!"

The cheap skeleton made a few weird creaking noises, then turned around and disappeared into the small courtyard, as if he was afraid that Qin Yun would take the dragon egg back again.

"Master, people from the Xiao family..."

At this moment, Chi Muxi's figure appeared in the courtyard.

"he died!"

Looking at Chi Muxi, the corner of Qin Yun's mouth twitched slightly.


Chi Mu Xi's body shook wildly.

"Xi'er, your strength is a bit weak. The Yin body is not a mortal body. The skills given to you by the master are enough to allow you to leapfrog and fight. Also, you can enter the Martial Ancestor Realm!"

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun looked at Chi Muxi and said indifferently.


Chi Muxi was a little dazed, and then smiled wryly. I am afraid that only Qin Yun can say this sentence. Her current cultivation is already at the peak of the Martial Emperor.

Is this fucking weak?

"Master, if you destroy the Min family, the Xiao family will definitely not let you go. Xiao Zhen is just the elder of the outer sect of the Xiao family. There are countless strong people in the Xiao family. Master, you still have to be careful!"

As if thinking of something, Chi Muxi looked at Qin Yun and said in a low voice.

"There are countless strong ones?"

A cold light flashed across Qin Yun's eyes, and he said indifferently: "You go back first, the Xiao family members, the master has his own way to deal with them!"

"Yes, Master!"

Chi Muxi hurriedly retreated respectfully.

"My strength is still a bit weak. Only when I break through the Dragon Soul Realm can I not be afraid of the strong Wuzong!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, traces of light flickered.

The Realm of Dragon Soul is a big breakthrough. At that time, Qin Yun's dragon blood transformation can also enter the third floor, and Qin Yun's combat power will be increased by dozens or even hundreds of times.

"Continue to practice!"

With a low shout, Qin Yun continued to practice.

The Heavenly Emperor's Mansion also became quiet again.

But the outside world turned upside down.

"Do you know that the Min family was destroyed by Emperor Qin Yun!"

"Emperor Qin Yun, are you talking about the disciple of the vassal state who established the Heavenly Emperor Palace?"

"That's right, it's him!"

"Damn it, I saw it with my own eyes. With a shake of his body, this person turned into an ancient ferocious beast. He opened his bloody mouth and swallowed several Min family disciples in one bite. That's a ferocious beast!"

"too frightening!"


The entire imperial capital shook, and everyone was discussing Qin Yun.

PS: The first update, the second update at [-]:[-] pm, and the second update at [-]:[-] pm, a total of five changes.

Brothers, the recommendation tickets will continue to hit, and tomorrow’s update will still follow the rules of adding updates. Both recommendation tickets and follow-ups can be added!

Congratulations brothers Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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