Chapter 1537

"Gu Zun!"

Qin Yun narrowed his eyes slightly. The spectator platform was higher than the ring, which meant that the people above the spectator platform were extremely noble.

This group of people are all Gu Zun!

"17 people!"

Qin Yun took a deep breath.

This is definitely Qin Yun's first encounter with the seventeen ancient masters.

"Boy, be careful!"

The Eastern Emperor's Battle Spirit said in a low voice.


Qin Yun nodded.

On the spectator platform, more than a dozen people were also watching Qin Yun.

"Purple Fairy, I want to congratulate you this time!"

An old man with flames smiled at Fairy Zi. The eyes of the old man with flames were looking at Qin Yun at the moment. There seemed to be flames rising from the old man's eyes, which was very mysterious.

"Flame Venerable is too polite!"

Fairy Zi smiled faintly. Among the dozen or so people present, she was the only one who hadn't reached the Ancient Venerable Realm. The reason why she was able to stand here was because of her terrifying combat power.

Beheading nine ancient venerables and obtaining nine ancient venerable celestial patterns, she is also a supreme existence in the entire god celestial clan.

She is naturally qualified to stand here!
"Fairy, why don't you give this kid to me, and I can give you an ancient sky pattern?"

At this moment, the voice of a young man standing at the back of the crowd sounded.

As the young man opened his mouth, snow began to fall in the void, and the temperature in the void dropped several degrees in an instant.

"Cold Sword Lord!"

As the boy opened his mouth, everyone's expressions changed a few times in an instant.

On the spectator platform, although everyone is an ancient master, there are rankings. Naturally, this ranking is closely related to their strength.

This young man ranks third among the ancient masters of the Divine Heaven Clan!

Cold Sword Venerable.

One knife out, the world is cold!
"An ancient sky pattern?"

Purple Fairy's eyes flickered slightly, an ancient sky pattern, which was of great value to her.

This thing can directly raise her cultivation base to the realm of the ancient venerable.

Now she is only one sky mark away!

"Purple Fairy is still unwilling?"

Master Han Dao frowned slightly.

Others are afraid of Purple Fairy's talent, but he doesn't have it. When he was promoted to the ancient venerable at the beginning, he also beheaded ten ancient venerables and obtained ten ancient venerable sky patterns to advance.

In his eyes, Purple Fairy is the younger generation.

He was able to take out an ancient venerable sky pattern in exchange, which was considered very sincere.

"Senior Brother Han Dao's kindness, Junior Sister appreciates it, but whether you are willing or not, it depends on Shura's own wishes!"

Purple Fairy, a faint voice sounded.

"Own will?"

On the viewing platform, it became quiet for an instant, and Master Han Dao also frowned.

Fairy Zi knew her wish. Three days ago, he sent his disciples to recruit Qin Yun, but Qin Yun refused even to meet him.

At this moment, of course he knows, Zi Fairy, this is also rejecting him!
"The fairy wants him to enter the secret realm of the gods and heaven and take that thing?"

Master Han Dao said in an indifferent voice.

It is not difficult to guess the purpose of Fairy Zi, who does not even need an ancient sky pattern, but wants Qin Yun. If such a talented disciple enters the secret realm of the gods and heavens, it will be much easier to win the inheritance of the Nine Swordsman!

"That thing?"

The eyes of a group of people flickered. Among the dozen or so ancient venerables present, except for the cold sword venerable, the other ancient venerables had never seen the horror of the Nine Swordsman.

But they have heard about the horror of the Nine Swordsman.

How terrifying it is for nine sword masters to block dozens of peerless ancient masters.

Whoever wins this inheritance will become the peak existence of the Celestial God Clan!
"Brother Handao doesn't want it?"

Purple Fairy smiled sweetly, she is indeed different at this moment.

In the beginning, she only wanted Qin Yun to take down an ancient sky pattern, but now Qin Yun's talent is so terrifying.

It is really possible to win that inheritance!

Master Han Dao snorted coldly. Of course he wanted the inheritance of Master Nine Swords. Compared with other ancient masters, he knew more about the horror of that battle back then.

In that battle, he had just reached the early stage of Gu Zun, and he didn't even have the qualifications to participate in the battle, but he saw with his own eyes that dozens of seniors besieged the nine people, and in the end, instead of hurting the nine people, they were beheaded Several people were killed!

Those nine people are too scary!

In the end, if it wasn't for Shentianzu's attack, I am afraid that the Shentian clan would have been wiped out!

"Stop arguing, you two. You are just a disciple. There are so many arrogances in our God and Celestial Clan. If this kid can bring out the inheritance of the Nine Swordsman!"

"That's certainly a good thing!"

An ancient venerable, smiled and rounded things up.

"That's right!"

The other ancient venerables also laughed.

But watching the battle, the atmosphere was a bit weird at the moment. A group of people were laughing, but their eyes were slightly flickering.

Who doesn't want the inheritance of the Nine Swordsman?
on the ring.

"More than 1 people!"

Qin Yun grinned. It's already the third round, but there are still more than 1 people. These 1 people participated in the third and fourth rounds of battle. In the end, there were only 1000 people left!
"Brother Shura, congratulations first!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the fat man said in a deep voice.

"Fatty, you are..."

Qin Yun was slightly taken aback.

"Brother Shura, you don't even know the rules of engagement this time, do you?"

Seeing Qin Yun's expression, the fat man was also taken aback for a moment.

"This one……"

Qin Yun smiled awkwardly. He really didn't know the rules. Qin Yun had been practicing during this time. As for the previous Ceremony of the Gods and Heavenly Clan, Qin Yun had never heard of it.

"You're such a freak too!"

Fatty couldn't help muttering, among the gods and heavenly clan, Qin Yun was a person with terrifying talent but who didn't even know basic common sense, Fatty was definitely the first one to meet.

"The third round is the ring battle, and it's the ring battle. Did you see that when the time comes, all of us will draw lots. There will be a group of more than a dozen people, and there will only be two promotion places in a group!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the fat man said in a deep voice.

"You mean, this allocation is random?"

Qin Yun frowned.

A team has two places, but there are more than a dozen people. The difficulty of advancing is indeed a bit high.

"Brother Shura, you can go in this time, but I'm afraid I'm about to be eliminated!"

"I'll be waiting for you below!"

Looking at Qin Yun, the fat man said in a deep voice.


Qin Yun paused for a moment.

"Fatty, come on!"

Qin Yun said a few words, that's all he can say at this moment.

If they couldn't be divided into a group, then Qin Yun had no choice but to help Fatty, and he could only rely on himself.


The fat man nodded, and the two walked onto the ring.

"The third round of the battle, the lottery will start now. This time, the world guard battle will be divided into two thousand guard battlegrounds. Each team will have 12 people, and two of them will be able to advance!"

"As long as one of them defends the ring to the sixth, he can advance!"

"The second person who defends the ring to the end can also advance!"

A deep voice sounded, and a moment later, a jade tablet appeared in the hands of Qin Yun and others.

(End of this chapter)

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