Asura Heavenly Emperor Art

Chapter 1533 Entering the 3rd Round

Chapter 1533 Entering the Third Round

"What do you mean?"

The man froze for a moment, but the next moment, the light in his eyes suddenly brightened.

"you dare!"

A sound of shock and anger sounded, and the man's body quickly backed away. At this moment, Qin Yun directly shot at him.

The power of the gods and heaven vibrated out, and the person only felt that his body was hit by a powerful force.

The next moment, the person's body flew upside down.


The person's body fell directly to the ground.


Under the arena, this person's eyes were full of anger, and cold air flickered.

This person wanted to go to the arena, but unfortunately, he was blocked by a barrier before he got close to the arena.

"Boss is going down..."

"This kid knocked the boss down!"

"He'll go down too!"


The rest of the people were stunned for a moment, but after a while, they all became angry.

Beside the arena, they thought that Qin Yun would go down obediently.

But who knew, Qin Yun not only didn't go down, but also directly blasted their boss out!
"Brother Shura!"

The fat man was also stunned. Qin Yun's movements were too fast, and he never expected that Qin Yun would be so decisive that he would directly blow this person away.

This time, Qin Yun directly offended Qi Yunzun!

In the void, in the billowing clouds.

"Brother Qi Yun, your man fell from the second round!"

A faint voice sounded, a rough man with a smile on his face.

The skin on this person's body was fiery red, but upon closer inspection, there were many fiery red runes on the fiery red skin.

These runes, like flames, are burning!

Huoyan Zun, the same ancient Zun strong.

Next to Huoyanzun is Qiyunzun. Besides these two, there are many other people in the void. These people seem to be watching the battle.

But Huo Yanzun said this just now because Qin Yun sent Qi Yunzun's people flying!
"This kid is very nice!"

Qi Yunzun's voice was extremely low, and not far away, there was a beautiful figure with unparalleled coldness and arrogance in his eyes.

This person's eyes also fell on a figure on the ring.

This beautiful figure is none other than Fairy Purple!

"Who is he from?"

Seemingly reminded of something, Huoyan Zun suddenly asked.

"This person has a very strange face. He should have just come to Shentian City not long ago. If you don't want it, I will take this kid!"

There was a soft laugh, and a young man was seen, holding a blue knife in his hand, looking at everyone with a smile.

"Cold Sword Lord!"

The expressions of a group of people changed slightly.

Although this person looks like a young man, none of the ancient masters in the void would dare to underestimate this person.

Han Dao Zun, that is definitely one of the peak powerhouses of the Gods and Heaven Clan!
"He's mine!"

A cold voice sounded, and Zi Xianzi, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"It turned out to be Zi Fairy's person, no wonder!"

"Purple Fairy has really good eyesight!"


A group of people laughed.

Master Han Dao frowned slightly, but when he looked at the beautiful figure, Master Han Dao sighed slightly.

That figure, that is the peerless existence of the ten ancient venerables who proved the way.

Once the proof is successful, the status of the Purple Fairy in the God and Heaven Clan will definitely not be lower than him, and one day it will even be stronger than him!
At the same time, on the ring.

"Get off!"

One after another cold voices sounded, looking at the group of people surrounding him, Qin Yun didn't bother to be polite at this moment, his figure disappeared in a flash, and Qin Yun directly blasted them all away.

"Bang bang bang!"

Fatty only felt a blur in front of his eyes.

In a moment, a group of people all flew out backwards.

"This is the end?"

In the arena, the fat man looked at Qin Yun stupidly. Isn't this too fast?
Those were existences of the same realm, and they were thrown down by Qin Yun just like that. This group of people seemed to have no resistance at all!


Looking at the fat man, Qin Yun smiled faintly.

On the ring, the expressions of the other warriors also changed slightly.

Qin Yun's combat power is a bit terrifying!
Leaving behind a dozen ancient masters with ease, Qin Yun's combat power is definitely not low. At this moment, no one is willing to provoke Qin Yun, the evil star again!
Besides, this is only the second round, there is no need to fight Qin Yun.

On the arena, figures continued to fall down, but at this moment, a very strange scene appeared. No one dared to take a step forward at the edge of the arena where Qin Yun was!
As for Qin Yun, he was also happy and leisurely, but the fat man looked at Qin Yun in a daze!

"Brother Shura, what level is your cultivation?"

Seemingly reminded of something, Fatty asked in a low voice.

Easily throwing down several warriors who were at the peak of Gu Jun, this method, even if Gu Jun is perfect, it can't be done, right?
If it weren't for Qin Yun's aura, he would indeed be at the peak of Gu Jun.

The fat man at this moment even suspects that Qin Yun has already surpassed the realm of the ancient monarch!

"Peak Gu Jun!"

Qin Yun smiled faintly.

The appearance of the fat man did not surprise Qin Yun at all. This fat man is someone who bullies the weak and fears the hard. However, Qin Yun doesn't care. After all, the fat man has helped him a lot!
"Is it really the peak of Gujun?"

Fatty asked again with certainty.

"That's right!"

Qin Yun nodded.

"This is too perverted!"

The fat man couldn't bear it, and said a word.


Qin Yun's face darkened. Did the fat man insult him or praise him?
"The second round is over!"

After a while, a deep voice sounded, and the second round was finally over.

Both Qin Yun and Fatty entered the third round.

"Hey hey, I'm in the third round!"

The fat man smiled all over his face, while the others looked at the fat man enviously.

Fatty's cultivation was only at the late stage of Gu Jun, if he hadn't followed Qin Yun, he might have gone down a long time ago.

"Fat man, go!"

Qin Yun gave a low drink, and after a while, Qin Yun walked towards the periphery.

The first and second rounds are primary elections, which are also the most chaotic, but Qin Yun knows that it will not be so easy as you go to the back.

Even if there is a shady scene, but to enter the top [-], it is definitely not a shady scene, it can be decided.

Otherwise, the Celestial God Clan would not have grown to this level, but would have perished long ago!
"oh oh!"

Fatty, quickly follow.

After a while, the two returned to their small courtyard.

At this moment, Shentian City also became noisy, entering the third round, there were only a few thousand people.

In the arena, Qin Yun left a dozen or so people behind, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

in the courtyard.

"Brother Shura, someone is looking for you!"

Qin Yun was cultivating, but Fatty's voice came. Hearing Fatty's voice, Qin Yun quickly stood up.

"Find me?"

A light flashed in Qin Yun's eyes.

"Boy, this is the Celestial God Clan. Be careful, kid. The combat power leaked out in the arena is already ranked among the top among the Celestial God Clan. Now, it's hard for you to think about peace!"

In Qin Yun's mind, the voice of the Eastern Emperor's battle spirit came.

(End of this chapter)

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