Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1421 The Great War

Chapter 1421 The Great War
outside world.

"Three years!"

In the pavilion, the Emperor of Nine Dragons stood up, Qin Yun has been practicing for three years, and under the acceleration of time, Qin Yun's cultivation time has reached 300 million years!

At this moment, a violent vibration suddenly came from the sky above the seventh floor. Feeling this vibration, the expression of the Nine Dragon Emperor changed instantly.


The next moment, a crack appeared in the pavilion in front of Qin Yun.


The berserk power came from above the seventh floor, and there seemed to be an extremely terrifying and peerless evildoer hidden on it. The berserk power made people tremble with fear!

"This kid, he hasn't woken up yet!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons had an incomparably dignified expression. Layer upon layer of cracks appeared on the pavilion, as if the pavilion was about to be shattered in the next moment.

The sky above the seventh floor also trembled crazily.


The violent vibration came again.


The next moment, a pillar on the pavilion was shattered, and then the entire pavilion collapsed.

"Go away!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons struck out with a punch, and the entire sky above the pavilion was shattered into pieces.

Surrounding, billowing prohibition shrouded.

"Don't wake up again!"

"I'm going to forcefully wake you up!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons muttered to himself, his eyes looked at the sky above the seventh floor, and his expression was extremely dignified.

There, it seems that there is something peerless in the war.

"what happened?"

But at this moment, Qin Yun, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Boy, you finally woke up!"

Seeing Qin Yun wake up, the Emperor of Nine Dragons was delighted.

"Brother, what happened?"

Qin Yun asked quickly.

"Boy, leave this place first!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons grabbed Qin Yun, only to see the Emperor of Nine Dragons stepped out, and the two of them had already left the pavilion and landed in the seventh floor of the restraint.


As the two left, the pavilion was directly shattered.

In addition, the dozens of stairs behind Qin Yun were also directly shattered.

"Brother, why are these stairs still smashing? Didn't it mean that after entering the seventh floor, the Peerless Abyss has disappeared?"

Looking at the dozens of shattered stairs, Qin Yun's expression changed drastically.

"Boy, get out of here quickly!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons also took a deep breath.

The next moment, the two quickly rushed towards the eighth floor.


The surrounding restrictions enveloped the two of them, but I don't know if it was an illusion, Qin Yun always felt that the surrounding restrictions seemed to be much weaker than the sixth floor!

"The restriction here is dissipating!"

Qin Yun's expression changed slightly. The restriction on the seventh floor of the holy book ladder is not worse than that on the sixth floor, but the restriction on this floor is disappearing!
"Above, what happened?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, traces of light shone.

However, the footsteps of the two did not stop. Within an hour, the two directly rushed through the seventh floor and entered the next pavilion.

Compared with the pavilion on the seventh floor, this pavilion is also dilapidated and wobbly, as if it will be smashed in the next moment!
"This is……"

Qin Yun's eyes fell on the center of the pavilion. There, there were two corpses lying on the ground. These two were very familiar to Qin Yun. They were Tianshusu and Tianquansu, one of the seven constellations!

"These two are dead too!"

Nine Dragons Heavenly Emperor, a deep voice sounded.

I saw the Emperor of Nine Dragons waved his hand slightly, and the next moment, the two corpses on the ground were directly reduced to ashes!
"Who killed it?"

The light in Qin Yun's eyes soared.

"Wait a moment!"

"I know!"

The Nine Dragon Emperor's voice was extremely low, and the eyes of the Nine Dragon Emperor looked towards the eighth floor, and the sky above the eighth floor was trembling crazily.

The prohibition on it is weaker than that of the seventh floor!

It seems that something has weakened the power of the Holy Book Ladder.

"I want to see who made the move!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

The two looked at each other, and for a moment, the figures of the two disappeared at the same time, and when they reappeared, the two appeared on the eighth-floor stairs.


The two rushed towards the ninth floor quickly.

There was no restriction, but after a quarter of an hour, the two had already reached the eighth floor.

After a while, the two entered a pavilion again.

"Another two corpses!"

Qin Yun glanced at the pavilion indifferently. This pavilion was already the last one, and there were two corpses lying on the ground.

These two people are Tianxuan and Yuheng, one of the Qisu!

Without even thinking about it, Qin Yun took a step forward.


And the moment Qin Yun took this step, Qin Yun only felt that a terrifying and boundless power came from the sky, and that power was tens of thousands of times stronger than the Nine Dragons Emperor!
"Boy, be careful!"

Before Qin Yun could react, he saw a figure appearing in front of him.


A violent collision came, and the figure of the Nine Dragons Emperor flew upside down.


A low roar came from the sky, Qin Yun's expression changed drastically, and he quickly supported the Nine Dragon Emperor.


Blood gushed out from the mouth of the Nine Dragons Heavenly Emperor.

"Brother Kowloon!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, he was extremely astonished. With just one blow, the Emperor of Nine Dragons was actually defeated. How terrifying is the combat power of the person who made the attack!
"Boy, this chaotic shard has been targeted!"

"Leave quickly!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons looked at Qin Yun and said hastily.



An indifferent voice came from the void. Qin Yun looked towards the void and saw a figure standing proudly. Qin Yun was very familiar with that figure. It was the Martial Saint of Cultivation of Heaven, Ji Shang!
Ji Shang's eyes were frighteningly cold, and those eyes looked at Qin Yun without the slightest emotion!
"Ji Shang!"

Qin Yun's eyes flashed.

In the void, besides Ji Shang, there were several familiar figures of Qin Yun, His Highness Tianzi, His Highness Daozi, Tianjisu, these three people are still alive!

But these three people are standing together at this moment, and the aura of the three people is also fluctuating crazily.

"who are you?"

Qin Yun looked at Ji Shang with an extremely low voice, and Qin Yun's eyes even looked at the left hand of the Nine Dragon Emperor.

It was the left hand of the Nine Dragon Emperor who took the blow just now.

But at this moment, the left hand of the Emperor of Nine Dragons was extremely dark.

Under the darkness, even the bones seemed to be scorched!
"Ji's bloodthirsty palm!"

Qin Yun's expression changed drastically. Qin Yun had seen this scene before.

At the beginning, Yaoguangsu died under this palm.

However, compared to Yaoguangsu, the cultivation base of the Nine Dragon Heavenly Emperor is much stronger. This dark power is limited to the left hand of the Nine Dragon Heavenly Emperor, but it has not continued to spread!

(End of this chapter)

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