Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1407 Transformation of Fate Soul

Chapter 1407 Transformation of Fate Soul
"I go!"

Ji Shang's deep voice sounded, his cultivation was only in the realm of fourth-class martial saints, and in terms of combat power, although he was stronger than the patriarchs of the major forces in the Abyss of Death, he definitely could not compete with His Highness the Son of Heaven and others!

"Count you acquainted!"

His Highness Daozi's eyes were extremely indifferent.

His Highness the Son of Heaven and His Majesty also looked extremely indifferent!


Ji Shang took a deep breath, and the next moment, this person walked towards the holy book ladder step by step, and followed Ji Shang towards the stairs.

A group of people's eyes fell on Ji Shang.


On the holy book ladder, as Ji Shang walked in, the countless words began to flow, and the moment Ji Shang stepped down on the ladder, Ji Shang's figure disappeared strangely!


A group of people stared blankly at the holy book ladder.

On the holy book ladder, there is no figure of Xiutian Martial Saint!
"what happened?"

The eyes of the three of them flickered.

"I don't believe that this holy book ladder can stop me!"

"Everyone, this seat will take a step first!"

At this moment, a coldness flashed in Tianjisu's eyes, and the person stepped forward and rushed up the stairs.


Countless words flowed, and the figure of Tianjisu also disappeared.


The expressions of His Highness Daozi and His Highness Tianzi changed drastically.

In the eyes of the two, madness flickered.

A Ji Shang and the others are not afraid of anything, but Tianjisu, after joining the Dao, is a peerless existence comparable to the seventh class. This person rushes up the ladder, and it is very likely that he will be the first to get there first, and directly snatch the fragments of the Chaos Heavenly Dao.

"His Royal Highness, we..."


His Highness the Son of Heaven gave a low shout, and the next moment, this person also walked towards the stairs.


His Highness Daozi's eyes flickered slightly.

This person also walked towards the holy book ladder.

But when he walked to the side of the Holy Book Ladder, His Highness Daozi slightly glanced at Qin Yun who was sitting cross-legged, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Daozi, walked up the stairs.


Countless words flowed, and four figures disappeared strangely on the holy book ladder.

And the Holy Book Ladder is still there!
It doesn't seem like it changes anything!

"Holy book ladder!"

"Road to Heaven!"

The Nine Dragon Emperor's eyes flashed, and the next moment, the Nine Dragon Emperor sat down cross-legged. At this moment, the Nine Dragon Emperor didn't rush to the holy book ladder!
In the temple, only Qin Yun was left, still practicing there!

The Emperor of Nine Dragons was not far from Qin Yun.

The three ancient beasts stood beside Qin Yun. Her eyes were fixed on the Nine Dragon Emperor until she saw the Nine Dragon Emperor sitting cross-legged.

The three ancient beasts relaxed a little now!

"This little spirit beast, be vigilant!"

The Kowloon Heavenly Emperor raised the corner of his mouth slightly.


In the temple, countless auras gathered towards Qin Yun. A huge vortex formed above Qin Yun's head, and the vortex crazily devoured the auras!
The billowing spiritual energy entered Qin Yun's body.

In Qin Yun's body, 48 ancestor dragons roared frantically, and the No. 40 nine ancestor dragons were also slowly forming at this moment.

But this speed is extremely slow!

In Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the Tower of Destiny Soul was extremely radiant.

Under the Tower of Fate and Soul, the immortal lamp soul emits a soft light.

In the sky above the Soul Tower, the Emperor Star rotated slightly!
Streams of power from the Emperor Star came from the Emperor Star.

"Although the aura here is strong, it will take me only a few epochs to cultivate to perfection, that's impossible!"

On Qin Yun's body, the breath slowly came to life.

The next moment, Qin Yun opened his eyes, and the spiritual vortex in the void dissipated directly.

Qin Yun's eyes looked towards the main hall.

Although Qin Yun was cultivating, Qin Yun was very clear about what happened in the hall. A group of people had already entered the holy book ladder.


Na Na muttering to himself, a light flashed in Qin Yun's hand.

The Seven-leaf God Grass appeared in Qin Yun's hands.


Looking at the Echinacea in Qin Yun's hands, the Three Spirit Gods let out a low growl. At this moment, of course she knew what Qin Yun was going to do!
"What the emperor promised you will definitely come true!"

Qin Yun touched the heads of the three spirit gods. The seven-fold soul spirit grass is the accompanying god grass of the three spirit gods. He was willing to give the god grass to himself. How important it is!

"Thank you!"

The three spirit gods had a look of gratitude in their eyes.


But at this moment, the light in Qin Yun's eyes soared, and the next moment, Qin Yun slightly exerted force on his palm, and the seven-leaf god grass was directly crushed by Qin Yun!


As the Seven-leaf God Grass was crushed, the soul power surged out!

"Fate Soul Tower, Devour!"

Qin Yun yelled angrily, and the next moment, a huge vortex appeared above Qin Yun's head, and that vortex frantically devoured the soul power of the seventh-fold soul grass!


In Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness.At this moment, the tower of life and soul rose with a bright light.

The rolling soul power was refined by the Ming Soul Tower!

The 9000-foot Life Soul Tower also began to grow at this moment.

"9000 million and one feet, 9000 million and two feet..."


The Fate Soul Pagoda was growing rapidly, and the surging soul power from the outside world poured into Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness frantically, and Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness also trembled at this moment.


With the growth of the Soul Tower, an aura of perfection spread from Qin Yun's body.

In Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the Fate Soul Tower is even more powerful.

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand feet!"

"Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine feet!"



With an angry shout, Qin Yun suddenly opened his eyes.


In Qin Yun's eyes, light burst out. At this moment, Qin Yun's body was boundless, and in Qin Yun's eyes, a tower of life and soul, which was billions of feet tall, slowly hovered.

"This kid, is breaking through?"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons woke up directly from the practice, but the next moment, the expression of the Emperor of Nine Dragons changed drastically, and behind Qin Yun, a tower of life and souls with hundreds of millions of meters appeared.

"Billions, billions, billions..."

"Fate Soul Tower!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons, with an incomparably sluggish expression, is the Tower of Souls of billions of feet?How can this be?
In the entire chaos, as long as the soul tower reaches a million feet, it will transform into a soul pill.

How could this happen, the tower of life and soul of billions of feet!

"This is impossible!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons couldn't help shaking his head, even at this moment, he couldn't believe it in his heart, what kind of monster is this billions of feet of soul tower!


Qin Yun's body was overwhelming.

Qin Yun's eyes glared at the sky!


Behind Qin Yun, the Fate Soul Tower hovered slightly, and as he circled, it seemed as if the world had collapsed behind Qin Yun, which was terrifying and boundless!
"In the end, is this still a human being!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons couldn't help but slap himself. Damn it, if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would suspect that he was dreaming at this moment!
 I owe eight more, the big professor will remember it, and I will find a time to make it up!
  Sorry for being busy recently!
  Fifth update, brothers, continue tomorrow! Good night!

(End of this chapter)

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