Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1376 Fighting the Azure Dragon Emperor

Chapter 1376 Fighting the Azure Dragon Emperor
"Emperor Shura, you are courting death!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the Azure Dragon Emperor's eyes soared with murderous intent, challenge him?This is simply a humiliation to him, even if Qin Yun can defeat Bone Emperor Mountain, in the eyes of the Azure Dragon Emperor, he is no different from an ant!

The gap between the fourth-class Martial Saint in the middle stage and the fourth-class consummated Chaos Dragon is a world of difference, and the Qinglong Emperor also has the most terrifying innate supernatural power of the Qinglong clan, and his combat power is even greater. horrible!
"court death?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, it was extremely plain at this moment.

"This emperor will tell you right now, the Dragon Pill of your Qinglong clan was taken by this emperor, and the Qinglongjian just now was also taken by this emperor!"

"If you want something, then defeat this emperor!"

Qin Yun looked at the Azure Dragon Emperor with cold and arrogant eyes.

"What? The Dragon Pill of my Azure Dragon Clan, he really stole it!"

"He also took away the Qinglongjian just now!"

"Hateful Emperor Shura!"


The entire Azure Dragon City was boiling, and countless disciples of the Azure Dragon Clan glared at Qin Yun who was in the void.

And the strong men of other major forces are also shocked in their eyes!

The Qinglongjian just now was actually taken by Qin Yun!

Who is the person who made the move?
“Good, good, good!”

The Azure Dragon Emperor said three good words in a row, and at this moment, he felt as if he was going to be blown up.

It was so arrogant, Qin Yun in front of him actually admitted it directly!

"I'm going to tear you apart!"


The roar directly shattered the sky, and the next moment, the upper body of the Azure Dragon Emperor turned into a dragon body of billions of feet, and the bloody mouth fell directly towards Qin Yun.

"Good come!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, the light soared.

On Qin Yun's body, countless holy patterns lit up at this moment. Layers of holy patterns formed a layer of battle armor outside Qin Yun's body. The battle armor was golden and looked majestic!

"Battle, fight!"

The word 'war' dropped three times in a row, and Qin Yun stepped forward.

"Punishing Sword!"


The God Zhu Sword appeared in Qin Yun's hands. On the God Zhu Sword, bright sword lights shot up into the sky, and the sword lights seemed to tear apart the entire chaos!

The cold voice made people shudder.

Facing the terrifying Azure Dragon Emperor, Qin Yun at this moment, instead of retreating, went straight up to fight him. In Qin Yun's hand, the Sword of Punishment fell directly!


The Azure Dragon Emperor's eyes were full of anger.

The next moment, the two collided for the first time.


The aftermath of the fierce battle spread crazily to the surroundings, and the entire Azure Dragon City trembled even more crazily at this moment, as if the next moment, this Azure Dragon City would be reduced to ruins.

"Quickly exit Azure Dragon City, quick!"

"Exit Azure Dragon City!"


Shocked voices sounded, and countless strong men hurriedly led their disciples back, while some Qinglong disciples who were too late to leave were directly buried in Qinglong City.


The entire Azure Dragon City was turned into ruins at this moment, and countless strong men of the Azure Dragon Clan stared blankly at the ruined Azure Dragon City.

Azure Dragon City has disappeared!

At this moment, in the void, a figure flew upside down. That figure directly annihilated thousands of feet. This figure was none other than Qin Yun.

I saw blood gushing out of Qin Yun's mouth.

The vast holy pattern on Qin Yun's body also dimmed at this moment, and the aura on Qin Yun's body fluctuated wildly.

"So strong!"

Hundreds of millions of feet away, Qin Yun's body stopped.

Qin Yun's face was extremely pale.

In Qin Yun's body, Qi and blood surged wildly.

The Azure Dragon Emperor is indeed a fourth-class perfect chaotic dragon. Qin Yun was completely defeated when he collided for the first time. Qin Yun's powerful physique comparable to that of a fourth-class martial saint in the late stage cannot stop him at this moment!

"Boy, this little green dragon is about to reach the fifth level, you can't beat him!"

In Qin Yun's mind, the voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit sounded.

"Can't beat it?"

Qin Yun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. In Qin Yun's heart, his mind was spinning rapidly.

The Azure Dragon Emperor is indeed very strong.

At the beginning, Qin Yun thought that he could at least try to fight the Azure Dragon Emperor, but at this moment, Qin Yun knew very well that the Azure Dragon Emperor could not be stopped by himself!
"Boy, aren't you very strong?"

An angry voice came, and in the void, the billion-foot-high half-dragon body looked at Qin Yun with a cold face. In the eyes of the Azure Dragon Emperor, there was a terrifying killing intent at this moment.


Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

The 48 ancestral dragons shook, and Qin Yun's breath gradually stabilized.

Qin Yun's face also calmed down again.

"Punishing God Sword Formation!"

With a cold shout, behind Qin Yun, four peerless divine swords fell from the sky, and the next moment, Qin Yun's body was billowing with sword intent, rising against the sky!


Chaos, completely rolled over.

Each of the four divine swords is as high as hundreds of millions of feet. On top of the divine swords, countless ancient swords are wanton.

"The complete God-killing Sword Formation!"

"This is the complete God Slayer Sword Formation!"

Martial Saint Cultivator exclaimed, his expression became serious at this moment, the complete Sword Formation of Punishing God, it is definitely an incomparably terrifying existence in the chaos.

"Hongmeng Dibao: Punishing God Sword Formation!"

The Azure Dragon Emperor on the opposite side also had a gleam of coldness in his eyes, Hongmeng Dibao, seeing the God-killing Sword Formation, at this moment, he remembered the Azure Dragon Stream that Qin Yun took away just now.

The Qinglongjian had cost him countless costs to open.

But who knew, just after opening it, it was taken away by Qin Yun!
"The sword array rises, the sky is doomed!"

The roaring sound rolled out. At this moment, Qin Yun's body suddenly swelled up, countless holy patterns rose up, and Qin Yun's body turned into a holy body of hundreds of millions of feet.

Qin Yun's body was filled with the power of chaos!

In Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the 8000 million life soul also trembled at this moment.

The Emperor Star on the Soul of Fate even lowered the rolling power of the Emperor Star.

"Boom boom boom..."

In the depths of the roiling chaos, there was a burst of thunder. Qin Yun's terrifying sword seemed to startle the oldest existence in the entire chaos.

"That's the Chaos Heavenly Dao, the sleeping Chaos Heavenly Dao, has been alarmed!"

"The last time Chaos Heavenly Dao made a move, it was more than 100 epochs ago!"

"The Chaos Heavenly Dao was also disturbed..."


Countless astonished voices sounded. At this moment, not only the abyss of death, but also the outside world, the sky was torn apart, and only a billions of feet of eyes appeared on the sky.

That eye, looking down at all beings in the sky!

"It's the eyes of the sky, the eyes of the sky have appeared, who is it that shocked the eyes of the sky!"

"who is it?"


In the chaos, countless sleeping figures opened their eyes at the same time.

At the same time, in the abyss of death, above the sky.

"The end of the law!"

Qin Yun roared angrily, and a force of annihilation spread over the sword formation.

(End of this chapter)

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