Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1529 Purple Fairy's Persecution

Chapter 1529 Purple Fairy's Persecution
Moreover, if they knew that he had taken down the sword formation, the people of the Shentian Clan would never let him go!

"Senior War Spirit, thank you!"

Taking a deep breath, Qin Yun's eyes became firm. The purpose of Qin Yun's entry into the Celestial Clan this time is to improve his cultivation.

And the inheritance of the Nine Swordsman is definitely a good thing for Qin Yun!
"Brother Shura, come out!"

And at this moment, a deep voice sounded from outside.

Hearing this voice, Qin Yun's eyes flashed, and then he quickly retreated from the East Emperor Bell.


Outside, Qin Yun came to his senses.

The voice that came from outside the room was Fatty's.


Qin Yun quickly opened the door.

"Brother Shura, 300 years have passed. The Purple Fairy summoned us to enter the Purple Fairy Palace. If you don't hurry up, I'm afraid you will anger the fairy!"

The fat man looked at Qin Yun and said hastily.

"Enrage the fairy!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath, and then walked out of the room.

He had just talked with the Eastern Emperor Battle Spirit, so he didn't notice the outside world.

"Fatty, thank you for reminding me!"

Qin Yun said with a slight smile.

"Brother Shura, about the medicine garden, can you..."

"Don't worry, it's impossible for me to say anything!"

Qin Yun smiled faintly. How could Qin Yun tell about the matter of the medicine garden? Back then, Qin Yun had benefited a lot from the medicine garden, so if you talk about it, you will cause trouble for yourself!

"Fatty, let's go together!"

Qin Yun's arm rested on the fat man's shoulder.

"Brother Shura, thank you!"

The fat man was full of gratitude. Seeing this scene, Qin Yun couldn't help grinning. If this fat man knew that he was responsible for the incident in the medicine garden, I don't know what he would look like!
"Walk around..."

Qin Yun, with his arms around the fat man's shoulders, walked outside.

In a moment, the figures of the two had disappeared in the small courtyard.

An hour later.

A gorgeous palace appeared in front of Qin Yun. The Purple Immortal Palace, this was the main hall of the Purple Fairy. There were already more than a dozen figures standing on the main hall, only Qin Yun and Fatty were left behind.

"Both of you, hurry up!"

In front of the main hall, an ancient emperor said coldly.

"Yes Yes!"

Qin Yun and the two followed.

In the main hall, Purple Fairy was sitting on the main seat. Today's Purple Fairy, wearing a long purple dress, sat on the main seat with a majestic and boundless body. The people below didn't even dare to take a second look.

"Boy, this Purple Fairy is only one step away from becoming the Gu Zun's sky pattern!"

In Qin Yun's mind, the voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit sounded.

"You can also detect this?"

Hearing this voice, Qin Yun was slightly taken aback.

"Boy, what is this? Unless it is a strong person above Gu Zun, I can find out their cultivation base!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said with a cold and arrogant face.

"Above the Ancient Zun!"

Qin Yun laughed.

Above the ancient statue?

There is only one person in the entire God Heaven Clan, that is God Heaven Ancestor!

"I tell the fairy, all the people have arrived, a total of 15 people!"

At this moment, an ancient emperor stepped forward and said respectfully.


On the main seat, Fairy Zi paused for a moment, then opened her eyes.

Purple Fairy's eyes swept over everyone, and as Purple Fairy's eyes swept over, a group of people quickly lowered their heads.

Even Qin Yun's heart trembled slightly.

It felt like the whole person had been seen through.

"not bad!"

A cold voice resounded in the void.

Purple Fairy stood up from her seat.

"All of you will participate in the grand ceremony on behalf of this fairy. Those who have reached the perfection of the ancient king can directly enter the semi-finals, and those who have reached the peak can participate in the battle from the second round!"

Purple Fairy, a faint voice sounded.

"You guys, did you hear that?"

"heard it!"

A group of figures quickly agreed.

At this moment, Qin Yun's eyes also flickered.

It turns out that this grand ceremony can still be like this!

Directly from the second round, that is to say, the people who fought in the first round were all under the peak of Gu Jun. There are probably a lot of people who got through the first round!
"Go on, this time the battle, this fairy will personally watch the battle!"

Looking at the group of people, Purple Fairy said lightly.

"Yes Yes!"

One after another, they turned and retreated.

"Sura, stay!"

But just when Qin Yun was about to leave, a deep voice suddenly sounded in Qin Yun's mind. Hearing this voice, the light in Qin Yun's eyes suddenly brightened.

Purple Fairy, leave him alone!
Why leave yourself?

Qin Yun's eyes flickered slightly, is his identity leaked?Or was the matter in the medicine garden discovered by the Purple Fairy?
At this moment, Qin Yun had already mentioned it in his heart.

"Boy, why don't you go?"

Fatty looked at Qin Yun in a daze and said.

"you go first!"

Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"oh oh!"

Fatty turned around and went out. In the main hall, one after another figures receded. For a moment, only Qin Yun and Zi Xianzi were left.

In the main hall, the silence was a little scary!
Purple Fairy was lazily sitting on the main seat, her slender body was undoubtedly revealed at this moment, but Qin Yun didn't have the heart to observe this scene which is difficult for ordinary people to see.

Qin Yun's heart was secretly running!

"Sura, come from Imperial Dragon City!"

Purple Fairy, the voice sounded.

"That's right!"

Qin Yun said in a deep voice.

"In the Imperial Dragon City, you suddenly appeared, and even I couldn't find out your identity, and after entering the Shentian City from the Imperial Dragon City, you directly entered the arena!"

"In the arena, you have won [-] games in a row!"

"Three of them were battles at the same level, and you killed them with one blow, and ten of them were battles that leapfrogged the level. There was even one person who was at the late stage of Gu Jun, but was beheaded by your perfect cultivation at the beginning of ancient times!"

"I said it, didn't I?"

Purple Fairy, the faint voice sounded again.

At this moment, Fairy Zi stood up straight away, looking at Qin Yun with indifference.

"That's right!"

Qin Yun's voice was extremely low.

Purple Fairy's eyes fell. At this moment, Qin Yun felt a terrible pressure descending. Qin Yun's palms were already drenched!
The pressure was too great, Qin Yun's cultivation was at the peak of the ancient emperor, and Fairy Zi was the perfect existence of the ancient emperor, even with half a foot, he stepped into the realm of the ancient emperor.

The gap between the two is really too big!
"Boy, something is wrong!"

The voice of the Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit sounded.

At this moment, the Eastern Emperor's battle spirit also hid itself, and the immortal lamp soul firmly enveloped Qin Yun's life and soul tower, as if he was afraid that Qin Yun's aura would leak out.

"It is an honor for our Celestial Clan to have such an arrogance!"

At this moment, the voice of Purple Fairy sounded again.


Qin Yun's eyes flickered slightly.

But the next moment, Qin Yun's expression suddenly changed.

"In Yaozun Medicine Garden, is it you?"

Looking at Qin Yun, Fairy Zi asked indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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