Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1394: Anti-Heaven Skill

Chapter 1394: Anti-Heaven Skill
In a moment, seven figures appeared beside His Highness the Son of Heaven.

"His Royal Highness!"

The eyes of the seven people who appeared fell on His Highness the Son of Heaven at the same time. The aura of these seven people was vast and boundless, and the weakest one was in the early stage of the fifth class!

"This is Xinghe Qisu!"

His Highness Daozi's expression changed slightly, Xinghe Qisu is an extremely ancient powerhouse in the chaos, and the Qisu formation formed by these seven people is even more terrifying and boundless.

In addition, the cultivation bases of these seven people are also extremely terrifying!
In the chaos, few people dare to provoke these seven people!
But it is rumored that in ancient times, these seven people provoked Renzu Sui's family, and were finally suppressed by Renzu in the chaos.

I just didn't know that these seven people appeared again at this moment!

"Long time no see!"

His Highness the Son of Heaven, his eyes fell on an old man, one of the seven people. In the eyes of the old man, there seemed to be a star hovering.

The old man was wearing a Taoist robe.

On this robe, countless mysterious pictures of the starry sky appear. From a distance, it seems to be pieces of galaxies. The stars on the galaxies are still changing and rotating, and the mystery is endless!

"His Royal Highness, please remember, you saved me and the other seven people, but I only promised you to do two things. The last time Sui Shi appeared, you asked us seven people to besiege and kill them. This has already been used once!"

"If you shoot again this time!"

"Then there is no debt!"

A deep voice sounded, a man stood up, and said in a low voice, this man is Tianshusu, one of Qisu, ranking third in Qisu!
This person's cultivation is at the peak of the fifth class!
"Siege and kill the Sui clan?"

In the eyes of His Highness the Son of Heaven, a light flashed.

The last time, the cheap skeleton suddenly appeared in the abyss of death. As the master of production, His Highness, of course, found the cheap skeleton, and it happened that he broke the restriction outside the holy city.

I can't make a move myself, so I can only let these seven people make a move.

But who knew, these seven people just let Suishi run away!
"Tianjisu, as long as you kill this kid, His Highness promises to leave this abyss of death and give you freedom!"

His Royal Highness said in a low voice.

"it is good!"

Hearing this, the old man who had not spoken for a long time suddenly agreed.

"Big brother!"

Yaoguangsu, the only female host in one of the seven lodges, couldn't help but let out a low cry.

"I don't know who His Royal Highness wants to kill?"

Tianjisu waved his hand slightly, then asked in a deep voice.

"where is he!"

His Majesty the Son of Heaven waved his hand, and in the next moment, a block of restraints appeared. During the restraint, Qin Yun sat down cross-legged, and the surrounding spiritual energy continuously gathered toward Qin Yun.

And Qin Yun's aura began to stabilize slowly!
"Second-class peak Martial Saint?"

Qisu was stunned for a moment, and the seven of them looked at each other, their eyes flickering. The seven of them didn't expect that the person His Royal Highness asked them to take action was just a second-class martial saint!
"Brother, look, there is the Emperor of Nine Dragons outside, and the Ji Family's Heaven Cultivator Martial Saint..."

At this moment, Yaoguangsu seemed to have discovered something, and said hastily.

"Emperor of Nine Dragons!"

Qisu hurriedly looked outside the holy city. Outside the holy city, the Nine Dragon Emperor was bombarding the holy city. The eyes of the seven people who saw this scene blazed brightly at the same time.

"I see!"

The seven looked behind His Highness Tian Zi and His Highness Dao Zi.

The next moment, all seven of them sneered.

It turned out that they were involved by the Emperor of Nine Dragons, so they let them take action!

"It's fine to kill this kid, Your Highness the Son of Heaven!"

"Remember your promise!"

An indifferent voice sounded, Tianjisu's figure flashed and entered the restriction, and as Tianjisu left, the other six people also left coldly!

outside the Holy City.

"That's the Galaxy Qisu. These Qisu were not suppressed in the chaos, so why did they appear here?"

"Could it be His Highness the Son of Heaven who opened the seal and rescued these seven people?"


Xiutian Martial Sage and others also saw Xinghe Qisu, and when they saw seven people appear, their expressions changed instantly, Xinghe Qisu, these seven people are not good people!
"Seven constellations in the galaxy!"

"This kid is in trouble!"

The Nine Dragon Emperor's expression also changed. If it was the Azure Dragon Emperor, the Nine Dragon Emperor hadn't worried about anything yet, then at this moment, he couldn't help but feel worried.

With Qisu teaming up, even the sixth-rank Chaos powerhouses, few would dare to provoke them!

As for Qin Yun's combat power, the strongest is comparable to the fifth rank!
"Heaven-defying skills!"

With a roar, the power and influence on the body of the Nine Dragon Emperor skyrocketed.

"No, this is a heaven-defying skill, block him!"

His Royal Highness, the aura on his body soared, and at this moment, the aura from this person also leaked out. In the late sixth-class stage, this His Royal Highness, the cultivation base is in the late-sixth class.

Beside His Highness the Son of Heaven, His Highness Dao Zi also rushed into the restriction.

His Highness Daozi's cultivation is in the middle of the sixth class!
"Kowloon defies the sky!"

The Nine Dragons Emperor had anger in his eyes. Behind this person, there were nine roars and nine peerless dragons rushing out.


The dragon roared and rushed towards the holy city.

At the same time, under prohibition.

"Brother, is His Royal Highness really so kind to let us go after killing a second-class Martial Saint?"

Yaoguangsu said with a slight twinkle in his eyes.

"Good intentions?"

Tianjisu's eyes flashed coldly.

"The purpose of this person is something in the temple. If this thing is taken down by him, then he is enough to reach the seventh level of chaos!"

"At that time, I will wait until I really have no chance!"

Tianjisu's voice was extremely low.

"Brother, what should we do now?"

When the other six heard this, they quickly opened their mouths.

"What else can I do? To open the temple, you need a holy book. This kid is only a second-class martial saint, but His Royal Highness is so eager to kill him!"

"If I guessed correctly!"

"There must be a holy book on him. These two want to open the holy temple directly and take the things away before the Nine Dragons Emperor enters the holy city!"

Tianjisu said indifferently.

"Holy book?"

The eyes of the seven people all lit up.

As the ancient powerhouses in the chaos, the seven of them certainly knew what was in the temple. Not only would His Highness the Son of Heaven get it, but his cultivation base would skyrocket.

If they get it, their strength will increase greatly!
"Kill this kid and take the holy book!"

Tianjisu, an indifferent voice sounded.

"Yes Yes!"

The eyes of the other six people blazed brightly at the same time.


"someone is coming!"

Qin Yun, who was practicing cross-legged, immediately stood up. After a while, he saw seven vast auras spreading.

The next moment, seven figures appeared in front of Qin Yun.


Seeing the seven people who appeared, Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly!
"This breath!"

But at the next moment, a light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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