Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 117 The Baby Dragon

Chapter 117 The Baby Dragon

"How could it grow up like this, it shouldn't be!"

The cheap skeleton, his face was full of astonishment.

"Come on..."

"Come on!"

The little furry guy in the void consumed all the fragments of the dragon egg in an instant, and hiccupped after eating. The next moment, his eyes fell on Qin Yun's body.



The fleshy little guy looked at Qin Yun with excitement on his face, flapping his fleshy wings, as if he wanted to fly towards Qin Yun, but the next moment.

The little guy swayed and fell to the ground.

Just fall down.

The key is that its head is still down, and its whole body looks like a radish stuck upside down. Its fat buttocks twisted for a long time, but he didn't get up.

"Is this a fucking dragon?"

Qin Yun's mouth twitched slightly.

Is there such a weak dragon?
"Bad skeleton, he gave it to you!"

As if remembering the little guy's address just now, Qin Yun's face darkened, and he turned around and was about to leave.

"Get up, Patriarch!"


The cheap skeleton pulled out the little guy like a carrot.



But the next moment, Qin Yun, who was about to leave, staggered again. This little guy, it's fine to call Qin Yun Dad, but he still calls Mommy to the cheap skeleton?

"Quack quack... the ancestor finally hatched you!"

"You're so fat, I'll call you Xiaopangpang from now on, no, I'll call you Xiaorourou, no, you're a dragon, you should be called Baby Dragon, even if you're a little ugly, you're still a dragon, right..."

"It's called Baby Dragon!"

The cheap skeleton looked at the little guy with excitement.

"Quack quack... My name is Baby Dragon, you are Mother Dragon, and he is Father Dragon..."


The little guy screamed excitedly at the cheap skeleton.



The next moment, two strange screams, one big and one small, sounded in the small courtyard.

"From now on, the Emperor's Mansion will not be peaceful anymore!"

Seeing the excited one big and one small, Qin Yun grinned slightly, then turned and left, but Qin Yun felt a little strange in his heart, he had never seen such a dragon species before!

Three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The Heavenly Tribulation dissipated, and the capital of Qiyun Kingdom calmed down again, but none of the old guys from the major forces dared to forget the terrible Heavenly Tribulation.

One by one, secretly looking for clues!
And in the Palace of the Emperor of Heaven.

Qin Yun, on the other hand, looked helplessly at a group of disciples from the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group.

"Emperor, you have to save us. The underwear I bought for my wife yesterday is gone today. I saw it with my own eyes. It was taken by Uncle Skeleton and Baby Dragon!"

"That's right, there's also my spirit weapon!"

"My divine sword..."


One after another figures were crying to Qin Yun, and in another small courtyard, the strange laughter of the cheap skeleton and the baby dragon came one after another!
" all go down, you lost something!"

"Ask Mo Yun and Mo Chong for a copy!"

Looking at the crowd, Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"I want one!"

Although a group of people had some complaints, they could only let it go.

"Master, I, I, I..."

At this moment, Chi Muxi's figure suddenly appeared beside Qin Yun, looking at Qin Yun, Chi Muxi's face was hesitant to speak.

"What's the matter, just say it!"

Looking at Chi Muxi, Qin Yun smiled lightly.

"Master, my father, he is here!"

With her head lowered, Chi Muxi's voice was extremely soft. When she looked at Qin Yun with her eyes, Chi Muxi's pretty face became even hotter. She grabbed the corners of her clothes with both hands, feeling coy and uneasy for a while.

"Is your father here?"

Qin Yun was slightly taken aback.

Then he said with a smile: "Patriarch Chi Mu is here, please hurry up and invite me!"

"Hahaha...the old man is here!"

As soon as Qin Yun finished speaking, a hearty laugh came the next moment, and then a middle-aged man with a big belly walked in from the small courtyard.


Seeing the man, Chi Mu Xi's pretty face blushed even more.

"Chi Muyu, I have met Emperor Qin Yun, thank you for the exercises that the Emperor bestowed on me last time!"

A respectful voice came, and behind the middle-aged man, a figure stood out. This person was none other than Chi Muyu.

Chi Muyu looked at Qin Yun with incomparable respect.

Although he was in seclusion during the recent period, he was very clear about the turmoil brought about by Qin Yun.

"So it's Young Master Chi Mu!"

Qin Yun smiled slightly, Chi Muyu in front of him had already reached the peak of Martial King.

Only one step away, you can reach the realm of Martial Emperor.

Although this is related to the exercises he bestowed, this kid's talent is not too bad.

"Father, this is Emperor Qin Yun!"

Chi Muyu quickly introduced to the middle-aged man.

"Chi Mujiang, I have met Emperor Qin Yun!"

The middle-aged man hurriedly bowed his hands to Qin Yun. The current him dare not underestimate Qin Yun. You must know that Qin Yun's current strength is enough to rank in Qi Yunguo.

And Qin Yun is still so young!
"Patriarch Chi Mu is too polite!"

Qin Yun smiled slightly, and then told Mo Yun Mo Chong: "Hurry up and arrange a dinner, I want to have a few drinks with Chi Mu Patriarch!"

"Yes, Emperor!"


Mo Yun and Mo Chong quickly retreated.

"How many drinks?"

Chi Mujiang's eyes lit up.

Then eyes.

Passing over Chi Muxi's body, there was a slight smile in that look.

Chi Mujiang had heard of Qin Yun's character, but this is the head of the Lian Min family, and he would have swallowed it all at once, if it wasn't for Chi Muxi's sake.

I'm afraid no bird will bird him!
"Emperor Qin Yun is too polite..."

"Patriarch Chi Mu please!"

The two entered the living room.

In a moment, the dinner party begins!

"Patriarch Chi Mu, thank you Chi Mu family for helping me, Qin Tianguo!"

"Come on, have a drink!"

Qin Yun raised his wine glass and made a toast to Chi Mujiang.

Qin Yun was very grateful for the Chi Mu family's help to the Qin family. Without the Chi Mu family's help, Qin Yun's cultivation speed would have been much slower. The Qin family needed to develop.

I'm afraid it will be even slower!
"Emperor Qin Yun is too polite!"

Chi Mujiang was overwhelmed by flattery for a while, then seemed to remember something, and suddenly smiled lightly and said, "Emperor Qin Yun, what do you think of my little girl?"

"Little girl?"

Qin Yun was slightly taken aback.


Chi Muxi couldn't help but let out a coquettish scolding, her blushing pretty face wished she could find a crack in the ground and slip in.

"Cough cough..."

Chi Muyu coughed lightly.

Qin Yun, on the other hand, calmed down again after being dazed.

"Patriarch Chi Mu, you may have misunderstood. I, Qin Yun, focus on martial arts. As for feelings, let's talk about them after I leave first!"

Looking at Chi Mujiang, Qin Yun said indifferently.

"Leave through the air!"


Chi Mujiang, the drink in his mouth almost spewed out, damn it, he just left without saying anything, do you think it's okay to just talk about leaving?

(End of this chapter)

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