Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1385 Refining Qinglongjian

Chapter 1385 Refining Qinglongjian


Qin Yun took a deep breath, and then sat down cross-legged. As for Qinglongjian, Qin Yun held it in the palm of his hand.

Sitting cross-legged, Qin Yun began to adjust his mind!
The surrounding aura gathered towards Qin Yun, and the aura on Qin Yun's body began to stabilize.

In Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the 8000-foot Life Soul Pagoda exudes a trace of mysterious light.

On the Minghun Tower, the emperor star was also trembling slightly at this moment.

In Qin Yun's body, there are dragon veins, vast and boundless, and strands of dragon power, vibrating in Qin Yun's body!

At this moment, Qin Yun's body has recovered to its peak state!


Opening his eyes, Qin Yun's eyes were calm and unwavering.

At the same time, the Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit not far away waved his hand, and four small balls fell towards Qin Yun.


Following the appearance of these four small balls, four peerless dragon souls appeared above the four small balls, and those pairs of eyes looked at Qin Yun with boundless anger.

"Four dragon souls!"

A light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes. These four small balls were the four dragon souls suppressed by the Eastern Emperor's war spirit. When they saw Qin Yun, the four dragon souls instantly became fierce!

"Emperor Shura, what are you doing, let me go!"

"Let me go!"


Seeing Qin Yun, the dragon soul of the Great Elder roared frantically.

In this person's eyes, there was wanton murderous intent.

"If you want to refine Qinglongjian, you must obtain anything with the power of the original Qinglong. The dragon power on your body is already terrifying and boundless, and these four dragon souls are sacrificed!"

"It's enough!"

The voice of the Eastern Emperor's battle spirit sounded again.

"The power of the original green dragon?"

There was a flash of light in Qin Yun's eyes, and the next moment, Qin Yun typed out a sealed formula. Following Qin Yun's sealed formula, the Qinglongjian in Qin Yun's hand began to wake up.


In just a few breaths, countless roars sounded from the Qinglongjian.

Rolling grievances came towards Qin Yun's face. At this moment, Qin Yun felt that he was standing in the sea of ​​grievances, surrounded by countless grievances!

Countless grievances invaded Qin Yun's mind.

"Qinglongjian, I am Emperor Shura, and now I will give you a chance!"

"Surrender to me?"

Qin Yun's voice sounded like thunder, and the billowing resentment couldn't get close to Qin Yun at all, and disappeared without a trace.

"Human, you are dreaming!"

An angry voice sounded in Qin Yun's mind. This voice was Ao Zhen's voice, but Qin Yun knew very well that it was not Ao Zhen, but the Qinglongjian's weapon spirit!


Qin Yun's eyes also turned cold.

"Emperor Shenwu blasted you into several pieces back then, could it be that you haven't remembered this lesson, if you don't submit to this emperor today, then this emperor will make you disappear forever!"

Qin Yun's voice was indifferent.

"Make me disappear!"


The spirit of Qinglongjian laughed loudly, and saw a figure appearing on the Qinglongjian, this figure turned blood-colored, and countless evil auras were reckless on his body.

This person is Ao Zhen.

Looking at Qin Yun, Ao Zhen had a look of disdain in his eyes.

"Human, do you think you are the emperor of the gods? You haven't even reached the realm of chaos. What qualifications do you have to be my master?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Ao Zhen said coldly and arrogantly.

"The Realm of Chaos!"

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Blue Dragon Soul!"


But at this moment, Qin Yun directly crushed a small ball, and a fourth-class green dragon soul surged out.

This green dragon soul was exactly one of the four peerless powerhouses of the green dragon clan that Qin Yun beheaded.

"Emperor Shura, what are you doing?"

Seeing Qin Yun, this green dragon soul was filled with astonishment.


The icy voice sounded again, and Qin Yun typed out a mysterious seal formula, and the next moment, the Azure Dragon Soul immediately burst into flames.


The screams sounded in the void.

At the same time, an ancient and boundless aura spread from Qin Yun's body.

"Human, what are you doing?"

In Ao Zhen's eyes, there was a hint of suspicion, but Qin Yun, without even looking at this person, grabbed the burning green dragon soul and pressed it directly into the green dragon stream.


As the Qinglong soul fell, a wisp of green smoke rose from the Qinglong stream.

"Do not……"

Ao Zhen, his expression changed drastically.

"Fourth-class chaotic dragon, human, you want to use the power of the blood of the Qinglong clan to wipe out the spirit of this weapon? You are wishful thinking!"

Ao Zhen roared crazily.

But in his eyes, there was incomparable fear.

Although Qinglongjian is terrifying, in the final analysis, it is just a treasure refined by the Qinglong clan, and it uses the blood power of the Qinglong clan.

If Qin Yun used the God-killing Sword Formation, he might not be able to hurt the weapon spirit.

But the blood power of the Azure Dragon Clan can obliterate him!



After crushing two small balls in a row, two dragon souls surged out the next time. This time, Qin Yun directly ignited the two dragon souls, and fell towards Qinglongjian again.

"No, I surrender!"

"I am willing to surrender..."

Ao Zhen's startled voice sounded, and he saw countless blue smoke rising from the Qinglongjian, and the resentment on the Qinglongjian has dissipated a lot at this moment.

"It's too late!"

Qin Yun's eyes were extremely cold.

In the beginning, he had already given this weapon spirit a chance, but he didn't seize it, so it's no wonder he was Qin Yun.

By erasing the spirit of the Qinglongjian, Qin Yun can control the Qinglongjian better, but the power of the Qinglongjian will be affected to some extent.

But generally speaking, it is a good thing for Qin Yun!


With a cold shout, the last small ball was crushed in Qin Yun's hands.

"Qin Yun, what are you going to do?"

As the small ball was crushed, the dragon soul of the Great Elder appeared. When this person saw Qin Yun, his expression changed instantly, but the next moment, he also screamed.

"What are you going to do?"

"let me go!"


There was a scream, and this peerless dragon soul of the fourth-class late stage also burned at this moment, and the vast flames of the Qinglong blood enveloped the Qinglongjian.

"Do not……"

The spirit of Qinglongjian has already begun to appear illusory at this moment.

Seeing the dragon soul falling, the weapon spirit of Qinglongjian was even more terrified.


There was a scream, and countless grievances dissipated on the Qinglongjian. The next moment, the aura of the weapon spirit completely dissipated. At the same time, Qin Yun also opened his eyes.


Qin Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Qinglongjian has become an ownerless thing!

As if thinking of something, Qin Yun sighed slightly, this Qinglongjian is indeed terrifying, if it has a weapon spirit, its power will be at least [-]% stronger!
"Refining first!"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yun's mind entered the Qinglongjian.

Donghuang Bell, Qin Yun began to refine Qinglongjian.

 Fifth watch, brothers, continue tomorrow, good night!

(End of this chapter)

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