Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1426 Old Qin Reappears

Chapter 1426 Old Qin Reappears
"Eight or nine!"

Qin Yun's eyes flickered wildly. The Emperor Star is his foundation. Even if the Chaos Heavenly Dao can raise the level of the Emperor Star, Qin Yun will never try it easily!
"Is there any other way?"

Qin Yun asked in a low voice.

"Boy, this is the only way. Once your Emperor Star merges with the Chaos Heavenly Dao, even if your cultivation can't reach the Chaos Realm, it's probably almost there!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a low voice.

"It's really gone!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath, and merged the fragments of the Chaos Heavenly Dao?For this proposal, Qin Yun refused. After all, he, Qin Yun, didn't want to leave any hidden dangers behind!
"Boy, if you pass this village, you won't have this chance!"

The faint voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit resounded.

For a moment, the Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit fell silent.

As for the outside world, Qin Yun also fell silent.

The eyes of the Emperor of Nine Dragons fell on Qin Yun.

"Qin Yun, this fragment of the Chaos Heavenly Dao!"

"It's yours!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the Emperor of Nine Dragons said with a smile.

"It's me?"

Qin Yun paused for a moment.

Qin Yun did not expect that the Nine Dragons Heavenly Emperor would take the initiative to say this. At first, Qin Yun thought about letting the Nine Dragons Heavenly Emperor try it, maybe the Nine Dragons Heavenly Emperor, Qin Yun might also suppress this fragment of Chaos Heavenly Dao.


The expressions of Long Xing and others not far away changed slightly.

That's a fragment of the Chaos Heavenly Dao.

"I am a rebellious cultivator. Although a rebellious cultivator can take away the heaven-defying opportunity, it is impossible to fuse the fragments of the heavenly way. Once fused, my cultivation base will not grow!"

"It will fall instead!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the Emperor of Nine Dragons said with a smile.

"Rebel cultivator!"

"Is there still this restriction?"

Qin Yun was slightly dazed, and then hurriedly asked the Eastern Emperor's battle spirit.

"Boy, it is true that rebel cultivators can't fuse the fragments of the Dao of Heaven, but this kid cares about you very much. You kid can't forget this kindness!"

In Qin Yun's mind, the Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit said in a deep voice.


Qin Yun took a deep breath.

Along the way, the most personal kindness of the Nine Dragons Heavenly Emperor is not small. From the beginning of the Three Thousand Worlds to this time in the abyss of death, the Nine Dragons Heavenly Emperor himself almost lost his life!

"Thank you bro!"

Qin Yun, salute respectfully.

This is Qin Yun's character!

For those who helped him, Qin Yun felt sincere gratitude in his heart, and for those who wanted to kill him, Qin Yun would kill without hesitation!
"You boy!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons shook his head slightly.

"Although the shards of the Dao of Heaven are strong, your cultivation is a bit weak. Whether you can successfully integrate them depends on your own good fortune!"

Seems to have remembered something, Nine Dragons Heavenly Emperor said in a low voice.

"good fortune?"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

"In that case, what about fusion?"

Qin Yun's eyes became indifferent. His current strength is still a bit weak. If he wants to suppress the entire chaos, his current strength is not enough.

A Ji family, this is just the beginning.

And the battle just now was nothing more than the soul of the ancestor of the Ji family. If this person's body came, then I might not even have the strength to resist, and would be torn to pieces!

"Please everyone, protect me!"

Qin Yun's deep voice sounded.

"Yes, Emperor!"

After Jiuyou and the others said this, they hurriedly withdrew.

But Long Xing and the others shook their heads slightly!
"Qin Yun, come on!"

The Emperor of Nine Dragons turned around and retreated.

Under the eyes of the sky, Qin Yun is the only one left!

Breathing out a breath of turbid air, Qin Yun sat down cross-legged. The next moment, Qin Yun began to perform his exercises and began to recover. The surrounding spiritual energy gathered towards Qin Yun.


In Qin Yun's body, one after another dragon chant sounded.

Behind Qin Yun, 48 ancestor dragons appeared, and each one of them was extremely terrifying at this moment.

And Qin Yun's body, the No. 40 nine ancestor dragons, seemed to be illusory at any moment!


I don't know how long it has passed, but Qin Yun opened his eyes. At this moment, Qin Yun's aura has stabilized. In Qin Yun's eyes, there is no wave of calm!

The 48 ancestor dragons in Qin Yun's body are extremely quiet at this moment!

"Senior War Spirit!"

"What should I do?"

Qin Yun asked the Eastern Emperor War Spirit.

"You can't go wrong with the fusion of fragments of the heavenly way, and you must not be sloppy in the slightest. If there is a mistake in one step, it may not be your fusion of the chaotic heavenly way!"

"It's that he controls you!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit, a deep voice sounded.


Qin Yun nodded solemnly.

"If you want to merge with him, you have three kinds of power that you can borrow. The first is the power of Emperor Star, and the second is the power of your soul!"

"Other than that, it's the power of your blood!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit spoke again.

"The power of blood?"

Qin Yun paused for a moment. Qin Yun knew the power of Emperor Star, and the power of Life Soul. Qin Yun also knew very well, but the power of his own blood...

"Senior War Spirit, my bloodline..."

"You will know when the time comes!"

Seemingly aware of the doubt in Qin Yun's eyes, the Eastern Emperor War Spirit smiled faintly.

"Wait a moment?"

In Qin Yun's eyes, traces of light flashed across.

"Could it be Daddy Cheap?"

In Qin Yun's mind, the figure of Elder Qin appeared. Although Qin Yun didn't know how strong he was, his intuition told Qin Yun that Elder Qin was definitely not easy!
"Boy, use the power of your life and soul to fuse the fragments of heaven, and then fuse it with your emperor star to completely control his power!"


The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a low voice.

"it is good!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

Immediately, his mind withdrew from the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit, and he closed his eyes. In Qin Yun's sea of ​​consciousness, the soul pill spun slightly, and traces of life soul power surged out.

As for the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit, he retreated following Qin Yun's attention.

The eyes of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit flickered.

"Stinky boy, can the blood of the number one rebel cultivator of chaos be worse? Although the emperor smashed the fragments of the chaos and heaven back then, Mr. Qin..."

Seems to have remembered something, the Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit, a light flashed in his eyes.

His voice also stopped abruptly!

"Little guy, don't say bad things!"

A teasing voice sounded from the Eastern Emperor Bell.

And the Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit's face turned pale when he heard these words!
"Old Qin, this is a misunderstanding..."

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit hurriedly said with a smug smile.

I saw a strange figure appearing in the void, that figure seemed to be in the Eastern Emperor Bell, but upon closer inspection, he didn't seem to be in the Eastern Emperor Bell, or even in this time and space.

"My son, this fragment of the chaotic way of heaven can't help him. Don't say what you shouldn't. Don't talk nonsense, otherwise it will be considered that Emperor Shenwu has come!"

"I will also exile you in the universe!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and the phantom quickly dissipated.

(End of this chapter)

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