Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1492 Emperor Star Metamorphosis

Chapter 1492 Emperor Star Metamorphosis
"Tianlai, Suinong!"

The disciples of Qingqiu were overjoyed. The three great ancestral lands of the human race were finally gathered at this moment. With the help of the other two great ancestral lands, it would definitely be much easier for Qin Yun to reshape the chaos!
"Tianlai and Suinong are here!"

In the void, Qin Yun's eyes also lighted up slightly.

If the second great ancestor came here, if he could win the luck of the entire human race, then Qin Yun's strength would skyrocket again!
"But Tianlai Ancient Sword Master?"

Shimen, in front of a figure, also holds a sword in his hand, but unlike Xiao Jiu, this person has no sword intent at all.

The sword in his hand is even more ordinary!

But the strange thing is that the chaotic aura around him can't get close to this person!
Tianlai Ancient Sword Master, the peak master of the sword veins!
In the entire chaos, this person is the pinnacle of existence.


Gu Jianzun smiled faintly.

The next moment, the person's eyes fell into the void.

In the void, Qingqiu Divine Mountain had long since disappeared, leaving only an altar, on which Qin Yun stood proudly.

Rolling avenues and laws spread towards the surroundings.

"Gu Jianzun, pay homage to the young master!"

"Meet the young master!"


The next moment, amidst the stunned expressions of Shimen and others, a group of Tianlai's strong men suddenly knelt down to Qin Yun who was in the void.

Those figures looked at Qin Yun with incomparable respect.

"Little Lord?"

Fairy Xuan, a little dazed.

Only Xiaojiu and Jiankulou looked extremely calm. They seemed to have known the news for a long time.

"When did I become the young master of Tianlai?"

Qin Yun was also stunned!
Young Master Tianlai?

When did I become Tianlai's young master!

"Senior War Spirit..."

Qin Yun said in a low voice.

"Boy, don't ask me, I don't know anything, but this group of Tianlai people are right, you are indeed Tianlai's young master!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a low voice.


Qin Yun took a deep breath.

At this moment, even Qin Yun couldn't believe it in his heart, Young Master Tianlai?So, do you have a relationship with Tianlai?And this relationship is not that simple.

"The young master is in danger, I am late, and I ask the young master to make amends!"

Gu Jianzun, said respectfully.


Qin Yun opened his mouth. At this moment, Qin Yun wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he didn't know what to say.
"I'm really your young master?"

Qin Yun couldn't help asking.


Gu Jianzun, said respectfully.

"Really are!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

Even if I don't believe it, it is absolutely impossible for Tianlai's people to make a mistake, and the ancient sword master in front of him is a peerless power.

How can this person kneel down so respectfully?
"Young Master, this is the Heavenly Cauldron, an artifact sent by me in Tianlai Town. Please refine it, Young Master!"

At this moment, behind Gu Jianzun, an old man stood up.

The old man waved his hand, and an ancient tripod appeared.

On the ancient cauldron, ancient divine patterns appeared. These divine patterns are incomparably different from those on the Human Emperor's Axe. There are also countless human civilizations on it!

Qin Yun's eyes flashed.

What is Tianding?
That is the peerless treasure that suppresses luck in the ancestral land of the human race Tianlai. Once he refines this treasure, Tianlai's luck will fall on him.

Tianlai also has one-third of the luck of the human race!
"Boy, the Tianding has the luck of the human race. Since they recognize you as the young master, why are you being polite? Refining the Tianding, quickly reshape the chaos!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit, a deep voice sounded.

"Little Lord?"

Qin Yun muttered to himself.

At this moment, Qin Yun still couldn't figure it out, but Qin Yun remembered Xiao Jiu. When he was in Yuscale City, Xiao Jiu came to find him.

Thinking about it, if he had nothing to do with Tianlai, how could Xiaojiu come to him?

"Thank you!"

Qin Yun's deep voice sounded, and the next moment, the light in Qin Yun's eyes soared, and with a wave of his hand, a wave of chaos spread, and this power of chaos engulfed the cauldron!

The Heavenly Cauldron flew towards Qin Yun, and then landed beside Qin Yun.

"Senior War Spirit, how to refine this Tianding?"

Qin Yun asked quickly.

"Boy, you already have the ancestral veins of Tianlai on your body, as long as you drop a drop of blood essence on this Tianding, this Tianding will recognize its owner!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a deep voice.

“So easy?”

Qin Yun's eyes lit up, and then a stream of chaotic air flew across, and a bloodstain appeared on Qin Yun's arm, arousing the energy, and a drop of blood essence fell towards the void.


Where the blood essence fell, a violent coercion spread to the surroundings.

In the little essence of blood, countless terrifying scenes even appeared, and countless avenues and laws evolved around the essence of blood!
"What a mysterious blood essence!"

A group of strong men were shocked in their eyes.

That drop of blood seemed to be a piece of the world.


The tripod trembled, and the blood essence fell, and the divine patterns on the tripod immediately raised bright lights, and in a moment, the blood essence was swallowed up!


The Heavenly Cauldron landed on Qin Yun's left.

The Emperor's Ax moved to the right.

The two great treasures floated in the void, and in the void, the already vast and boundless luck had increased several times again at this moment.

"What a strong luck!"

A group of strong men looked up at the void.

Tianlai's people even prostrated themselves on the ground again, looking at Qin Yun in the void one by one, with boundless respect in their eyes, as if that figure was Tianlai's faith!
Qingqiu's disciples are also extremely respectful!

"Two-thirds of the luck of the human race, this kid is really lucky. The luck of the human race has never been gathered together. Today he is the No. 1 of chaos!"

The cheap skeleton has a look of envy in his eyes.

In the chaos, although the Ji family is strong, it is simply not comparable to the human race. This is mainly because the human race has too many disciples.

In the entire chaos, [-]% are strong humans.

The remaining [-]% are people from the Celestial Clan, Monster Clan and other races!


Qin Yun's body, the Emperor Star, rolled again. With two-thirds of the luck coming, the countless lines on Qin Yun's Emperor Star seemed to be changing at this moment!

"Emperor Star, is transforming!"

With a flash of light in Qin Yun's eyes, he devoured one-third of the fragments of the Heavenly Dao, and the Emperor Star had been raised to the ninth rank. With Qin Yun's control of Qingqiu's luck, the Emperor Star had already surpassed the ninth rank.

But at this moment, Dixing began to transform again!

"Senior War Spirit, what will my Emperor Star transform into?"

Qin Yun asked the Eastern Emperor War Spirit.

"I don't know about this either. The exercises you practice are a bit special, and this emperor star is even more mysterious. Maybe it will continue to transform!"

"You will reach an even more terrifying level!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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