Chapter 1449

"What a strong breath!"

Qin Yun's eyes were extremely shocked. The rolling sword intent on Xiao Jiu's body was stronger than any sword intent Qin Yun had ever seen.

This is the real powerhouse!
"Sky Clan!"

"Human Race!"

Qin Yun muttered to himself in his heart.

The Celestial Race and the Human Race seem to be in hostility!

"You are Tianlai's Ancient Swordsman!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and the five elders of the Ji family fell on Xiao Jiu with an indifferent expression.

In his eyes, the slightest killing intent flashed!
Tianlai is the ancestral land of the human race, the ancient swordman of Tianlai is the strongest of the human race, and the Ji family is the celestial clan, and the five elders of the Ji family are the strongest of the celestial clan!
How can enemies not be jealous when they meet each other!

"Yesterday, when I entered the Fish Scale City, I was just waiting for someone here. When the person arrived, I should have left, but unintentionally, I heard the Lord of the Fish Scale City say that you were coming!"

"So, I waited for a few more hours!"

Xiao Jiu, a faint voice sounded.

The ancient sword appeared in his hands at some point, and as he stroked the ancient sword in his hand, there was a hint of obsession in his eyes at this moment.

That appearance, as if the sword in his hand is all he has!

"Castle Master Yuscale, did you kill him?"

The fifth elder of the Ji family said with a cold expression on his face.

"That's right!"

Xiao Jiu agreed with a flat expression.

That appearance, as if killing a fish-scale city lord, how insignificant!
"He killed it!"

Qin Yun gasped. The Lord of the Fish-scaled City was actually killed by Xiao Jiu. This City Lord of the Fish-scaled City was an eighth-class chaos powerhouse.

How strong is Xiao Jiu in front of him who was able to silently kill City Lord Yuscale?

"Senior Zhan Ling, what level is Xiao Jiu's cultivation?"

Qin Yun hurriedly asked the Eastern Emperor War Spirit.

"His cultivation is in the middle of the eighth class!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a low voice.

"The middle stage of the eighth class!"

Qin Yun's eyes flashed.

The cultivation base of the middle stage of the eighth class, but this power seems to be stronger than the fifth elder of the Ji family!
"Tianlai's ancient swordsmen, do you know that this place belongs to my Ji family, if you dare to show up where my Ji family is, you are courting death!"

The Fifth Elder's eyes were icy cold.

"court death?"

Xiao Jiu's eyes were calm and unwavering.

"Master once told me that our ancient sword is of one lineage, and the sword in our hands can drink the blood of all the heavenly clans in the world. I have retreated in the Jiange for seventeen epochs!"

"And you, will become the first soul of the Celestial Clan to fall under my sword after I leave the customs!"

Xiao Jiu's voice was indifferent.

The next moment, Xiao Jiu made a move!

Before the person came out, the sword had been removed, and the ancient sword was trembling, but Qin Yun seemed to feel that countless sharp sword lights were passing by his side!
"Heart Sword!"

The light in Qin Yun's eyes soared.

"Ah ah ah..."

At the same time, fifteen screams sounded behind the five elders on the ground.

I saw these 15 people, as if they were attacked by something.

The whole person fell limply to the ground!
From the corners of their mouths, traces of blood overflowed.

But the aura on them is disappearing.

"All dead!"

In Qin Yun's eyes, he was full of shock. Before the sword was drawn, but fifteen disciples of the Ji family who had completed the seventh class all fell. This is the horror of the ancient sword lineage!
"Heart sword!"

"You are courting death!"

The fifth elder had boundless murderous intent in his eyes, and he never thought that Xiao Jiu had practiced the way of the heart sword, and even he was not prepared when the heart sword came out.

Fifteen disciples of the seventh class of the Ji family fell instantly!



Xiao Jiu, standing on the spot, the ancient sword trembled slightly in his hand, and on the ancient sword, one after another divine lines began to light up.



Qin Yun could only feel countless sword intents raging around his side.

It feels like where I am now.

It was a world of swords, but when I looked around, I found nothing.

"What a strong heart sword!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath, this is the way of the sword, with a single movement of mind, the sword of the heart can kill an enemy thousands of miles away, even the opponent is not even aware of it!
"Bloodthirsty Demon Palm!"

And at this moment, the fifth elder opposite him suddenly had murderous intent in his eyes.

This person shot with one palm.


A huge demonic palm rolled up, and the vast demonic energy spread wildly from this person. The fifth elder, a palm fell on Xiaojiu.


Xiao Jiu, stand where you are.

His body was motionless, as if he hadn't seen the palm of the void.

"not good!"

Qin Yun's expression changed slightly.

The palm of the fifth elder was extremely terrifying. Qin Yun was sure that if this palm fell on him, his whole body would be shattered to pieces!

"I said I want to drink your blood!"

"That must be true!"

A cold and arrogant voice sounded, and just as the bloodthirsty demon's palm was about to fall, Xiao Jiu finally made a move.

On the ancient sword, the rust began to dissipate.

One after another divine lines began to light up.

"Heart Sword Slash!"

An indifferent voice sounded, holding the ancient sword in his hand, Xiao Jiu fell with his sword.


There is no sword light on the ancient sword, but where the ancient sword passes, the chaos is directly shattered, and there seems to be an incomparable sword energy spreading!

"not good!"

In the void, the expression of the Fifth Elder who made the move changed slightly.

Where the ancient sword passed, his bloodthirsty demon palm was actually split in half.

It was as if that sword was unstoppable!


A cold voice sounded, and Xiao Jiu stepped forward suddenly.

And following his step, the long sword that had been chopped down burst out directly.


The ancient sword was too fast, passing directly through the fifth elder's chest.

"You are……"

"Tianlai Xiaojiu!"

The fifth elder looked at Xiao Jiu with startled eyes. At this moment, he seemed to have remembered something, but unfortunately, it was already too late!

"That's right!"

A faint voice sounded, Xiao Jiu waved his hand, and the ancient sword was drawn out.


The fifth elder spurted out blood from his mouth.

His breath slowly dissipated.

In the eyes of the Fifth Elder, there was a hint of unwillingness!


A dull voice sounded, and the Fifth Elder fell directly to the ground!

Qin Yun's mind shook violently.

The fifth elder of the Ji family is dead!

And it was also beheaded by a sword!

"Heart Sword Dao, in Tianlai, I didn't expect someone to inherit the Heart Sword Dao. This is the peerless Sword Dao that killed countless powerful people in ancient times!"

"Born again!"

In Qin Yun's mind, the deep voice of the Eastern Emperor's War Spirit sounded.

"Heart sword!"

Qin Yun muttered to himself.

In Qin Yun's mind, the scene just now was still playing!
It's too strong, the cultivation base is several realms apart, but he was beheaded by a single sword!

Xiao Jiu in front of him is terrifyingly strong!

The entire Yuscale City was eerily quiet. Standing where it was, Qin Yun seemed to feel the slightest traces of sword energy permeating the surroundings.

That sword energy is born from the heart!

 Fifth watch brothers, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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