Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 123 The Fall of Wu Zong

Chapter 123 The Fall of Wu Zong
"How could he have so many terrifying martial arts, it's impossible!"

"He will definitely die in the hands of Wu Chi, Wu Chi is the strongest genius, he will definitely die!"


In front of the Qiyun Palace, Liu Xi's face was extremely pale. Looking at the man who looked like a demon in the void, at this moment, Liu Xi's heart began to shake.

But she didn't believe it, she didn't believe that Qin Yun would defeat Wu Chi.

How could that trash of Qin Tianguo become so terrifying!
"One finger of the dragon soul, broken starry sky!"

In the void, looking at the countless sword shadows coming to kill, Qin Yun's eyes were indifferent, and a majestic voice sounded, and Qin Yun slowly stretched out a finger.

The void suddenly shook.

As Qin Yun stretched out a finger, the phantom of the dragon behind Qin Yun also stretched out a finger. That finger seemed to drive the most terrifying power in the world.

The next moment, it directly clicked among countless sword shadows.


Sword shadow, instantly shattered!
"What's going on, who won?"

"It must be Senior Brother Wu Chi. The sword of Senior Brother Wu Chi can be called a state of transformation. I think this kid was directly torn to pieces by the sword energy!"

"The Emperor must have won. Who can stand against the Emperor's finger, looking down upon the sky?"


When Qi Yunzong came up, the noise was incomparable.


In the void, the aftermath of the battle slowly dissipated.

Two figures.

Standing proudly in the void.

In one of them, the corner of his mouth was raised, with a touch of disdain.

This person is Qin Yun!

On the other hand, Wu Chi was stunned. The sword in his hand collided with one of Qin Yun's fingers, and countless icicles covered the Tianhan sword.

"Senior Brother Wu Chi won. If this kid dares to catch Tianhan Sword empty-handed, he will surely die!"

"That's right!"


The entire Qi Yunzong was jubilant.

Only Sect Master Qi Yun.

Looking at the void, there was some surprise in his eyes.

No matter how you look at that scene, it doesn't look like Wu Chi won the picture.




When all Qi Yunzong's disciples were jubilant, a crisp voice came from the void, and then amidst the astonished expressions of all the warriors, the sky-cold sword in the void struck.

A crack suddenly appeared, the next moment, two cracks, three cracks...

The entire sword is full of cracks!


The Tianhan sword turned into pieces and scattered all over the place.

The entire Qi Yunzong.

The silence is a little scary!
"The Tianhan sword is broken, the Tianhan sword is broken..."

Liu Xi muttered to herself, only this sentence remained in her mind, in the void, that figure who looked down on the boundless, like a sharp knife, pierced her proud heart fiercely again .


A mouthful of blood spurted out from Liu Xi's mouth.


But this is not over yet, in the void, one after another blasting sound came again, and Wu Chi's body suddenly exploded, and blood rained all over the sky, falling down.

"Senior Brother Wu Chi..."

"Brother Wu Chi!"


A series of exclamations sounded, Qi Yunzong came, and everyone finally recovered.

"The emperor is mighty!"

"The emperor is mighty!"


The disciples of the Heavenly Emperor Mercenary Group were elated.

"This emperor said, I will crush you to death with one finger!"

Qin Yun's faint voice resounded in the void.

Qi Yunzong's disciple.

One by one's bodies trembled again, crushing Wu Chi to death with one finger, how frightening it was, the faces of the Martial Emperor powerhouses of Qi Yunzong turned pale.

"Wu Chi is dead, and my Qi Yunzong is finished!"

Sect Master Qi Yun murmured to himself. At this moment, he was full of regrets. If he had known this, how could he have kept Liu Xi? If he had driven Liu Xi out of the house according to Qin Yun's wishes.

Perhaps, the result is completely different!
"Sect Master Qi Yun, you Qi Yun Sect, is there anyone who dares to fight?"

In the void, Qin Yun's cold and arrogant voice sounded again. Hearing Qin Yun's words, all the disciples of Qi Yunzong were shocked and couldn't help but lower their heads.

"Qin Yun, you have already killed Wu Chi, what else do you want?"

Taking a step forward, Sect Master Qi Yun suppressed the fear in his heart, looked at Qin Yun and shouted in a cold voice.

"What do I want?"

Qin Yun's figure flashed, and suddenly appeared in front of Sect Master Qi Yun.

"What do you want to do?"

Seeing Qin Yun approaching, Sect Master Qi Yun was shocked for a moment.

"You don't have to worry about anything, this emperor won't kill you, you little ant, this emperor killed your dirty hands, this emperor just wants to tell you that Qi Yunzong is in my eyes!"

"It's not even as good as scum!"

Looking at Sect Master Qi Yun, Qin Yun's eyes were cold and arrogant.

"Even worse than scum?"

Qi Yunzong's disciples clenched their fists fiercely, humiliating Qi Yunzong in front of all the disciples of Qi Yunzong, what a shame!

"Liu Xi, it's all her. If it wasn't for her, a bitch, how could my Qi Yunzong be so humiliated and drive Liu Xi out of the sect!"

"That's right, it's all Liu Xi's fault. Why should I, Qi Yunzong, take the responsibility and expel her from the sect!"

"Evict her out!"


Among Qi Yunzong, angry voices suddenly sounded.

"Expell me from the sect..."


Liu Xi laughed. At this moment, she also regretted endlessly in her heart. If she hadn't retired the engagement back then, maybe the current her would be below one person and above ten thousand people.

"Qin Yun, you are the most talented person I have ever seen!"

Liu Xi came out from nowhere, looked at Qin Yun, her face suddenly calmed down.

"You are the least challenging person this emperor has ever met!"

Looking at Liu Xi, Qin Yun's eyes were extremely indifferent. He went to Qi Yunzong to repay the karma of this body. As for Liu Xi, she is just a poor woman!

Looking at the world with her eyes of a frog in a well, how pitiful...

"The least challenged person?"

Liu Xi's eyes were full of wry smiles. She remembered the arrogance she had when she took out the Heavenly Spirit Pill back then, how ridiculous she was at that time, and the him in front of him would put the Heavenly Spirit Pill in his eyes.

"Liu Xi, starting today, you have been expelled from the sect by my Qi Yunzong!"

Looking at Liu Xi, the suzerain of Qi Yun said with anger on his face.

In his heart, he also hated, because Liu Xi lost Wu Chi, which Qi Yunzong couldn't bear. From now on, Qi Yunzong would live in Qin Yun's shadow forever.

"Expelled from the sect!"

Liu Xi's body shook, and then his eyes fell on Qin Yun again.

"Qin Yun, even if you kill me today, you won't live long. You killed Wu Chi and destroyed the Min family. People from Tianyu can't let you go!"

"You will die at the hands of the Xiao family just like your father!"


Liu Xi suddenly burst out laughing, his wanton laughter seemed extremely crazy.

"court death!"

Qin Yun's eyes suddenly turned cold.

But before Qin Yun could make a move, Liu Xi's body suddenly fell limply to the ground.

There was a hint of relief in her eyes!
PS: The fourth update, brothers, vote for recommendation, there are only about [-] recommendation votes today.

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(End of this chapter)

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